Shall we play a game Yas Forums?
Without cheating, try to guess the country of origin of the photo, x2 points if you name the city and country.
Image 1. You are welcome to make submissions to this game as well.
Hardmode: anywhere in Africa. it all looks like a shit hole.
Attached: guess.jpg (2560x1920, 1.12M)
Many of you wont guess this one correctly
Attached: article-2422963-1BDD6DF3000005DC-41_634x389.jpg (634x389, 82.14K)
Some dingy town in one of the dakotas. A few miles away from a Casino (on an injun reservation)
Louisville Kentucky
Attached: history-still-v2-5.jpg (1200x800, 257.4K)
downtown E. St Louis. too easy.
US is correct.
Nope to the city.
good guess but no
good guess but no. think western europe
I see a palm, so I'll assume somewhere in cali
Damn. The beauty supply shops made me know it was some sort of black area.
East St. Louis, Illinois, USA
Attached: 1583602948568.jpg (1200x1530, 613.5K)
ding ding.
google search this one.
Attached: where.jpg (1876x1080, 619.67K)
Too generic to make an accurate assesment. It could a shitty area in almost any country.
is that little haiti by miami?
Idk. Western europe doesnt look like this. Sardinia?
Close. But yes miami, FL is the winner
Nope. Correct country though!
Chicago or Pitsburg/ United States
Renault in the forefront, cars parked as if they were driving on the left hand side. My brain says Malta or Cyprus, but my heart says U.K.
Collinsville Avenue in downtown East St. Louis, Illinois, to be specific.
France ? Idk there is a Renault car so taking my chance
Oh wait it's not. Sorry was just pulling from my architecture folder.
guess this one what country and region fuck posting gay ghettos
Attached: europe.jpg (1892x877, 901.74K)
last photo was too hard. this is a major city in the western hemisphere.
Attached: where2.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)
>tfw dad drives a renault megane
Attached: 1582857392760.jpg (251x260, 5.48K)
looks like guadalupe, mexico
Attached: 3453464363.jpg (750x607, 108.28K)
gotta be. niggered and Casino Queen
Looks like a small town in ontario Canada
Mine too botha
Attached: C59BECEE-9B6F-4E4F-9EF1-2570058C66A2.png (724x1022, 738.44K)
who can guess this one, pretty much impossible
Attached: place1.png (1915x839, 2.45M)
Dinaric Alps? in Slovenia ?
tecate. idk fuck that shithole never stepping foot in that dumb again
It is in the north
same place
Attached: place2.png (1917x839, 3.05M)
Looks like ol east st Louis
alright im giving you a big ass clue with this pic, but you gotta name country not continent
Attached: place3.png (1917x843, 2.88M)
I already got that one you nigger.
Another shithole. Southern hemisphere this time
Attached: where3.jpg (1920x1080, 480.06K)