Real Question

Is it true that we tend to whitewash history a bit too much? Even I have to admit that some of the theories here go a little overboard.

For example we say Egyptians were white. We even got BTFO when it came to light that Jesus Christ was actually an Arab despite whitewashing him for the past couple thousand years. Even British people claim they invented curry which is hilarious.

Their is NOTHING wrong with admitting that other races are capable of things, I find that the constant denial of this is actually what makes us look bad. It's ok to admit that non-whites have historical past or even season their food better. We don't have to shit our pants over everything.

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Egyptians were a different race than sub-Saharan Africans. Even in their own artwork they show blacker, southern negroes being blacker and looking different.

There are Caucasian looking races in Syria and the area where Jesus was from.

We're seeing more black-washing of history in recent years than some silly white-washing deflection.

No one:
Literally no one:
Leftists: OMG Jesus was not white!!

Shut the fuck up cunts, he was literally created by God according to the Bible, therefore he could have looked like anyone.

There won’t be any white people in 20 years. 2000 years lmao the fuck

the mass media literally actively black washes our history and you come in here acting unbelievably Canadian, fucking die

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>Is it true that we tend to whitewash history a bit too much?
No. "White Tupac" still has the flat nose and big lips and dull expression of a Nigger.
Not one Roman in this 2000 year old carving has any of those features.

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in 2000 years know will know or give a fuck who Tupac is

This... no nigger will be spoken of 2000 years after the fact

Egyptians were white and Levantines are not Arabs you shitskin motherfucker.

>paintings of historical figures done hundreds of years after the fact by people who had never seen an Arab
>not perfectly accurate
Jeez who woulda thunk. Romans and Greeks were white. If you don’t want to believe the historical accounts that claim that they were conquered by Turks and Moores and bred into the sewer mutants they are today, that’s fine. You only have to look at the busts and statues they made of themselves to know that they looked a lot more like white Europeans than brown Middle easterners. Egypt wasn’t exactly European, but they weren’t anything like the shit colored camel jockeys you see blowing up airports these days. Everyone changes details to make something fit better into their own culture. There are people in Japan that think Jesus came to chill out in Okinawa after he was crucified. As for africa, you would have to have a history in order for us to whitewash it.

For example we say Egyptians were white. We even got BTFO when it came to light that Jesus Christ was actually an Arab despite whitewashing him for the past couple thousand years. Even British people claim they invented curry which is hilarious.

Cleopatra was white dumbass.

The Pteolemy dynasty were Macedonians.

Jesus was not an Arab, Abrahaham is the patriarch of both Arabs & Israelis.

He had two sons Isaac & Ishmael.

Ishmael is the father of all Arabs

If the bible is accurate. Which isn’t relevant you aren’t accurate with your statement so fuck off

Aristotle himself said that white skin is indicative of cowardice and that the Med skin tone was superior because it was not too dark or too white. Meds were never snow nigger pigskins like you. Don't be mad because you have no history save for being barbarians living in mud huts.

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and yet the son of the most famous roman ruler
and the most famous ruler popularized by modern film
was a literal shitskin nigger looking fuck

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This. Here's a quote from Aristotle himself:

>Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes. A tawny colour indicates a bold spirit, as in lions; but too ruddy a hue marks a rogue, as in the case of the fox. A pale mottled hue signifies cowardice, for that is the colour one turns in terror. The honey-pale are cold, and coldness means immobility, and an immobile body means slowness. A red hue indicates hastiness, for all parts of the body on being heated by movement turn red. A flaming skin, however, indicates madness, for it results from an overheated body, and extreme bodily heat is likely to mean madness.

>we say Egyptians were white.
which they were

>We even got BTFO when it came to light that Jesus Christ was actually an Arab despite whitewashing him for the past couple thousand years.
arabs didnt migrate out of arabia until islamic expansion, so thats wrong
at the time of jesus, Judea was a roman province with a lot of roman and greek inhabitants

>even British people claim they invented curry which is hilarious.
isnt it scottish

also, why are you pretending to be white? you're clearly some indian or something

Amenhotep III was a Jew. And Queen Nefertiti was the Queen of Sheba.

>Their is NOTHING wrong with admitting that other races are capable of things

i'm so tired of dealing with self-serving foreign rats. you have no idea how painful it is.

You aren't white. Stop larping and learn your place nigger

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This dude went to a high school in Marin so he could do drama. That’s the whitest thing anyone could possibly do.


>Commodus looked like a nigger
No flat, wide nigger nose, no big nigger lips. You're full of shit.

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Shalom, Leiberwitz.

that post gave me reddit cancer. please die

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Egyptians were caucasian but not white. They definitely weren't black though.


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tupac was a homosexual

Nothing is worse than nigger we wuzzers. Nothing.

Nor-Dick we wuzzers are close.

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Shut up, chink. We wuz Buddha n sheeeit

he looks darker than i could remember

He did look like that

No, is the contrary. Other people like to be white and steal our culture. Is like nigga or other coming in Yas Forums thinking like you when you are really entering a domain create by a white dude, on a white language and with anime theme, a global phenomena originate in Japan, nowadays I think it's a japanese that has the ownership or something like that.
> We even got BTFO when it came to light that Jesus Christ was actually an Arab
No we din't, only people that are easily manipulated would believe that mockumentary. That was a ugly estimation and was not even accurate. People got niggify in the region and getting more tan in the last 1000 years. Who told them to fuck damn nigga slaves? And there was also something like 600 wars declare on Europe by the mudslimes from islam. North Africa is islamic now but was even believer in greek and roman gods at some point. Most of history actually.
He never said that you faggot, go suck your distorted history class from marxism somewhere else. How Nigga West would say, you are a mental slave, bitch.
Everything in this world that is worth something was create or developed by white people, you can cry however you want, that fact will never change.
We literally invented the last 2000 years. The only pioneers. What your kind contributed? Tell us, but not some shade ass invention that was even lost, I can use Antikythera mechanism as trump card if that's the case.
Even our ancient mythology was copy out (dating as far as 10 thousand years), dragons phoenix, etc all Greek invention. Greek were white, now they are who knows what, so much invasion, specially for your lovers mudslimes.

That is what Tupac looked like. Unedited photo.

No, you don't understand history at all if you think that.

The real truth, the one that nobody fucking talks about except historians is that nearly everyone but the whites DESTROYED ALL THEIR FUCKING HISTORY. The whites also destroyed most of their history in the fires of Alexandria Library.




Don't even get me started on the Middle East.. the Pyramids were just too fucking big.

>writing all that shit with a Brazilian flag
Use a meme flag bro. Meds are the master race. Know your place.

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Also a shitload of it wasn't written down for you. A) No real writing system.
B) They didn't give a shit.

Do you give a shit what people 100 years will think of you? No, you don't.

Aristotle sounds retarded then
>light skin is bad because people turn pale when spooked

By lefticuck standards, Tupac is an alt right racist nazi

>For example we say Egyptians were white
So does DNA.
>We even got BTFO when it came to light that Jesus Christ was actually an Arab
No Shlomo, repeating your lie doesn't make it into reality.

He actually says that reddish skin is ok (showing blood) but pale and sickly skin is a sign of weakness and cowardice (think neckbeard incel basement dweller), in that respect I think he makes a lot of sense. He says that a tan will show that you have a strong spirit and are willing to fight (high testosterone and healthy), think somebody who gets a lot of vitamin D and Caretonoids in food lending him a healthy complexion.

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Leaf, you are just jealous because my flag has real greenery, some gold and a blue sky representation. You can go blow off your dead leafs now.
Remember to always suck it up for the US or you guys become a Guiana, Ok? Serious, your country trying to be worldwide is kind of pathetic. You ever saw the sheets for export of your country from the years of this last decade? You guys are 98% US bitch's. Without the US, Canada would have no economy at all.
Just remember if their's a crsis in the US, their's also a crisis in Canada. Your country is basically the backyard for the leaders/owners of North America, the mutt burguers the americans from the U.S.A.. Best country in the continent by far.

what about all the niggers and spics trying to brownwash history to make themselves feel like they contributed to fuck all in the world since the dawn of time?

Herodotus described Egyptians as darker than the already medium-skinned Greeks, as if they were permanently tan

However, he described the Ethiopians to be considerably different. Egyptians had straight hair, while the Ethiopians were nappy and wolly. He also said that Southern Indians match with Ethiopians in skin color, which is the same as today

Egyptians were as white as any North African today could be considered "white"
Yas Forums refuses to accept Italians and Greeks as white, and therefore should accept that Egyptians weren't either

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Didn't read, stay mad shitskin.


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>t. Palecuck
Ruddy complexions win again. A hasty rogue with possible madness.


By the way, where are these maps from? I've seen them being extracted from but under what link?

Egyptians were proven by DNA analysis to be mediterranean. Even the greeks themselves look white in their own portraits and statues.


That reads like 40k Ork lore.

Which Cleopatra? Because the most famous one was Greek

Looks like a regal med chad.
>ayo das me mayne, rite durrrrr
Lmao fucking spooks.

Yeah. Tupac is at the same level as Bach, beethoven, mozart, Chopin....
He is not just another nigga who thinks is doing music.

If you take anything posted on Yas Forumsseriously you are a huge fucking retard that should be euthanized. This board used to be super funny but it’s been taken over by bots and mouth breathers that don’t know how to think critically or what shitposting is. Fuck your self idiot

GTFO here with your "in muh good ol' days" bullshit

Yas Forums has an archive and even the oldest users talked about these topics in the same ways

Nice larp nobody will remember Tupac in 2000 years

>anyone will even be aware of Tupac in 2000 years
How uppity does a nigger have to be to think this? They have yet to create anything of historical note, and gangsta rap music certainly is not an exception.

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>thinking anyone will know tupac in 2000 years
why do nogs think adequacy is excellence?

Thanks for outing yourself as someone who never understood this board lol
Based retard

Look at how much a country like Sweden has changed demographically in the last 20 years. We have no idea what the people of the Levant looked like 2000 years ago. They could have been lighter or darker, we don't know.

yo thats just chillin with the boys... homie bout to pass out nd you chillin... not gay at all bro. next thing ur gonna say hugging your friends is gay. i hope u never go to italy those niggas kiss eachother lmao

I'm not sure bro but here's a thread full of them, I think the source is included somewhere in the thread.

>comparing modern era population changes to ancient era
Yikes dude, we have planes, trains, automobiles and libtarded policies now. Back then there was tribalism and religious differences and much greater barriers to racial mixing.

>comparing modern era population changes to ancient era
Yikes dude, we have planes, trains, automobiles and libtarded policies now. Back then there was tribalism and religious differences and much greater barriers to racial mixing.

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We do know a lot of shit since there are art and mummies all over the med, north africa and the middle east.

They weren't niggers.

Yeah sure, the wizard of Yas Forums came out of the woodwork to tell everybody how the board should be and how it should be understood

Unless you're a fucking jannie, your opinion is irrelevant

>Yikes dude, we have planes, trains, automobiles and libtarded policies now.

But its also a part of the world where many different peoples mixed. And that tribalism you point out also means tribes get conquered and their women get bred by the winners. There's a reason why there are chinky eyed Slavs and its not because Russian men found Mongolian women attractive and decided to race mix. It was rape my dude.