Baruch Feldheim

Baruch Feldheim

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I'm okay with that. Retards in hospitals overcharge us, now it's our turn.

LOL, doctors getting a taste of their own jewry. It's not like medicine is insanely marked up, just like that

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The free market
This is capitalism

They can take advantage of you, make you a slave to their debt, but do the same to them and rot in jail.

There's literally nothing wrong with practicing capitalism. How does it feel to live in a practically communist country with no free trade?


>arrested for coughing on fbi agents
A guy got arrested for coughing on the police at the front desk of the police station also

>Man Arrested for Coughing at Front Desk Staff of Chicago Police Station

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>Arrest a man for making profit
>Feds seize his property

Whats next bros?

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That's not a bad idea.

>Get masks and medical equipment
>Tell Doctor's in order to buy them they have to buy Medical Equipment Insurance from you.
>Need proof of Medical Equipment Insurance to get to talk to Medical Equipment Salesman
>Have to pay a co-pay, out of pocket, on top of the Medical Equipment Insurance for the appointment.
>Tell the Doctors in the appointment that they are fine and don't need Medical Equipment right now.
>Send them a bill for whatever the Medical Equipment Insurance didn't cover
>Equipment Appointment is $100,000
>Insurance covers $10,
>Doctors billed for $99,990
>if they don't pay, get debt collectors to hound them for it.
>Keep Medical Equipment still, Doctors get nothing but have to pay anyways.

Sounds about right. This is what Doctors do to us. I'd do it straight back to them.

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Dumb nigger the feds already said if you were stockpiling they would BUY the masks from you but if you scalp you're in trouble


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What is supply and demand?
The goods are scarce otherwise he wouldn’t be able to charge 700% markup.
If they don’t what the goods they don’t have to pay.

the feds already warned about this.

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FEMA does this anytime someone hordes and scalps during a disaster. They crack down hard on this during hurricanes. Your dumb ass had no clue this is the norm.

Buy them for how much, at cost? Whats the magic profit percent where they decided to arrest you? If you want to live in communism, go to China, faggot.

You should be about to sell them for whatever price you want don't hospitals charge 100 for a fucking advil?

>he coughed on federal agents
I hope one of them put a bullet in his chest.

Doctors and insurance companies fuck the average person with massively overinflated hospital and treatment prices, why shouldn't they be treated the same?

If I had to guess 125% like they do with land when it has to be used for interstate.

> paying for medical necessities.
> trying to jew doctors in the middle of a pandemic.
I hope this can be over soon so that we can be woefully unprepared for the next nation-wrecking virus in a hundred years time.

Doctors spent 10 years and millions of dollars before they were qualified to charge 700% markup. Learn the difference.

The North Korean cure is quite effective.

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The scarcity is artificially created by these scammers for items that are for the general public good in a global public health crisis. They deserve prison. Or death.

and they keep screeching antisemitism

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>muh efficient markets muhfukka

Woah woah now. Only those in league with the big boys can price gouge.

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I understand this is the case.
Why though, at least this guy is selling the items.
Many people will simply hoard for personal use. When the goods become this scarce why would you part with them for anything other than a price that reflects the scarcity?

I enjoyed this

How are they "scammers"? If you dont like the price, dont buy it, simple. As far as the general public good goes, lets make food, water, and housing free as well while we're at it.

I was looking through some shit today and found 2 n95 masks I forgot about. Freaking stoked. I'm probably gonna just keep them but may barter for a new 4 wheeler.


Kek, those aren't even n-95s. Those are 5 cent paper masks that have no purpose beyond feeling safe.

You can't be a capitalist and a nationalist at the same time

Yeah and surely not by chinks buying up and sending these goods back to china? Or by the impact of decreased manufacturing?

Only corporations and medical professionals should be allowed to profit off a pandemic!

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>Baruch (((Feldheim)))



You dumb ass the government said on TV if you are stockpiling for personal use there is no problem but if you have a massive amount of items with the plan to scalp them call us and we will buy them from you for a fair price but if you sell them you will be in trouble. Quit commenting on American ordeals when you don't pay attention to our daily corona briefings you retarded aboriginal. Go drink gasoline faggot.

>Doctors pass the cost to your insurance and write off the hospital expenses for tax credits. Your taxes go up next year to cover their reduced profits.

Seething burgers mad they cant afford their matress laying in a over crowded hospital hallway

How many years do they get to use that excuse for?

I was on the edge about whether I wanted this coronavirus situation to get bad or not, but this shit right here settles it.
You are absolutely right, fuck em so much, I hope everyone that is involved in this system of medical jewery dies a horrible prolonged death surrounded by other cut throat medical jews who will give them shitty care and ultimately end up in the same place.
I have never met a doctor under the age of 60 who wasn't a complete piece of shit, and none of them have followed the hippocratic oath in decades.

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What the fuck is a fair price?
The price is whatever people are willing to pay for the goods.
Do you understand how prices function or what price rationing is?

This shit will become endemic, and have yearly waves like the flu.
And that's if there isn't anymore bioweapons release from China; which, there will be, because they no longer can win via economic warfare, and they need to help the western subversive elements bring in a new global government.
So yeah, hold on to your butts, death and disease of an unseen magnitude are right around the corner.
Checked, and praise Kek.

kek is this fucking for real?

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>Completely irrelevant non-sequitor

This is about as Anglo a name as ever I've heard. White people will have a lot to answer for when all this is over

200 fucking dollars because i was too sick to go to school and I missed 2 tests. had to get that fucking doctors note. got nothing else out of it. They just downplayed it and said, 'well we can't backdate it so you only get 3 days.' yeah ok fgt just give me the bill.
>200 bucks, 10 minute meeting, tops
i hope they all die.

I don't see the problem here. They were trying to steal his shit and he caughed on his own stuff. What's the problem here? Are you not allowed to caugh at home anymore?

Lol, jews are going to drag their nest down with them.

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>I have never met a doctor under the age of 60 who wasn't a complete piece of shit, and none of them have followed the hippocratic oath in decades.

I'm glad I made y'all laugh because I literally just described my last big experience with medical doctors in green text, just flipping the script obviously. Doesn't seem right or fair when the shoe's on the other foot 'eh? I basically had the worst injury of my life, it still fucking hurts to this day. I went through all those motions. It actually happened at work, but work fucking lied about how to get on workman's comp so I had to get private insurance and then go to the doctors on my own. They basically ignored the injury because I said it was from work, then tried to treat an unrelated pre-existing condition I had. Then when I asked about the original injury I came in complaining about, they basically said "what injury? After getting tossed around to five different specialists, had to take multiple xrays, MRIs, etc etc and paying OUT THE ASS for all of this. I bankrupted myself too...

For nothing. The injury still hurts. I'm in pain constantly. No diagnosis, no prescription, no treatment but I sure as fuck had to pay pretty much all the money I had, I'm a working poorfag, to go through the whole ordeal.

I'm not a commie or socialist or anything. I'm okay with paying medical bills IF I GET SOMETHING FOR WHAT I PAY. I'm a capitalist. I believe in free and equal trade. Doctor's don't. Doctor's basically want to do nothing and get paid massive amounts of money for it. I'm fucking sick of them and I think they're scum of the earth. My whole damn life has been plagued by bad doctors too.

So yeah, at this point I have no sympathy for them. I secretly root for corona to fuck them up too.

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China deserves several nuclear bombs over every major city.

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kid has a double decker umbrella. gonna have to get one of those.

why do they persecute me so

Some user needs to make a merchant from this.

Jeez, and they aren't even n95s. They're surgical masks!!!

anything higher than 20% mark up

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>when fbi agents arrived he coughed on them
of course he did

Daily reminder that Jews AREN'T responsible for antisemitism in ANY way.