Will the rest of the world make china pay for their world changing virus pandemic?

Will the rest of the world make china pay for their world changing virus pandemic?

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They can't because everything is made in China.

I’m personally going to go over there and kuk 100 bugmen.

kek this

At this point the rest of the world is so dependent on chinese manufacturing cheap shit like their iphones or clothes that as soon as chinese factories start up again business will be back as usual.

Welcome to capitalism.

post the full webm

Funny thing is this pic comes from Hong Kong.
Guy's there pay for white bulls to fuck their chink wifes.

R TO the ARE.


God, what a bugman, its amazing that even that can get laid over in china


Actually globhomo elites deep states that own europe and the us are thinking about destroying the european and US middle class, small and middle buiseness and go through requisitions, slave labour camps, destroying any mean of rebellion and possibility of revolting against your government.

Each day passing you lose and lose more economically and the possibility of recovery and turning things around.

It's over.

>the girl

haha you pay

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>girl's a literal 1/10
>"holy shit even a bugman can get laid in china"

It's like one of those ww2 Japanese caricatures. Hahahahaha

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What do you even buy from China?

We already have our phones and computers, but what else?

Fucking chinks. I hope we split a third atom and dedicate it to them.

Including their kids because all of these liberals have Chinese spouses, they will die on this hill.

And have shit start costing more? Fuck that. This is capitalism, deal with it. I want them and their sweatshops around as long as possible. This is one of my criticisms on Republicans. The whole herr derr they took er jobs shit is stale.

Hory shet

Nah, we needed something big like this to shock us into changing, because it was unsustainable. Better to decimate the chinks now, and bring jobs back here

Dios fucking mio la creatura obscura del tenebro infernal.

I am spending too much time on pol

the asian women liking white men is a myth. They look at you how a white woman looks at a low down beaner because white dudes have no hygiene and are generally ugly. I'm asian and everyone in my family jokes about how trash white guys are and how they only came to power by violence and slavery.

Lmfao butthurt chink

I don’t care about fucking Asian women but I’m gonna call you a chink anyway Chang.

I'm not butthurt bro you guys are a worldwide laughing stock and everyone thinks it's hilarious how you sit back and let beaners destroy your country while getting cucked meanwhile every other group in the world nonstop shits on you.

Until it's no longer made in China. When China is economically starved, what will they do then? Where will their power come from?

Just wait. We're moving manufacturing base abroad / domestic. China will starve and many will follow in-suit

Rare flag

You sound like such a dependent faggot. I am glad people like you will be dying off.

You sound so weak and effeminate, this is why Asian girls come to us; that and long, white dick

You will never be white, Chang. Seethe harder.

Boycott China

Cope more dicklet

Send in the weebs n bbc

China is like a drug dealer and the USA is a crack whore who just wants all of the slave wage Gibbs

I thought it was ladyboy, and other dude knows it but aint saying shit to the white dude.

Shhh they are clearly soooo superior to white women! GO on pol! have ching chong kids! They'll love rice.

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You are small in every way, Chang. Keep cryin.

lol. this is why i cant take wmaf muh dicking seriously. you never see the attractive ones with whiteys

I torch chink pussy regular they throw it at white boys foh

>being this non-asenshul

Bored at home yet?

Go away newfag

Checked. Fuck china

i pray to god yes
all yhe big superpowers vs china
would be kino af

ok chang.
>white men are just as undesirable as beaners.
real life doesnt work this way.

You and your family sound like a bunch of pussies.

learn how to read retarded faggot. Your women will fuck any guy with a little money and white men fail in school so you're all broke losers

Muh dick tyrone

It's too brutal

You think greedy businesspeople want to pay actual salaries when they can pay literal cents to the Chinese?

OK Tyrone, back to the fields

Baby dick gook detected

I Think my grandmother has it, they have to pay
its a fucking bioweapon, no other viruses spread wihen the host is asymptomatic.
are the world governments covering it up to maintain globalism?

You know the best part about living in Japan?
Chinkcucks and Koreacucks are obsessed with Japanese girls, but Japanese girls WILL NOT get with other Asians besides Japanese. As a white any woman in this country is available to me whereas the Koreacucks desperately try to get their own women to stay with Koreans with futile pleas of "muh heritage"

Lol. Spent a decade in Asia. Asian women are looking to trade up to ANY white man compared to local stock. It's actually repulsive how women throw themselves at ugly ass white guys.
Also, the asian girls I knew all joked about why the fuck they would want to date an Asian guy. You can easily trade up. All you have to do is fuck like a pro. Easy retirement. For all r/hapa anons.. this is generally all females of all races. Modern Judaic Western society over-inflates a woman's value. Just look at Western asian women. Same or worse than whites.

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Yes. Heres how. Push race mixing with chinese only. and only with their women, future generations of men are all unfuckable hapa's.
No need for violence

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As a man who just moves back from China, I find her very attractive.

sexual conquering white man. Go spread your seed.

Do you speak Portuguese?

lol this is def not true. tons of korean japanese couples these days, both ways. and korean dudes actually get the attractive japanese girls whereas its hilariously rare with white guys

Cuck china movement knock em up an run

A lot of white guys I know here just fuck Chinks and Koreans because they find it hard to get with the Japanese girls. J-bros actually have their women nailed down pretty well, so they are not interested in C/K girls, so these C/K girls who have fled their own countries are DESPERATE for cock.

The trick to getting with Jgirls is that Japanese are very proud of their culture and will open up once you learn the language and shown that you can make J-bro friends.

t. seething korea cuck

No Japanese girl is going to lower herself to sleeping with a conquered race.

>all these seething asians in here
Didn't know so many posted on here
gook cope and delusion


I've been to both countries and China is better for poon. The average Jap has better make up and dresses nicer, but Chinese woman are naturally sexier. They also fuck like maniacs.

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lol alright

>Just look at Western asian women
Yeah what's up with this lot?

not cope. just reality

Far left wants to domesticate manufacturing because China adheres to literally 0 ecological or labor regulations. Far right wants to domesticate manufacturing because it’s asinine to be wholly dependent on a hostile nation for literally all of our goods.

The only people who don’t mind are the bugmen, söyboys, thots, and boomers - and guess what - those bugmen and söyim will spend 7 weeks without sports or music festivals to fester about this while the boomers will die.

Add this to the “””trade war””” that best-goy trump was trying to meme, and you have the majority of public opinion favoring domesticating manufacturing.

Sure, some people will just want life to go back to normal, but after an even like this, I’d be surprised if it does. Just like how Trump winning the presidency turned all politics into bloodsport, this event will forever alter China’s trajectory for world domination.

Fantasy. You were seething from your first post in this thread and it's very obvious you're an Asian manlet, probably a hapa too

you are so very wrong

t. white, non smelly, and fit toronto user

Yeah like I said all my white friends say J is the hardest to score. Japan is the most based and redpilled country in the world right now and they know it. Japanese aren't racist though and have "cultural" pride. Most white guys don't want to make the effort to learn the language though.

Look at the flag, he has no idea what is going on in Japan. Every Japanese girl I met will not consider having Chinese or Korean friends much less fucking them.

Big cope. I’m an average looking 5’9 white guy with green eyes and every Asian woman I ever met (who wasn’t already dating a white guy lmao) tried to date me.

This went for the Americanized ones who were born here and for the chinkish immigrants too. In college they would talk shit about Asian guys while waiting around late after the party ended for one of us to bang then.

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>Didn't know so many posted on here
who do you think post of the pro-white shit on here? just slants larping as whites half the time.
They literally come out the woodwork if you talk shit on nude pics of their ugly sister they just posted

The dick is small on this one.

That rich coming from a jew worshipper

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And this includes knowing about ANIME

You wouldn't believe the number of UK blokes hanging out in the HUB trying to score who can't speak Japanese and don't even know what GINTAMA is

>Shhh they are clearly soooo superior to white women!

Your white woman most likely won't want kids because she thinks she is more important, and if she does agree to have kids she'll expect you to split her job with you while also doing yours.

You know what, I am a loser. I'm a 30year old fuck up who moved to China to sing ABCs to little Chang's. I got paid twice the average local salary and fucked 20 women in one year. Most of the woman I fucked were married with kids. They hated their boring husband's, so they would take me out to nice restaurants and buy me expensive gifts. Then they would come to my apartment and get fucked all night. They would limp out of my apartment full of cum and go home to laugh about how trashy white people are.
Then they would come back next week to kiss my balls and beg me to make them pregnant.

it is mate, theyre also the best ones of the bunch,

i won't lie and say there aren't a good number of japs around here looking to date, but they're just overwhelmingly better and morally superior in every way to the other asians here

>buzzword buzzword
Stats say otherwise faggots. Plenty of Japanese women marry Chinese and Korean man.

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