My GF is literally going insane from being locked down

idk what to do bros. are all women going insane from this or is it just my GF? She's screaming at me constantly and is blaming me for being quarantined (WTF)?? She is depressed and just starts crying for no reason. what can i do to help her?

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Today on pol!

Something that never happened!

hard dicking

You need to put a baby in her you simp cuck

Lay the pipe and make good dinner. If she's still hysterical, give her a light but firm slap to assert dominance. She'll never be wetter or more in love.

I bet she drinks alcohol. If so, break up with her.

Sage this gay faggots slide thread

many acquaintances are going insane, those poor normies are reaching their limits

>what can i do to help her?
Literally take her over you knee and spank her; then in a stern voice, tell her that her behavior is unacceptable.

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Slap her and then raep

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Dump her

slap her and tell her it was the chinese promise to do something nice after its all blown over then fuck her brains out

why couldnt it dipshit its the same here
wife goes crazy Mother goes crazy everyone is fucking borderline psychotic.

Nudes or get the fuck out

Lay a stripe down her back.

give her the irish sunglasses

Impregnate her


Tell her to just be herself.

lol I don't get at all those people who claim quarantine makes them crazy. Have they never been alone in their whole life? It is my normal life btw. RIght now just more people are living like me.

And no, it is not normal for a girl. She is just crazy

firm eye contacts and handshakes

next time she opens her mouth shove your dick down her throat


She wants other dick, retard

Seriously, we should make wife beating socially acceptable again. That would help the divorce rate go down and would solve the fucking feminine movement problem. Win-win.

Buy her a box of chocolates and be generally attentive to her needs
you prick

put semen in her and marry after

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tities tities tities!

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so treat her like an overgrown child?


Fuck her right in the pussy

dick her down

Knock her the fuck out, pussy.

That's just women. Even worse, Italian women. They squawk around because they know something's wrong, but they don't understand the world. She lashes out at you because she looks for your masculine guidance and blames you when she doesn't get what she wants. This is why lesbian couple are ALWAYS fighting. So, OP, are you the lady or the butch?

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ur not dicking her correctly

Just deep dick a few times, light a candle, tell her to shut her trap, actually I dunno but this really is going to cause a huge fucking baby boom isn't it

because that's what women are


sounds like she's missing fucking all the other chads behind your back
sorry mate...

Straight edge faggot. I bet when you get drunk you cry and talk about your uncle touching you.

dump her then

People are literally killing themselves because of it. This doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility.

This. Once a woman takes a good fucking she goes into a deep sleep and you wont hear from her for another few hours.

what's with all these fucking diary posts on Yas Forums
no gives a fucking about you or your gf, fucking kys.

Prob this

good thing my girlfriend broke up with me in January

My girl is like this

Just forget about it. Theyll be grateful when they calm down. Dont bring it up

you do not belong here

>because that's what women are

You act like you've never trained a dog before; because a lot of the techniques [in the abstract] work on women.

Not just yours, I know a few women losing their minds. They considered themselves "hermits", but in a woman's mind that means only going out two to three times a week normally.

Impregnate her and then leave forever




Kill her then eat her. You could probably cook her up right Italy bro.

i like to make fun of white incels/social outcasts like u.

childhood trauma growing up?
never wanted to feel emasculated every again?
built an iron wall around ur feels? portraying to act masculine as possible to guard urself?

its okay buddy *pats on back*

Mine literally just wants to have sex all the time. Like 3-4 times a week before is now literally every day.

t. nigger

Start hyping up the fear. Talk about how they are calculating the death rate wrong, how it should be much higher. Mention how the only reason China was able to get ahold of the situation was by archaic Orwellian measure that the West would never be able to implement implying this will have to run through the entire population and the government will eventually realize this and try to capitalize off everyone's death.


Tell her she needs “to calm down”, and ask her if she’s on her period.

That’ll work wonders trust me

My gf started an onlyfans since she lost her job because of the quarantine. She basically told me if I didn't like it I was free to leave.

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She needs a black bull to satisfy her

put a baby in her, she'll calm down right away

What are you on about kimchi brain, arguing with bogeymen on an anonymous tinfoil hat making forum?

>what can i do to help her?

I would tell you to be a man and take control of your house, but I see you are a Italian Nigger. Your countrymen are dying in droves because you all chose have multi-generations living together in the same house. Your entire culture os one giant incell and as such, you are to be relegated to the wastebin of history.

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kill her

Literally you need to knock her up. Wen have excess energy in their child rearing years to take care of children. Without being able to distract themselves and do their frivolous shit, their bodies get confused and lash out.

Being locked in seems to be affecting roasties much more the males?


Good. Fucking normie faggots deserve it for constantly ridiculing introverts.

Wow, a real cuck



Perhaps try to take her mind of the fact that she's stuck in the house. Perhaps play a game, get to know each other, watch a movie, talk about life, try something new indoors?

Then leave you cuck.

This, look up how vibrators where invented.

Sedate her.
Seriously. You can't make any of this better, all you can do is distract her, if she's not in the mood to be distracted, put her under and see how she's feeling later.
I did 14 years in prison for something I didn't do like this. It's basically time travel from the perspective of the person being sedated.

Don't forget to hit her with an open hand. It's legal that way.


Lol that’s absolutely carcinogenic

This too.

Ask her if she ran out of Mydol.



Sounds like you need to defuse that situation, bro.

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You're on Yas Forums, dipshit. That alone shows you're no different than anyone here in your core values.

If you had a big dick nothing would be happening.

Take the PEpill, faggots

>she cant fuck behind your back now

are you not fucking her?

NO MAN would tolerate this.

You beat her when she throws tantrums wtf
Bend her over your knee and whip her ass with your belt
Did you Italians forget how to be men?
It's not like the police is gonna do anything over there

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She misses her boyfriends. Invite them over and give them some space.

She’s always been a dumb whore. You deserve all of this

Fuck her, obviously.

You fucker. After looking at those tits, I have to coom.

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The smart option would be to accept her invitation, otherwise endorsing this could lead to worse complications later down the line. That or take on higher paying job to stop her, or help her find a better job.


the only sensible answer


What did you sedate her with? A beer bottle over the back of the head?

Sounds like a normie airhead cunt, ditch her.

Yas Forums stop posting boobs. I'm in lockdown and I don't wanna play with my weewee.

this ^

What’s a good example of this? I’m assuming it has to do with psychology

make a baby

>what can i do to help her?
what is it with spaghetti niggers being whipped mommas boys? Just slap her around a bit and be done with it.

She's walking all over you, OP. Dump her ass. it's only going to get worse. how can you trust someone who loses it over minor inconveniences?

grind some shrooms to powder and put it into her food. 1 gram should be enough. Then when she gets a panic attack you fuck her senseless.
She will thank you later.

>slap her and tell her it was the chinese promise to do something nice after its all blown over then fuck her brains out

I must be dyslexic.

I slapped her and told her it was the nice then promised to do something chinese after its all fucking over then blew her brains out.

I dun fugged up.

What was the girls name in OPs pic again.

She had a nice rack in her twenties. But then out of nowhere they deflated.

If you google her recent photos you will be depressed. Unless shes older than i think I have no idea why it happened.

get a new gf yours is defective

Give her the D

Explain to her that her being anxious is helping nobody and that she need to calm down and focus on doing something productive. Like sucking yourdick or washing clothes.

Women are so fucking complicated.

I don't know what could be wrong with her. Maybe she was getting dick elsewhere, and now she can't so she's frustrated. Or maybe she is not getting enough from you.


Whats onlyfans?

I’ll give you some advice a wise man gave me when I asked something similar. He said “Thats when you give her a mans dick”

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>medgirl temperament
God's punishment for your WWII performance.

Christina Model


>Not "Unlock her with your key"
Fucking wasted.

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This and put a baby in her, so multiple hard dickings and don't pull out.


pics or gtfo


Yeah, tell her her anxiousness is making her fat.

Do it OP

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Tell her to sate her need for activity by cleaning and cooking
you will either end up single or with a tradwife



you know why, flaggot

Four Words: Thin Veneer of Stability
That's all women are... basically they're just barely keeping it together through a combination of narcissistic attention supply and theraputic shopping. Did you expect something more?