btfo gweilos haha


Attached: chinese shoes on masks.webm (368x640, 2.07M)

More of a reason to bomb the Chinese into the Stone Age

lmaoooo China BTFOing out of Americucks left and right nonstop and all they can do is post on pol

I thought that faggots Twitter was suspended

who is worst??? niggers or chincks?????

We can't all be ruled by goddesses, give us a break

>who is worst??? niggers or chincks?????

pajeets are best

Attached: india makes masks.webm (320x580, 2.99M)

im surprised they havent shit on them

Chinese are getting beaten on the street here.

Its almost like when your production base is in another country there is absolutely no quality control or something? Especially when where your factories are based the workers there are propagandized to to hate you on a daily basis.

>>inb4 not my globalizationarino!

they do that in another room just before packing it

Mr. President, the masks were infected.

Send this to every boomer you know
>daww not my outsourcearinos
>not my cheap productarinos
>not my Chinese sweatshop qualityrinos

Take a productive industry job and get clean high quality face masks with filter and goggles and higiene gloves for free, you fuckers

>the last thing you'd want on your china made mask is someone's foot virus, but that might be exactly what you get

>>for free
thats not how (((america))) works

That's a Cantonese term that HKrs use, mostly it's used in the West by Mainlanders trying to stir up problems between the West and HK.
Then there are Westerners that don't know what it means and think it applies to all Chinese.

I wonder if this man knows he is contributing to the death of China as a world power.

You're probably going to get a fungus that takes hold in your nose and eyes. The virus will die in shipping.

These guys knew what was up even before the normies did.

Attached: coroneye.jpg (600x300, 42.64K)

Kek at thinking anything from China won’t be gamma irradiated before use. Hang gook.

Nuclear war.

This is why the entire world despises China, they don't have the guts to just attack you to your face, they do subversive shit like this while shaking your hand and smiling at you.

This is why we have to eliminate their government, China is an imminent threat to us, the virus is an act of war on the world, not the US, China is done

Nice larp

the west, boomers in particular, deserve every fucking viroid that comes their way.

decades of outsourcing, ruining the west for pennies of profit, all to build up the golem that as prophesied by their talmud, would turn around and attack them

they need to die

Looks clean.

Attached: 1585592801600.jpg (336x536, 96.96K)

>they need to die
Maybe you will die.

How is China so based?

So did the Netherlands? B-btfo right? Surely China essentially declaring war on the world will not cause them any problems, right?

>This is why we have to eliminate their government
its our own government and fucking jew kiked boomer outsourcers that made china a thing

want to stop china? stop buying their cheap shit, stop voting for all the politicians in their pockets (every last one) and do everything in your power to fuck globalist capitalist kikes

All chinks, all over the world need to be exterminated!

WW3 when?

Attached: 1471155057502.jpg (610x455, 23.58K)

ok Chang.

im not afraid of death chinkoid, whats the point of living around globalist kike traitors and subversive scum chinkoids looking to undermine us at every turn


>he doesn't steal supplies from work
Good goy!

I've had ringworm for like two years. I'm already covered in filth.

Chinks doing their best to become the most hated people on earth. Well done.

For what little they have, they’re at least trying I guess.

Stop posting Hong Kong protester fake news.

>WW3 when?
Seriously, if it came out that China knowingly exported ineffective/infected masks to Western countries, would we actually fucking do anything? Our governments seem far too limp-dicked to do anything, especially because it's China; the kike's newest pet that has bought out so many of our politicians and agencies

a chink by himself is just a ricepad dwelling peasants,

its not until 30 years after the globalist kike capitalist builds a factory in his town and pays him 3 cents a day that china becomes a thing

both deserve the bullet

Good thing i am regularly soaking mine's in bleach.

The bad guys doing bad things, again...

I don't need to steal them. I'm allowed to just take reasonable amounts of them, even for personal use. They cost some cents to the company and no one cares, unless i take the whole dispencers

You obviously never had a real fucking job. Good you're gonna die from the virus. Well deserved! Burn in hell

Kek, well the rest of the world hates us, and we hate ourselves and everyone else. I think black people are the only ones happy with the world right now.

>china makes masks available out of charity :^)
>masks were diseased
>chinese abroad were buying the diseased masks and shipping them BACK to china to make a profit off of their own diseased countrymen
man, what a hilarious cycle of jewing
but honestly this is proving moving manufacturing back to our shores is a matter of national security, fuck globalhomo corporations and their demand to exploit oriental slaves to jewgolds.

>would we actually fucking do anything
not with the current set of CPP shill cucks in every position of our government. even our heath minister is a fucking chink, every single aspect of the globalist kiked system is setup to the detriment of westerners and benefit of chinks. even our boomer outsource'rs are just puppets, all their money will mean nothing when their children are king of shitdump hill.

there needs to be a complete and total western revolution that roots out globalist capitalism, liberalism, cultural marxim and judaism. in short, its not gonna happen bud. i used to laugh at the doomers thinking they were overreacting, but the more time goes on the more obvious it becomes that we are all truly fucked.

>The virus will die in shipping.

Virus can live up to 17 days on a surface.

>this is proving moving manufacturing back to our shores is a matter of national security
you have to root out the globalist capitalist judaic cancer that will never let this happen

Who? Where? Amerimutts getting sick over there?




Ez kill boomers, they no wear mask.

Yet all you can do to help is cry on Yas Forums

Incredibly based

Because it's not run by jews

Maybe 2 bombs wasn't enough for this English teacher.

imagine the smell

show flag ching chong

Pajeets fail at sanitation because they are dumb, not for lack of trying. Pajeets are dumb, but smart enough to understand that whites make things work.

Chinese are dumb but incredibly arrogant, and believe they are superior to every subspecies, aggressively ignoring evidence to the contrary.

Pajeets miss the British and would like to have them back.

Chinese hate whites and anything having to do with them, and think they are better off for not having them.

You can sanitize them after, its far cheaper and more effective this way.