Post your tastiest treats from our friends in the East.

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Have a bump

I wonder what one of the dogs would cost.

I wonder if dogs are smart enough to recognize a skinned off, butchered dog as such. Would they eat it? Do they realize that's what lies ahead for them?


Dogs can see when other dogs are harmed or killed. I am sure they have a lot of doggie depression.

If given the meat outright, they probably wouldn't. Same way if I cut off a square of a person's meat and call it flank steak, you probably wouldn't tell the difference either.

There's a video out there of the dogs freaking the fuck out after seeing the charred remains of another, so I assume they would realize if there were any dog-like features.

can someone tell me why is Yas Forums so racist to asians lately?
singapore has the highest gdp in the world and the chinese built the nation

Dogs have looked after our species since the dawn of time.

Nuke the bastards.

Attached: fuckingdemons.webm (368x640, 668.04K)

Why does it matter why?
Actually, Yas Forums is mostly not being racist. It's just that most of this shit is the truth. The reason corona even became a thing is because the chinks fucking eat live rat babies dipped in oil.

Attached: literallydemonic.webm (594x716, 2.64M)

Attached: literallydemons.webm (480x640, 1.91M)

When your ingredients fight back

Attached: pitbull.webm (960x540, 1.98M)

"Asians" are not people; they're soulless, small-dicked robotic faggots.

Attached: avg chink.png (883x837, 55.76K)

>There's a video out there of the dogs freaking the fuck out

Wow, that's interesting

Can't even figure out a way to hit the dogs with out hitting the guy in the street

you are being racist for no reason
would soulles robots build pic related?

Attached: 500px-Singapore_Panorama_v2.jpg (500x237, 51.1K)

Attached: china dog meat.webm (853x480, 2.25M)

>t. Xiaoping

>an ugly city

These are overseas chinese. Totally different from the dog-basting peasants elsewhere in the tread.

Nice. Shame no zoom when they bite his face off.

BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want my BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A single one of those dogs is worth more than that chinks entire fucking race.

the world should end chinka. obviously subhumans

we should have nuked your whole island

Anyone who cooks dogs should be gutted and left to bleed out in the street. Given the chance, I'd unironically execute one of these bugmen


they probably wouldnt they can see other dogs are hurt but i dont Think they can identify skinned corpses

also gas chink faggots.

Mainland China vietnam and few south koreans are soulles nigger faggots
the rest of asia is fine imo.

based chink driver didnt Help and just uploaded the footage instead
imagine being this based with bugmen all around you.

Behind every successful virus is a strong woman who needs no safety precautions

Attached: ShiZhengli.jpg (1280x720, 115.08K)

Don;t nuke china
fucking napalm it

Linea, destroyer of worlds. Figures its a woman

You talk a big game there Joe. Hey, don't forget your check to Israel lol

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We have to rescue the dogs first

Napalm/nuke clusterbomb hybrid. Tie a shit load of them togeather somehow in to some fucked up grapeshot from hell. Its what they deserve and then some.

The chinks do that on purpose. They kill dogs in front of each other and make sure the living dogs can smell the other dogs cooking. Then they torture them and cook them alive. They think the fear makes the meat taste better.

fuck chinamen

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every time you think you have seen the worst of chinese animal abuse, there is always a new video

why would anyone like chinks? serous question

Why tf didn't we let the japs exterminate the Chinese?

>city looks like any other clone of an american city
Yes, copying the white man is exactly what a soulless robot would do

They don't give a shit about what you and some posters on a mongolian basket weaving forum have to say. Pretty baste

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jews wanted you to die to protect their capital, that involved you fighting germany and by extension japan

>racist to asians lately?
Have you been paying the slightest bit of attention to what China has unleashed on the world? Jesus H


doggo ribs look tasty
sweet n sour mmmm

Holy fuck are you a retarded shill lol

Filthy chinks don't even bother killing their food now they just eat it alive

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kill yourself

dude these are the same chinks that eat late term abortions and stillborn kids they don't have souls the don't see the difference between normal animals to eat and being litteral cannibals

Welp that does it I love China now.

Attached: 1585439680197.webm (540x960, 2.92M)

If Singapore has dog-buffet wet markets they can burn too.
Just look at this Chinese soup

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>Why tf didn't we let the japs exterminate the Chinese?

In WWII, mistakes were made...such as picking the wrong side.

>tfw you realize Tienanmen Square, New Tang Dynasty, Radio Free Asia, and the Hong Kong protests are just the Jews trying to break down Chinese society like they did here


The Chinese don't have a society.

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He's a paid troll trying to rile support for a war against China, just ignore the anti-asian posters

Yes, that's the sickest thing

Why do you abuse this word?

Whatever, we're stuck with the Han Chinese whether we like it or not.