Is there any reason I should give a fuck about abortions if I'm not a christian? I can't find any

Is there any reason I should give a fuck about abortions if I'm not a christian? I can't find any.
Seems like the only people that care deeply about this crap are believers. In France those fucking christian cuckservatives go by the tens or hundreds of thousands in street to protest against abortion, gay rights and that kind of shit but you will NEVER see them protest against immigration, islam or anything else. Fuck those christcucks.
In the US most of the abortions are done by shitskins so why the fuck are you even complaining so much ? You should actually be happy.
>inb4 "what race is it? - i'm in favor of abortion for shitskins only"
Yeah, ain't gonna happen anytime soon so either you're in favor of abortion for everybody or you're against it and will get more shitskin babies than "white" babies, great job user.
The only reasonable limit I can see to abortion is the 3 months limit because they do start to look like actual fucking human beings at that point. That's the way the law is in France, 3 months limit.

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Life begins at conception. If you murder, have the gall to own up to what you've done, rather than try to play innocent just to feel better about what you've done. Willfully misleading people because you don't want to feel guilty about what you've done damages society far worse than the sin itself.


>not christian
You need to get off this board, nigger.

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Nice talk but I still have no reason to care about this small weird creature that is 1/2 month fetus.

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If you don't care about the 1/2 month fetus, why do you care about the 3 month and above fetus?

I should be able to shoot you on the street, i literally see no reason why I shouldn't be able to.

The ideal solution would be to ban the abortion of white babies and make the abortion of non-white babies mandatory

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people get up in arms about it because they think it's a moral issue, but it's really an issue of responsibility. it becomes a legal issue because no one will take that responsibility. like soccer moms wanting media censorship because they can't be bothered to supervise their own children. just raise your daughters right and let blacks abort themselves into extinction. everything else will work itself out.

Pumping out a ton of unwanted babies will destroy the economy.

Pro lifers are either jewish shills or uneducated evangelical white trash. It's a fact minorities have more abortions than whites. If you want to outlaw abortion, you also want to speed up the decline of the white race.

Protip: I'm right.

Nice try christcuck. That's exactly what the Christian's want people to think. I'm not christian an I am pro responsibility. Religion doesn't have fuck all to do with it.

I love seeing graphs like this. We all grew 5g this way. Thanks our moms for bringing us into this.

What if it was your kid

>Is there any reason I should give a fuck about abortions if I'm not a christian?

Don't force the fucking taxpayers to pay for your medical procedure and we are good. A lot of people don't like the idea of funding infanticide.

Abortion is a sacred ritual of the Jews. That is reason enough to make it a capital offense.

More humans = more drivers of the economy = more money being spent and more money flowing.

There does not exist a limited number of jobs if anyone can create a job.

Poor teens don’t tend to raise humans who are good for the economy.

You haven't thought about enough. You have ask yourself why do want a culture that allows women to seek to avoid motherhood purely to be sluts?

Look at the results. Abortion is celebrated as a "holy" feminine act and motherhood is shunned.

What exact things that women can choose are more important than having a child? Being a better slave for her Jewish Corporate Bosses? Having ever more partners outside of marriage and training themselves to totally destroy any pair-bonding relationship whatsoever?

Why do you assume that women want abortions for anything other than more "sexual liberation" and why do assume that this for the good society?

Look at our society with sexual liberation. Are families stronger? Are people getting smarter. Are families more intact with all this "family planning"?

Are we living with less niggers and spics? NO. So the reasons for why you assume that abortion is having a good result are totally lacking empirically.

The reality of abortion from a purely secular viewpoint is that only thing it's legalization has done for society is turning women into nihilistic thots who worship the cock carousel and enjoy posting their abortion on Tic-Toc and Snapchat like demented witches.

Can a civilization that so inverts virtue and nature actually survive? Ask yourself why Jews, insist on Abortion until the very moment of Birth except in Israel? Do you think that Jews want this for the betterment of mankind?

Why do assume that women once they decide that their nihilistic and hedonistic sexuality will be fine with your arbitrary limit of 3 months? We rights now people in NY and Virginia celebrating the ability to have "birthday abortions". You think the slippery slope won't extend past birth into infanticide? Once you accept the premise of feminism i.e. that women don't owe their fertility to their Nation and Race why exactly should we care about children at all as society?

>Don't force the fucking taxpayers to pay for your medical procedure and we are good.
You could see it as an investment, taxes going towards abortions means less taxes going towards welfare and prisons for shitskins.

For me it's the fact that even without being a Christian, how can I kill something that has the potentially of existence like mine? I'm just a human with a primitive brain, I can't even begin to fathom being a deciding factor in something I could never understand.
The nihilistic part of me thinks that humanity is undeserving and it's one of the reasons I'll never have children. Why would I continue this cursed bloodline into a broken world?
The optimistic part of me loves humanity and inherently believes that nobody is born evil. But I'm only one me and I can't change the whole world.
Hope that helps.

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People also learn and are not animals. And not having having sex if you aren't willing to commit to a family is a good way to curb abortions and people who are not good for the economy.

Why would my wife want to abort the baby? I won't get a wife that doesn't want to make a family with me, we'll have a common goal so absolutely no reason for her to abort it. That being said if for whatever reasons she wants to do it, I'll let her proceed and dump her. Easy.

Some people are dumb as fuck and never learn user

You don't have to care. Just don't insult our intelligence by pretending that isn't a human baby that is being killed. It is, and that's not open for debate. Just own your psychopathy.

nigger, you were a fetus. why the fuck would you deny the chance to grow and thrive to other people.

Wow, you really got me here guys. Nice arguments.

>nigger, you were a fetus
Yes I was and I don't remember any single fucking moment of it so why should I care?

>"does anyone have a secular argument for not killing your own babies?"

Are you fuckin' retarded?

You could make an argument on ethical grounds that abortion could inflict inhumane suffering on the fetus as some late stage abortions are performed by cutting the fetus up inside the mother and then pulling it out in pieces.

I don't see the issue with artificially inducing labor early into gestation and just letting the fetus die.

I think there are additional steps that could be taken to make the process more ethical at all levels though.

Imagine thinking Religion was the only reason not to kill babies

Doesn't mean they can't contribute in some way. They have the mental capacity to make a choice.

Is that for abortion in general, or for the 3 month plus rule?

So adoption doesn't exist in your world?

Also, why does this have to be the case? Almost of human history is women having their first children while a teenager and they tried avoid poverty with marriage and that had eugenic effect that created civilization.

Younger females produce a healthier children. Why should your economic system force women to wait into their 30s and have autistic retards? How is that good for the economy in the long run you retarded lolbert?

Why is modern economics so broken that is selects for retards?

>Is there any reason I should give a fuck about abortions if I'm not a christian?

No. One of the major things that separates humans from animals is self-awareness. Children don't develop this until they're 2 or 3 years old.

>Why would my wife want to abort the baby?
Why would anyone want to kill their own baby? I don't think you've really thought this through.
>I won't get a wife that doesn't want to make a family with me, we'll have a common goal so absolutely no reason for her to abort it.
How can you know what other people really think? Do you believe you have psychic powers?
>That being said if for whatever reasons she wants to do it, I'll let her proceed and dump her. Easy.
You won't "let her". You won't have any choice in the matter, and neither will the kid.

I don't care about the 1/2 months fetus because they don't look like actual human babies.
That's why I put the limit at 3 months, because they do start to look like humans at that point.
Some people use other standards than look to justify the limit they want, like the ability to cry and really act like a human so I'm really having the most conservative approach by only thinking about the look.

Even if you're not of the view that a fetus constitutes a human life, the very fact and nature of abortion is that it enables two very negative things.
1. It's a rebellion against the female gender role. And strong gender roles are necessary for a balanced society.
2. The fetus pieces themselves are used for very unethical experiments.

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So if something doesn't look human, it doesn't deserve to live?

But it does look human because it is human. You're just a dumb person too stupid to realize that that is simply what humans look like at that stage in their life. Either that or you're too much of a coward to admit you're just a psychopathic degenerate. Which you are.

It's dysgenic and degenerate for a species to murder its own offspring. We survived and propagated for millions of years by spamming our environment with our genetics.

By all rights we are all stupendous badasses because we were the ones who made it.

It is an offense to humanity itself to murder and slay those already selected through millions of years of great filter events.

Most of the people I see (especially in the US) that keep crying all the time about abortions are Christians, I'm sure you guys are. So you tell me why that's the case? Does the bible tells you to hold that position?
>So if something doesn't look human, it doesn't deserve to live?
And if it can't survive on its own, yes, pretty much. You can let it live, but it doesn't DESERVE anything, especially since it has absolutely no conscience and doesn't act human at all.

That's my stance on abortion in general. I have more thoughts about it. Like if we find bacteria on Mars, we call it life. And at the same time we turn and say the potentiality of life itself is just a cluster of cells. I hate hypocrisy.
My stance is also only pertained to myself because there are my opinion. I understand people wanting to get abortions when they get raped and conceive. But I've been raped before and if I had indeed conceived because of that rape I wouldn't have been able to get an abortion for the same reasons stated in my previous post and above. I have no ability to understand the fullness of life and existence itself with my subpar human brain. And therefore no authority to give or take life on my own accord.

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There's no reason to give a shit about anything if you aren't a christian, murder and fuck around all you want.

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What's up christcuck? Are you mad? Can't debate without being so aggressive? You're doing a hell of a job to make your religion look good right now user, I really want to know more about it and understand you guys' stances.

The entire reason you're killing the fetus is that it will become a human. It's genocide and extremely classist. I dare you wear a shirt that says:


They can't complain that it's raicst either.

He's right, though. They do look human because they literally are human.

Yeah, it's savage and disgusting. The furture will think of this time as an era ruled by baby murderers once we have fetus transplant into artifcal wombs tech.

Ask one of our resident Yas Forums Nazis if a nigger baby looks human.

Don’t let retarded people spread their retarded genes

utilitarians deserve to be the first victims of their own ideology

>destroy the economy
That is the goal of ancaps, so why are you against that?

because its used as a tool to artificially reduce a native population in order to justify replacement of the native population with low skilled, low IQ immigrants to control a country.

They do look human. They are just a different type of human.

Why do you have no ability to understand the fullness of life and existence itself with your subpar human brain and Why is your brain primitive?

Well, go check the reasons why millions of people that do abortions decide to do so. I guess most of them will give you economic arguments and shit like that.
Once again, the day I'll have a wife, we will have the common goal that is to start a family. That will be clear from day one, so there is, once again, absolutely no reason that she would want to abort it because having a baby would be our goal, how is that fucking hard to understand user? I don't get it.

>does the bible says for you to stand that position?
It literally does, "thou shall not kill", and thousands of versicles, or are you retarded?

>if it can't survive on it's own, yes, pretty much
So we gonna start killing babies until they are 7 years old, gonna start killing people with genetic illneses or any deficiency that comes through, or any mental illness at all, or even old people? Why not old people? I bet a 100 years old can not survive for itself, and also why not people in coma? Theya ren't thinking anything, right? Then why not drunk people? They wont remember, and they can't survive without help, should I go on?

As a genius can breed a retard, so too can a retard breed a genius.

>Well, go check the reasons why millions of people that do abortions decide to do so.

Most women scrabble their children because a husband, boss or daddy told them to.

I'm an agnostic and I think it's wrong, but if it is going to be legal, don't be a fucking pussy and call dress it up, you are murdering a human, full stop. If niggers and women were honest about that I'd care way less because they wouldn't be fucking hypocrites, but no, they come out here and tell everyone that they aren't killing real humans or some stupid anti-science shit. Sigh.

>I know I said I wanted a family but...
Again, you seem to believe that you have psychic powers.

were you ever a fetus?

If yes, you have every reason and right to care what happens to other fetuses on the basis that was is thought/considered/believed about them at least once applied to you, and could very well still apply to you, OR could be applied the other way from you to a fetus, but for your self-centered perspective the former is more applicable.

We are also made up of elements and atomic structures. Yet these things individually possess no semblance of life.

99% of cases retards just have retarded children

One day, God forbid, if you have children, you will understand.

t. father of three


Just kill them in a war then you cowardly jew.

Late term abortions are pretty fucked up, user. The rest is just toxic right trying to marginalize itself.

There is facts, and there are arguements
The fact is that abortion raises up the levels of sex-related illneses such as AIDS, because people are not afraid of havig children, because they can just kill they anyway so they won't even use any protection anymore.
And there is also the fact that 60% of woman who commits abortions have depresion related to the abortion, and 15% have suicidal leanings because of this. Your body don't like the fact that you are killing their sole purpose of living

Quite often it's done out of embarrasment. Either they don't know who the real father is or they do know who the father is and don't want other people to find out.

What race is it?

>It literally does, "thou shall not kill"
No shit, retard? We're talking about fetus here, does your fucking bible says anything about fetus or not?
>So we gonna start killing babies until they are 7 years old
No, because babies look and act like humans, which is not the case of a 1/2 month fetus. Can't you fucking read what I say you gigantic retard?

No, it's mostly pressure from men in their lives to murder the baby or else they get cut off from money, that's why it's 'embarrasing' . If it was their choice they would have just taken the morning after pill.

Or they don't want to give birth to a rapist's baby. Or they don't want to give birth to a baby that will only have a life of pain or poverty. Or they just want the right to do what they want with their own bodies.

Well if she doesn't know what the fuck she wants then why should I even try to build a family with this dumb bitch? Hell, abortion is probably a good thing for me in that case.

99% of cases geniuses just have genius children.

Call it what you want, it is a life. You can't kill humans, that is it.

>look and act like
So you actually just contested yourself? You said that if it can't survive on it's own, it does,'t deserve to live

>So you actually just contested yourself? You said that if it can't survive on it's own, it does,'t deserve to live
No, read what I said here
>And if it can't survive on its own, yes,

It will be a human though why you're murdering the fetus in the first place.
Why can't you understand that you savage? Moloch worshippers are pure cope.

You are literally saying that a baby should be killed because it doesn't look like a human, don't you even see a problem with it?

It isn’t a woman’s “gender role” to carry a fetus to term you fucking retard. It’s a sexual role— meaning it’s based in material reality. It has nothing to do with gender, gender is made up bullshit for retard cuckservatives and genderspecial faggots.

>Why do you care about the general well-being of society user? What are you, some kind of religious bigot?
I wonder if retards will ever get past this talking point.

It will be, but right now it doesn't. It doesn't look, act or think like a human so I don't give a fuck.
Why can't you understand that you retard?

>You are literally saying that a baby should be killed because it doesn't look like a human, don't you even see a problem with it?
Not a baby, a fetus user. And no, I see absolutely no problem whatsoever with it.

>Why can't you understand that you retard?
Answered your own question.

>not a baby, a fetus
Lol you are a real state-sucker, aren't you?
When you assume that you can kill someone just for existing, you are being the state, punishing because you invented the reason to punish.
A nation with abortions is doomed to totalitarism

Because we are only human. By default as created and evolved beings, even with the revelations and understandings we can get from meditation, hypnosis, and spiritualism, etc, there's no way we can understand the infinite fullness of life itself. And that's okay. Even great Tibetan monks have only touched the surface of its meaning. It doesn't mean that we're stupid, it simply means that while our brains are an excitingly frightful and powerful organ, it is safe to say that we may not be the gods we wish to be. And deciding who lives and dies is too close to playing God for my comfort. I don't want the weight of that responsibility. Religious or not, it takes its toll.
I'd like to add, that I believe these things while advocating in abortions if it will kill the mother and the child. But again, it's so hard to be in the position to make that choice. Which is why I don't push my thoughts on other people. I only say what I believe for myself when asked.

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>Is there any reason I should give a fuck about abortions if I'm not a christian?
how about just basic human decency francois you stupid decadent fuck. kys yourself frog retard