Its the end. Your freedom as a human being has ended. Bill Gates tricked us all.
Welcome to new reality. The anti-christ is upon us.
Its the end. Your freedom as a human being has ended. Bill Gates tricked us all.
Welcome to new reality. The anti-christ is upon us.
Other urls found in this thread:
>look this little microchip can keep track of your vaccines
>look the 2nd generation can even work like a debit card
>isn't it just more convenient to have your wallet on you at all times
>rather than carry a bulky peace of leather that could be lost
>ohh noo, the corona is causing the economy to plummet, better switch to worldwide crypto
>now the chip is even more convenient
>ohh noo, so many people are using the chip that physical cards are no longer accepted
>better get chipped or you're fucked
Surely I could just have a card with the chip
>but that's not convenient enough
>get with the (((times))) old man
>muh chip implant
The phone in your pocket does everything such a chip could do and more, and you carry it around willingly.
There's no point in going to the hospital if they don't offer a helpful treatment. Bongs and Italians have already disclosed that some doctors aren't even trying to save their older patients alive anymore. The media, finance, politicians, and medical industry are liars and traitors.
So why does he need the chip?
exactly, eat shit
they will have to kill me before they put a chip in me. this shit is fucking nefarious
That goes against (((federal))) regulations. Do not resist. You must comply
Whatever. I'm not getting one, and they can't make me. IDGAF if they kill me because that's an instant trip to Heaven.
Everyone dies, but not everyone gets to live forever.
Just say no, kids. Or ”I do not consent”.
Based leaf. Also, the “health tracking” aspect of this is what will push it through and cause it to be accepted.
>but how can the chip scan your body’s health or confirm you’ve received the (((vaccine))) if it’s outside in your pocket
>refuses (((chip)))
We’ve got a non-chippy!!! He might have the coronavirus! We can’t be confirm if he’s been (((vaccinated))) without the chip! He’s a threat to the rest of us! Off the the gulag you go
gee, thanks, meme flag
Don't want the chip? That's fine, you won't be able to buy, sell, travel, or enter populated areas. For public safety of course. Don't you remember the 2020 epidemic?
what phone...
>What happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?
Well, since the AntiChrist will not win this war, his time will come soon enough.
Fuck Bill Gates.
well technically the bible says the rapture will come before the first man receives the mark. so, if people get the (((mark))) and you're still here you can kiss your sorry beliefs goodbye because its wrong. if you knew anything about your own doctrine you stupid fucking schizo.
DESU tech retards come up with dumbest solutions for non-problems ever. If its just the question Vaccinated yes/no then fucking get a tat or leave a scar like the old smallpox ones did. You could tell at a glance. Nobody has to listen to Bill's vision of the future fuck him and his idiocy.
"What are you, an evil hate ful Christian racist RACIST RAC- *screeches the word racist over and over again for 5 minutes* "
"our glorious messiah said only evil Christians would refuse it, take the mark."
Wasn't Obama supposed the be the anti-christ? And also every democrat before him? Sure does seem like you retards have a difficult time picking out the anti-christ...
you some kind of pretrib false prophet listener?
Or work and you will get chipped after you become state property after trying to survive. Being homeless sir can i have some food Officer this Corona leaper is bothering me.
It's fucked up but normal niggers gonna Goose step after their time out April Hoax
where does it say that?
Seethe more atheist neckbeard scum
why don't you try reading it mongoloid.
t. ex protestant
People are already getting chipped. So you're wrong about what the mark really is. I'm not clear how it all works, but some say it is related to signing an oath to the new world or some shit like that, and it will be written in your blood somehow.
The Mark of the Beast is going to control all free will through a quantum supercomputer that interacts with The Mark.
fuck bill gates then
>the bible says the rapture will come before the first man receives the mark
$100 says you can't prove this.
They are building a new type of quantum supercomputer at the Foxconn plant in Racine, Wisconsin that uses an unbelievable amount of water from the Great Lakes.
>So why does he need the chip?
To brand the cattle more effectively. This is them consolidating their gains on NPC minds. Think about the demoralization effect of allowing someone to do this to you - you'll allow them to do anything.
>left behind
never watched it and never will.
weak energy meme over here
i don't care about your opinion im telling you what the bible says the rapture happens before the mark is put in place.
Well it was rhetorical but sure I agree.
>i don't care about your opinion im telling you what the bible says the rapture happens before the mark is put in place.
1) cite it
2) the rapture may not even be what you think it is
Thank god I thought I was the only one
The trick is to make us think they have not completed the dystopia yet when they already did
Wow what a fucken schizo. You need to be medicated or put in a home
Oops I brushed it up against a hi powered magnet now it's useless.
"take the mark" *slap
"taaaake iiiit, love iiiiiit" *slap*
Do you not want the chip because of religious reasons or privacy concerns? Why wouldn't you accept the chip if you knew once you got it your life would immediately be better?
What part of 'cannot buy or sell' do you not understand?
no they are moving incrementally towards total control and enslavement. it's going to get worse. you wont be allowed to just leave your phone at home for very much longer. they are going to know where you are and what you are thinking at all times. that is the end game. total control from cradle to grave and beyond.
obviously it's both. the privacy concerns aren't unrelated to why it's forbidden in Christiantiy. However this transcends privacy concerns. As soon as they have a powerful enough quantum computer they can integrate it with long existing technology that can completely control peoples nervous systems.
for example:
Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.
>Type: Grant
>Filed: June 1, 2001
>Date of Patent: January 14, 2003
>Inventor: Hendricus G. Loos
why? to enslave better? are we not already enslaved?
more examples:
Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems
>Apparatus and method for remote manipulation of nervous systems by the magnetic dipole field of a rotating bar magnet. Reliance on modulation of spontaneous spiking patterns of sensory nerve receptors, and exploitation of a resonance mechanism of certain neural circuits, allows the use of very weak magnetic fields. This, together with the large magnetic moments that can be obtained with a permanent bar magnet, makes it possible to effectively manipulate the nervous system of a subject over a distance of several hundred meters, using a small portable battery-powered device. The method can be used in law enforcement for standoff situations.
Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems
>Apparatus and method for manipulating the nervous system of a subject by applying to the skin a pulsing external electric field which, although too weak to cause classical nerve stimulation, modulates the normal spontaneous spiking patterns of certain kinds of afferent nerves. For certain pulse frequencies the electric field stimulation can excite in the nervous system resonances with observable physiological consequences. Pulse variability is introduced for the purpose of thwarting habituation of the nervous system to the repetitive stimulation, or to alleviate the need for precise tuning to a resonance frequency, or to control pathological oscillatory neural activities such as tremors or seizures. Pulse generators with stochastic and deterministic pulse variability are disclosed, and the output of an effective generator of the latter type is characterized.
I don't want a death chip
imagine if devices like this were integrated with a quantum computer with enough processing power to handle millions of people at once?
Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
> In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders.
How the fuck would've be better? You fuckin shill- KYS.
I will not accept the mark of the beast. It would figure that fucking cunt, gates is behind it. I hope he dies of the most painful ass cancer.
yes. you still have control over your thoughts. they intend to take even that from you.
>mUh sHAdOW JeEZuS!
Fucking kys christkek
I bet they can just cause feelings of unease, or discomfort, or irrational fear with this. I doubt it can do much more. certainly not complete ideation of things that weren't there to begin with. maybe put people into more suggestiblr states.
I would bet that's why CNN works so well on boomers. a combination of these rf signal bio jacking, hypnotic wordplay, I've noticed the eyes of newscasters are always centered, bright, unnaturally white, and hypnotic.
Yep this is the path they are planning
its what protestants believe. I'm not a scholar. i don't think its pervatem written like that in the bible and i won't lie and say it. im hoping those that are christians can confirm cause ive had this talk with many those that have studied it confirm the rapture happens, and then tribulations happens and the mark happens during tribulation but the saved wont be present at that time. either you don't know your doctrine, you don't believe what most protestants do, or you're trying to protect the sheep and yourself in this thread from fearing about their faith. but i really dislike it if you're just acting stupid and being intellectually dishonest for the sake of questionable beliefs.
It doesn't release poison into your blood stream if you go against the status quo or are infected with wrong think. It makes you infertile tho that shits the same.
unironically fully expect it SOON
look into bugging out, take a bible with you. i will literally be heading south once it goes down.
Retard believes a pre tribulation rapture.
According to the Bible there are more then one antichrist. Not saying I dont get your point.
>I bet they can just cause feelings of unease, or discomfort, or irrational fear with this. I doubt it can do much more. certainly not complete ideation of things that weren't there to begin with. maybe put people into more suggestiblr states.
>I would bet that's why CNN works so well on boomers. a combination of these rf signal bio jacking, hypnotic wordplay, I've noticed the eyes of newscasters are always centered, bright, unnaturally white, and hypnotic.
yes, but this is old tech. its also far from their only tool like this. they can beam voices into your head, as another example. Here is the patent for it:
and they could make you see things as early as early as 1958:
they could read your mind by the year 2000:
with enough processing power you could potentially read everyones mind at once without interruption.
shit. I hope you're wrong. I'll start preparing. honestly.
The mark is enforced Sunday worship irs a spiritual mark. The pope has already called for this to fight climate change. The rfid/digital currency is how they will enforce it but we still have probably a few years maybe before shit starts getting serious.
Humanity is just a bike helmet for consciousnesses to mature and grow. Just keep peddling the reincarnation cycle till your confident enough to remove the training wheels balance equilibrium on your own.
>its what protestants believe.
>you don't know your doctrine
i do not care what other people believe and i did not get here on faith. it doesn't take a genius to be able to see that with enough processing power and the technology that has been available for decades, you could set up a mass mind control apparatus that could control millions of people at once, especially if it were physically integrated with their bodies.
>they can beam voices into your head
No stupid that's just demonic influence not technology. If you stop sinning, rebuke the voices in the name of Christ they go away. Usually they will tempt you into shit but sometimes they are tricky. Right now I'm fighting with one who says he's the archangel Michael. He told me to quit smoking cigs if i wanted to see the second coming (which I did because it was sound advice) but be very wary of these situations and pray for verification never have blind faith. Lucifer can come as an angel of light don't forget.
Coronavirus will be the foundation myth of the 21st century, same as WW2 was the previous foundation myth.
sure but this has nothing to do with protestant faith and the coming of jesus.
Major backpill desu. Its ogre.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Golden idol of Moloch appears in Rome and suddenly we are moving to the next chapter of revelations. If you are of faith pray to Christ that God's will be done and the children are saved.
look at the patent moron. maybe demons can do it too, but there's no denying that technology existed to beam a voice into your brain by the 1960's.
>sure but this has nothing to do with protestant faith and the coming of jesus.
irrelevant if it were true, but it's not. a global tracking system and control grid is either the mark of the beast as predicted in the bible, or was reverse engineered to fit what the bible says. either way, calling it the mark of the beast is appropriate.
well then it has nothing to do with the protestant faith. is that better schizo?
because you'll burn in hell for all eternity if you get the chip, user. didn't you know?
Yeah because really it has everything to do with the second coming of Christ and Christianity not Protestantism which is an offshoot of Catholicism which is an off shoot of synagogue of Satanism.
If you think that technology is usable without demonic influence you are deceived. The only one who knows a man's heart is Christ Jesus.
The chip isn't the mark, enforced Sunday worship is. It's like no one here has read the bible
im never buying windows or a computer with windows again