What is Yas Forums reading while quarantine is active?
Quarantine Thread
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The Kybalion by The Tree Initiates
Just finished Wuthering Heights. Can anyone recommend a good free audiobook?
A+/Security+ material bc some random user said it would be worth while and I'm hoping it's not just a meme.
Finally getting around to reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Off by a lot
Thanks. But can't find on jewtube :(
Watching Jackass
>surprised that a book about the coming race war and the world being ethnically cleansed is not available
Torrent it, you dense fuck.
Is The Silmarillion worth reading? I’ve heard good and bad, mostly low IQ retards sayin it’s bad.
Yas Forums
Figure I better get caught up
I don't have a computer with internet access. I can only stream using my phone.
I’ll be finished with Butcher’s Crossing tonight, I’ll re-read The Old Man and The Sea or maybe Warlock if I’m in the mood for another western.
'Human Diversity' by Charles Murray.
Who are these two (((((individuals)))))? They dont really appear human
Read it.
"Letters from a Stoic" by Seneca
the people that shit on stoicism (because they only read quotable snippets from meditations or follow normie-tier things about it like pinterest blogs) need to read more into it.
this is some lifechanging stuff, lads.
>implying mobile torrent clients aren't a thing
Are you sure you're not a nigger? You're certainly dumb enough.
Earth Abides, and Er ist Wieder Da.
Why would you need a torrent when you can just search by filetype and get whatever pdf you want?
Finished a book by dostoyevsky, moving on to seneca.
Because (((they))) can take down a file server. They can't control what's shared p2p.
I need free, streamable audiobooks.
Any books to help me cope with reality and the degeneration of the world? I feel awfully hopeless with all the black pills I've taken
look at the redpills and books in this thread if you are bored
they are pretty decent
bretty good so far
This was a good one. I preferred Sir Nigel though.
t. soulseek.
Nips are spooky
me too user!!!
Yas Forums
The andromeda strain. Finished rereading the hot zone
unironically the bible
animal crossing
>*TYRANNY Thread
Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people.
Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.
This is tyranny.
Race and the American prospect
It's good for IT if that is the industry you're aiming for. Pajeets have fucked it up with their H1B1 visas ndat
Can't you read?
No. But I enjoy being read to.
Awake browsing Yas Forums by night, drifting between conciousness and unconciousness by day. Shit's surreal.
Unironically Mein Kampf. It's very comfy reading so far.
Can relate
The same user mentioned that said panjeets can't get clearance, suggesting that a gov't position couldn't be outsourced bc a prerequisite is that you were born here. Have a feeling that A+/Sec+ aren't going to cut it on their own. Maybe CEH after that I guess? One step at a time for now.
I'm reading chinese literature in english. Wuxia World is amazing. Slaps to death. Classic. I'll not recommend something that I din't finish, but go read Desolate Era, pretty good stuff.
Is this a good one?
Howard Zinn - A Young People's History of United States Audiobook
Haven’t played a video game since 2017. Been working out and reading/university. I ordered a desktop for mount and blade 2 and a ps4 for ff7 remake. Unemployment bux starting tomorrow, feeling comfy.
Generation Kill
So far (if all numbers are actually true) there are ~161k people w/ Corona-Chan in America. That means that in the US (~331M), Wu-Flu has infected only 0.048%.
Just 0.048%
So, why all the craziness?
And how do we get the normies to see these "Stay-In-Place" orders for what they are?
Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people.
Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.
Bait this post is bait
Old survival books
Kurt Vonnegut
nice stuff user. got a pdf?
Prussianism and socialism
Why read a book when I can read Yas Forums
In terms of reading, I have been listening to the Audiobook of GoT, not sure if that counts but I prefer Audiobooks to physical ones because while I love reading and stories when I read and read and read I tend to lose track of the story and characters if there are too many.
Plus Audiobooks allow me to both listen to my book and play Borderlands at the same time.
Link is a pdf. Currently phonefagging
Keep in mind stoicism was a philosophy mostly reserved for patricians. It wasnt for everyone (ie not the brainlets). Even today stoicism is to the masses what pearls are to a swine.
Haxor and cyber security books, books about rise of cia, and book to learn python (know java, some c#, groovy, JavaScript)