let’s all take a moment to remind ourselves of this hero, Officer Philip Brailsford, who bravely shot an unarmed man for tugging on his pants
Let’s all take a moment to remind ourselves of this hero, Officer Philip Brailsford...
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who was courageously rehired briefly by Mesa PD so he could collect $2500/month for the rest of his life while collecting disability for the PTSD he suffered from this event
who ended the life of that filthy married, father of two, who flagrantly showed his friend his air rifle in the comfort of his hotel room
Its funny how it takes a white person to die for you guys to understand our anger and pain. Welcome to how our life has been for the past few hundred years...
God this shit pisses me off
yeah, we hasnt commiting crime tho
Nigger y'all always are doing something stupid. Like monkeys.
And because the victim was white the media was silent on this issue. Police brutality only seems to matter when it can be made into a racial thing.
Gotta keep the blacks feeling like they're victims.
with a Punisher tattoo on his arm, and an AR inscribed with “You’re Fucked!” on the side, he made our country safer
people need to understand the rules of Simon Says if they don't want to be shot by police.
The dude was clearly a fag degenerate... he couldn't even handle basic commands... i say its a good thing he died , clearly fuxking weak
Learn the rules, nigger.
my buddy went to high school with this guy
He was absolutely hammered drunk at the time of the shooting
where is crazy simon says peace officer now?
Shut up ugly nigger ...
Yes my point , a degenerate who can handle alcohol ! Amen for his death !
When the last round fires the dust cover stays open meaning the oepartor of the gun is fucked idiot
How are his shoulders so narrow?
Shooting was bad, BUT the guy ordering instructions in the video is a different guy.
But y'all are literally comitting crime 99% of the time
God damn brings tears to my eyes. MAGA
Based slayer of drunk adulterers who can’t follow simple instructions
Fucking beta bitch pretending to be black.
>slow clap
Are you retarded? The dust cover covers the ejection port where the bolt slides back and forth. It swings open when charging the gun initially or when the first round is fired. It's not some manic door that opens when the gun is empty, it being open means the gun is ready and the person it's pointed at is fucked. You stupid mongrel.
does it say “you’re fucked!”? yes it does, which is exactly what I said...anything else is you projecting; now run back to your child porn, Bubba
Hello rabbi
Hello to you too, merchant
Is that guy a Jew?
CXXXX7$-$77#+)? SJS? IFHR?,!¢¢¢
I don't really give a shit, but having tattoos like that should instantly bar you from and kind of police/government work.
>who bravely shot a possibly armed suspect who suddenly and quickly reached backwards to his waistband
l'm not even a bootlicker and the way that autist reached back totally looked like he could have been reaching for a gun
That game of "Simon Says" was entirely different to 99% of cases involving a 13%er
There was a much simpler solution - do the same protocol as a high risk traffic stop.
>turn around
>hands on your head
>walk backwards towards my voice
easy, and simple
as far as I know, there are no standard protocols where you get the suspect to crawl forward on their elbows and carpet burn the shit out of themselves
He didn't have socks or pants on, he was in his boxer shorts. Maybe his gun was taped between his balls and ass?
Duuude, you know very well that the vast majority of police shootings involving your people in modern times have been justified.
Ask me how I know youre a noguns
What you always do is flop over like you passed out, then the cop has to render medical aid to you.
Bootlickers never cease to amaze me
That officer worked at bpd and kc for awhile. Never had trouble or attitude from him. I still don't like tattoos though, especialy on cops, looks unprofessional.
meant for
Or lay on the ground with your hands behind your head, like the operators they so desperately LARP as do.
The fbi number is lower than that, please check the fbi statistics page.
This Philip guy seems like a real jerk, how did he get away with this?
Except this fine citizen wasn't doing anything questionable, nigger.
I SAID HANDS ON HEAD *bang bang*
that shooting was flat out fucking murder.
if there is any justice, that tattooed faggot will be tracked down and lynched one day.
>turn around
>reach top of shirt, pull up to show weapons
>hands in air
>walk towards voice
Shaver was hammered, so he probably would've fucked it up either way but they should've known that.
The guy who comes in, looks over the counter and then leaves.
>Somehow this is not admissable in court
>Low IQ spic mutt has poor decision making skills
I bet the guy he shot was a lefty. Enjoy your own poison, retards. Affirmative action, YAY!
>murder has to be pre-meditated
His rifle dust cover and punisher tattoo could be seen as looking to pick a fight.
"yup, thats a nigger"
Not in all cases, it involves foreseeable death and intent as well as justification and as you mentioned premeditation.
Hence a premed charge and a non premed charge are different.
murder is the taking of a human life, whether justified or not.
Oh, sir, you have understood all to well.
That is not the definition of the word.
T ~ T )7
niggers unironically deserve it 90% of the time though