Can anyone explain 5g to me and why is it the end of everything? Aren't the sequential g's just updated cell tower tech? What's going on, give me the rundown.
Can anyone explain 5g to me and why is it the end of everything? Aren't the sequential g's just updated cell tower tech...
Skynet, and oxygen fuckery
It's 2g more than 3g.
>muh 5g caused duh coronavirus
tfw u realize Korea has had 5g for over a year and we know how the coronavirus turnt out here
lmao corona is only for sub human whiteys
Amerimutts are butthurt they are literally behind in tech and we buyin from Chinaman. So mutts started a huge fucking disinfo campaign to dab on Chink. Didn't help so far. Still buyin lol
em radiation in cosmic microwave background is completely harmless
you die if you get put in a microwave oven
em radiation in uv range can give you skin cancer
excessive x ray radiation will kill you
5g is between cosmic microwave background and microwave.
the question is at what frequency and intensity we transition from harmless to microwaving people slowly over time
nobody on this shit board knows the answer
pic related
You have oxygen.
Now theres constant radiation hitting that Oxygen.
The way 5G works is that its always everywhere, inside your body, inside insects shells etc.
4G would just bounce off of shit.
do you know how many other existing technologies already use these bandwidths? 5g is literally only new for phones
forgot to add, 5g is getting close to danger range
huge money in comms industry probably prevents any real studies from being published
even if they were they would probably be buried, like studies on sugar, cigarettes, etc
yes its a question of intensity rather than frequency here. the high intensity of a microwavr oven kills you.
low intensity xrays can still kill you
Virtual reality, and complete automation will make millions of jobs obsolete overnight
falserino stop jerking it to futuristic fear porn
It's like this.
>RF fields above 10 GHz are absorbed at the skin surface, with very little of the energy penetrating into the underlying tissues. The basic dosimetric quantity for RF fields above 10 GHz is the intensity of the field measured as power density in watts per square metre (W/m2) or for weak fields in milliwatts per square metre (mW/m2) or microwatts per square metre (µW/m2).
>Exposure to RF fields above 10 GHz at power densities over 1000 W/m2 are known to produce adverse health effects, such as eye cataracts and skin burns.
>The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines set the permissible limit of cell tower signals at 4.5 watts per square meter.
0.5% of a harmful (not even deadly) dose is literally nothing.
thx for info. is that 4.5 watts/sqare m at the tower itself?
Short for 5 Guys
Y2K 2.0
This, sadly. Huawei do 5G better than anyone else.
Gr8 b8 m8
Global surveillance grid at best, beginning of an AI takeover/skynet at worst. Health impact is secondary concern to those.
5G tickles your amygdala and makes it function poorly so that you don't recognise incoming threats.
5G frequencies are at least an order of magnitude less than those of visible light. The only danger potentially posed by 5G is to people who spend extended periods of time in close proximity to high powered 5G antennas, and since most 5G infrastructure will be smaller antennas interspersed throughout city streets this isn't really much of an issue either.
Mostly this
Ignorant people that fear every new step of new technology or science discoveries.
The only real complain could be chinese companies putting backdoors of said tech to obtain plenty of useful information from us citizens.
there's a reason nature hasn't utilized the spectrum of light that 5G uses
it has not been tested on humans until now. Wuhan, Iran, Italy all have high concentrations of 5g since late 2019. It weakens the immune system and damages DNA and seems to be the gloablists weapon of choice judging by the speed of the global roll out.
Based retards want to protect you from an nothing
big words from a zipperhead whos only a flight away from where this shit started
It's not like there's some magical formula for determining what kinds of EM radiation are harmful and which are not. At the same power, it's all about wavelength. Wavelengths smaller than that of visible light are harmful, and longer wavelengths are not harmful. The frequencies used for 5G have a longer wavelength than visible light. The frequencies in question can barely penetrate the surface layers of skin, they can't penetrate bone at all, which is why they're having to put antennas everywhere instead of just putting up a few large towers per city like with 4G.
I'll bite cause drunk.
You have the electromagnetic spectrum.
One one end there is ionizing radiation. On the other end there is radio waves.
Visible spectrum is in the middle.
5g is on the end of radio waves, harmless.
It is litterally linear in terms of damage.
I have a redrpilled schizo friend that dosen't get science that is afraid of it.
I get it, but in terms of science there is no precedent for it to cause harm
Nobody is talking about the short range, effective 5g will have antennas every few square feet, or denser. All of those bathing you in light. The power passing through your body is going to be so much higher than we know.
I'm not even a luddite, I'm just concerned.
The only conceivable way in which 5G could have an effect on the immune system is through heat, and 5G is bound by the same safety standards as 4G in terms of heat generated by radiation in flesh. If 5G does as you say, then so does 4G.
CXXXX7$-$77#+)? SJS? IFHR?,!====
The safety standards mandate no more than 1 degree Celsius change in skin temperature from cellular antenna EMR, same as with 4G.
the density of radiowaves increases with 5g given the long wavelength, which increases the "power" in the environment and creating greater interference with our biological processes
Excuse me I see you making reasonable posts and I’m gonna have to ask you to stop now.
The safety requirements concerning power output are the same for 5G as they are for 4G.
you don't understand how harmful non-native EMF is to our cells' mitochondrial. it has nothing to do with the "radiation" causing DNA-coding errors and more to do with decreasing the cells efficiency by interfering with the body's ability to turn electrons into ATP.
Yeah. I don't really expect to change anyone's mind or anything, I guess I'm just hoping a few of these people will stop and reexamine their theories...but after typing that I'm realizing that's probably not going to happen.
the power density is higher with 5G/ think about the exponential increase in the number of antennas, thus the number of pulsed EMFs floating around. its not coincedence that the highest density of EMF in the states and the world is also where corona chan is hitting the hardest
it has nothing to do with heat and has everything to do with the frequency interfering wiht our body's ability to spin electrons
you sound like an engineer and not a quantum biologist . you are out of your depth
5G has a hard time making it through most materials, which is the only reason they're putting up antennas everywhere. 5G isn't even expected to function, at all, during rain. The coverage will be the same, and the safety standards apply to overall coverage regardless, not single-station coverage.
Do you even hear what you're saying? That statement alone tells me you probably failed high school chemistry.
Do you honestly expect anyone with half of a functioning synapse to believe you're a "quantum biologist" and not just a retarded wagie?
what does the krebs cycle have anything to do with chemistry?
i'm not a quantum biologist and im not making bold assertions about anything. to think that the massive proliferation of nnEMF has on animal biology cannot be fully studied since its also been mainstream for 10 years.
keep sitting next to your wifi router until you need to be intubated KEK
Those 5g nuts are also people who are anti vaccinations. In a crisis like this it can be pretty dangerous but in the end it's really up to them if they want the vaccine or not. Legally they cannot force a vaccine on to people in the United States.
You really like that
"Enter" key
don't ya
he's from reddit, clearly
anti-vaxx and 5g are two sides to the same coin... pushing shit on us that brings more downside risk than upside risk. obv there are vaccines that are beneficial, but you need to have a high redox potential and 5g lowers your redox, hewnce the rampant autism
The "5G is save, trust us" crowd is really shilling hard in here because we who have ventured outside have seen them erecting 5G towers during this "shamdemic".
The truth is very simple - high intensity RF is generally harmful to living creatures including humans, moreso at specific frequencies. Harmonics are a thing, and the specific frequencies the towers operate on just so happen to be the frequencies that have adverse affects on humans and animals.
They are not trying to kill you per se, but rather, keep you in a hazy state of apathy and malaise. The internet + smartphone in general has already accomplished this, but you can always detach from that by putting your phone down and going outside. With 5G towers up your ass everywhere in any populated area, you will not be able to escape the effects.
All of the so-called "safety" studies (the few that exist) were conducted by shill companies paid by the corporations who are pushing for 5G. Even 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz WiFi exposure is bad for you. People post dumb shit like "it doesn't go past your skin" but they ignore the fact that resonance is a thing, and that even a very low power oscillation at the right frequency to resonate with a target object will penetrate said object like it is not even there.
To a lesser degree, LED lighting also emits high-frequency RF from the switching power supplies that run them, as well as optically through the light pulses (high frequency flicker). So you are already being attacked with LED light - buy some incandescent and chuck all your LED bulbs. You will most likely feel immediately better.
>Those 5g nuts are also people who are anti vaccinations.
Yes, people who don't want themselves or their kids injected with poisons are "nuts" because they also don't want themselves or their kids blasted with high intensity RF radiation.
>In a crisis like this it can be pretty dangerous but in the end it's really up to them if they want the vaccine or not. Legally they cannot force a vaccine on to people in the United States.
What "crisis like this" you fucking imbecile? The only crisis I see here is your inability to reason above the level of shitbag.
this user gets it.
honestly, i don't care about the ignorance because its darwin;s law at play. but spreading disinfo here to other curious anons is insidious. they are most likely cellphone engineers whose livelihoods depend on poisoning the populace wiht irresponsible use of EMF and proliferation therof
Can someone start a daily thread acting like it’s 1910 and replace 5g with radio
JK bears the largest redpill of them all. unfortunately you need to be over 140 iq to understand . sorry brainlets. have fun dying of cancer/heart attacks at age 45 due to irresponsible tech use
>anti-vaxx and 5g are two sides to the same coin...
People with common sense are opposed to the beast system deploying anti-mankind measures designed to cause prolonged suffering over their lifetimes. They don't want you to die right away, they want you to live an agonizing life receiving harmful treatment after harmful treatment for each problem they caused by placing toxins in your midst.
>pushing shit on us that brings more downside risk than upside risk. obv there are vaccines that are beneficial
Vaccines do not work. They are based on the hoax of "germ theory" and could never work as claimed, so do tell, which one do you think is beneficial and what evidence do you have to show?
>what does the krebs cycle have anything to do with chemistry
Oh gee, I don't know, maybe because it's a series of chemical reactions? There's an entire field studied by many biologists called ogranic chemistry, but you'd know that if you weren't a brainlet. There have been many, many studies performed concerning EMR and its effects on various life forms. There are a handful of studies which seem to indicate various negative effects produced by 4G/5G radiation, but each of them has one or more fundamental flaws in methodology or analysis which render the results inconclusive, at best, and none of them indicate that this type of radiation interferes in any way with metabolic processes.
It's not light retard.
Nature also didn't use many other frequencies - does it mean they're all evil? All these different frequencies are somewhat active - it's just that our bodies are designed to perceive some as visible light and not others.
please tell me the power differential between radio and 5g you absolute fucking mong
>Muhhh mm frequency
>Can someone start a daily thread acting like it’s 1910 and replace 5g with radio
Oh dats so clevur. We had radio towers on every street corner didn't we?
Can someone other reddit-tier IQ monster chime in with another whitty one-liner to show how smert he is because he read it on reddit and fellow cucks agree???
Actually watch it, don't skim through it. If you want to be informed on all of this, this is the video to watch.
They're on every street corner because 60ghz attenuates very rapidly, so to get a usable signal strength they need to be placed closer together. One VHF tower outputting high power can bathe whole cities or states. One 60ghz radio can do barely 50 metres.
i've had to take vaccines in past due to bluepilled parents but wholeheartedly disagree with their use and will not have my children take them. i think they may be beneficial in stemming the spread of disease (e/g. TB or polio), but i'd much rather rely on my innate immunity. benefficial in the sense they allow normies to carry on without shitting their pants
Furthermore, if you don't like the 60ghz band of 5G, don't live in a city. They won't put the high freq stuff further out because it's not financially viable..
5G also has the option to use the same lower frequency bands as 4G including 900mhz or 700mhz or whatever it is.
> I found that in a typical microwave oven, the frequency is about 2450 MHz.
That’s the natural frequency of water molecules. same as 2.4GHz 5g
why has our body favoured some and not others? you are a jew pushing your tech narrative when in fact its poisoning populations. hey i dont care, i'm happy and healthy avoiding toxic radiation, i just feel sorry for you.
5g is practically synonymous witj Huawei. Using 5G gives the Chinese government a backdoor on all our telecom
Which specific frequencies? Because 5G operates all the way from ~5GHz up to at least 60GHz. It's also trivial to prove that the higher frequencies don't penetrate past the first few layers of skin. And tests have been carried out in various freqency spectrums including 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and the frequencies used for 5G for decades. And your ridiculous statement about LED bulbs is easily verifiable, because all that would be required to test it is for someone to turn off the light. Don't you think someone, somewhere would have noticed if there were an immediate effect on their health from turning on their lights after installing an LED bulb? Use that hunk of grey matter between your ears, user, assuming you haven't let it rot away yet.
I'm not Jewish and I don't care either way, I work in telecomms but I don't care 4g 5g 3g 2g ham radio whatever, I have no dog in the fight. I get paid no matter what tech people use. I just have never heard a compelling argument why 5G is so bad compared to any other wireless communication technology.
I live rural so I don't give a fuck about radiation either.
Any sources or just schizo mumbo jumbo?
thank you im not a scientist but always learning. my concern is the mitochondria spins electrons at certain frequency and the proliferation of nnEMF interferes with our bodies ability to spin electrons efficiently, thereby causing heteroplasmy and mitochondreial disseases
>And tests have been carried out in various freqency spectrums including 2.4GHz,
>Microwaving you’re self is totally safe
FYI 2450MHz = 2.45=GHz
> I found that in a typical microwave oven, the frequency is about 2450 MHz. Using the formula, velocity = frequency x wavelength and knowing that the velocity of an electromagnetic wave is about 3.0 × 108 m/s, gives a wavelength of about 12 cm.
>just have never heard a compelling argument why 5G is so bad
Microwave oven uses 2.4GHz to BOIL WATER
good for you, user. living rural is the right way to go. i've heard jump conduction as a poitential threat of 5G, not to mention the logirithmic increase in the radiation. from my limited understand, it relates back to the mitochondrial membrame and its ability to spin electrons. it was optimized for UV-A, UV-B and infrared frequencies, not 5G frequencies. its like putting diesel in a ferrari. no bueno.
we will see where it ends up but the least you could do is put your phone on airplane mode when you sleep