Tom Hank's best movie ever - Operation Covfefe

Watch these videos after reading the "movie script" in pic attached. They have been working on this for years.f

Obvious foreknowledge of coronavirus:

Attached: The script1.png (923x1264, 129.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Michelle Obama playing the devil; "my book has sold more than yours" I have won more souls. A lamp seems to float behind her.

Also, a white rabbit comes out and "zaps" someone with an airhorn, then the towers light up.

Fucking wasted


Nope; read it. This is it.


Wasted on a qtard schizo thread

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fuck you and fuck your dumbass post mutt

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Otherwise known as a load that should have been swallowed. That's you. Still kekum and checkum though.

what a waste of digits.

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What a terrible waste..

Ellen says "stringed" to michelle. Asks her about getting "busy and creative" this is killing yourself. Ellen's demeanor is scared and enraged. Ellen says that Michelle wanted "the children to go away, but now they're back". Michelle threatens Ellen: "barrack and I are both able to call as many people as we want/conference calls" Immediately asks if children are there, immediately tries to get location. Michelle reminds Ellen that the only important thing is her safety, and the safety of her family. Ellen tells Michelle to walk the plank. Read the script. This is the only way this makes sense.


Cute pidgey

I've seen a real tesla coil. They work. Electricity is god himself. We harness the spirit of god in blasphemous ways

Holy shit

Based, fuck Obama's tranny husband

Good guys got a hold of CERN 2 years ago. It'll be used to help with major frequency adjustments this year.

They already tested an existing system the same year. Picrelated

Attached: rgghtrgfn.png (1495x675, 207.56K)

" Those that scream the loudest" are playing along.

Kathy Griffin does the cutting Trumps's head off gag May 31, 2017. The same day Trump tweets "Covfefe" and tells Kathy that she should be ashamed of herself. A common old punishment was head-shaving. Kathy shaves her head. She's in on it!!!

Is that the fucking same rabbit costume they use in porn and some other fucked up movies?

>The bizarre waveform is what scientists call “monochromatic”. Earthquakes normally produce waves of so many different frequencies, the wave readings appear more jumbled.
>But the mystery waveform from Mayotte was a crisp zigzag, which repeated after steady 17-second intervals.
>“They're too nice. They're too perfect to be nature

17 seconds too. Interesting.

>" Those that scream the loudest" are playing along.
>Kathy Griffin does the cutting Trumps's head off gag May 31, 2017. The same day Trump tweets "Covfefe" and tells Kathy that she should be ashamed of herself. A common old punishment was head-shaving. Kathy shaves her head. She's in on it!!!

Potus mentions COVFEFE again, others confirm that COVFEFE may indeed have a meaning to certain people. POTUS says "I can only here "COVFEFE": Cheers of victory, free energy for everyone.

Why aren't you making the threads about Bernie Sanders killing MLK or the empty Corona virus hospitals anymore?

>>" Those that scream the loudest" are playing along.
>>Kathy Griffin does the cutting Trumps's head off gag May 31, 2017. The same day Trump tweets "Covfefe" and tells Kathy that she should be ashamed of herself. A common old punishment was head-shaving. Kathy shaves her head. She's in on it!!!
>Potus mentions COVFEFE again, others confirm that COVFEFE may indeed have a meaning to certain people. POTUS says "I can only here "COVFEFE": Cheers of victory, free energy for everyone.

Kathy goes on to say in interviews:"Donald Trump will go down in a "spectacular way", makes references to energy and electricity, and says "it's a fascinating time to be alive", etc. A lot of these "libs" were playing a part for YEARS, they even bitch about how long the operation took if you KNOW THE SCRIPT/STORY!!!

you are a retard neither Ellen nor Hanks and certainly not fucking Obama's are good guys. kys for being a moron

Tom Hanks said at the infamous GG speech "Knowing the text, and it's not just your lines, it's the whole thing, it's the red dot, it's the theme of the movie. You've got to know it."

Pic related

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Guys; I know the whole thing. Actors, you're going to have to start laying the vegemite on even thicker, I'm afraid

>A chip added to a 5G tower can transmit a microwave and cause radiation poisioning.

Microwaves are non-ionizing. Not strong enough to rip electrons off atoms or break chemical bonds.

>only brainlets believe this bullship. SLLLLIIIDDDEEEE

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Don't listen to the idiots, OP, your work is invaluable.

There are "people playing their parts" all over the place. Watch the switch here:

Then look at pic related.

Attached: 1st case NY.png (556x420, 304.62K)

Tom Hanks is a confirmed pedo, you're an idiot.


Thanks; IT'S EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!! Too many to list. Just read the story, pretend that they are playing in a movie, and everything falls into place.

Take your meds schizo

For the love of God. 'Covfefe' was just a misspelling of 'coverage'.

>Tom Hanks is a confirmed pedo, you're an idiot.

This does not fit. Set that aside, read the story, watch the vids in this thread, and you'll see that it all makes sense.

It can only be turned green digitally. No way he changed it in 500ms max. You can see the folder is red trough the car window. Why would someone CGI that shit for no reason?

Wait it does mean it wasn't live right?

>What a terrible waste..

It would have been. Remember your time here tonight when there is talk of revealing FREE ENERGY and suppressed technologies.

>mfw someone falls for the Q meme

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>Why would someone CGI that shit for no reason?

It wasn't for no reason. Go look at the pics out there on coronavirus. There is a theme with the colors. I'm going to get out now. This is more than enough bread for one thread.

I'll leave you with this: Zecheriah 4 and Revelation 11:3

Check the digits: 7 1's

Yo retards
Your welcome

>t. Not mentally retarded

CXXXX7$-$77#+)? SJS? IFHR?,!_


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Bill was after, after

Fucking waste, niggerlover

Imagine being so retarded that you can't see the bottom of the lamp sticking out behind the framed photo.

I love you fellow shizos but this is too much even for me

awesome get

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Based schizo, not wasted at all

>Imagine being so retarded that you can't see the bottom of the lamp sticking out behind the framed photo.

I'm not saying it's floating, user. It''s the imagery. It all points to it. Watch "Lights Out" and "Low-Fi" report. I feel bad for the actors at this point. No one is getting it. Twitter is better than you guys at this point.

This is like the schizo FOR schizos.

The most wasted digits in the history of Yas Forums.

Fine. I will read/watch your Boomer qtardded shit. Please tell me you didn't waste nubooers for nothing.

kys schizo

>reddit spacing to babble about whatever Qtard shit
>I'm totally one of you guys
Die already.

Based digits.

I always felt electricity is God or spirits.

Its electrons moving user
Nothing supernatural

Mother of fuck, these are truly the times of happenings


Tech support!!!!
Did you try to switch it off and on again?

They were looking for earthquakes when it was the water doing the quaking.

source is behind a paywall. can you tell us what the good guys did?


Who dis?