#filmyourhospital is real, check out the vids

Last thread filled up quickly. Time for a new one.

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Because hospitals have banned visitors in hotspots, and thats is who you would see in the lobby. Patients with COVID-19 are kept in negative pressure rooms where the only people allowed in are medical staff and COVID-19 patients. It would be a really bad idea to let any asshole walk in to a room with highly contagious patients to take a video to prove its a real virus.

can you prove that? go to a hospital hot spot and get kicked out on camera.


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Where is that?

Their not moving??

>#filmyourhospital is real



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did he died

I live in nyc and my friend is a doctor at Nyu. Hospitals have no visitors and no elective procedures going on right now. They’re busy af but you just don’t see it in the lobby.

Smart. Can't have crowded hospitals if everyone's dead.

Bodies look like mannequins



this video is from china when it all started, have it in my folder since february.

>They’re busy af but you just don’t see it in the lobby.
X Doubt

>meme flag
I'm convinced.

Okay, but what about the lines that are 'out into the streets' of people with the virus?

I would rather not walk into a hospital in a COVID-19 hotspot...

That's a morgue, you fucking moron, not a hospital. Everyone there but staff are dead. Only one was bagged due to Kung Flu. Big fucking deal.

Maybe its like that in some places? I havent heard about that. Can you show me who said that there were lines? Source?

>a COVID-19 hotspot
chang detected

Attached: corona-chan.jpg (1020x766, 131.78K)

They've emptied the hospitals because that's exactly where its infection spreads the fastest: in hospitals.
The virus gets on surfaces and stays there for a considerable time.
Even within sealed corona virus wards, it'll burn through an unsuspecting hospital because the same people move throughout the hospital, and the same equipment gets moved from room to room, from ward to ward depending on who needs it.
Unsuspecting hospitals create the perfect conditions for its spread.
People close together in a building, lots of movement around, lots of plastic and metal surfaces.
Now ask yourself, how fucking evil you'd have to be to design a deadly disease that actually specializes in spreading itself systematically through hospital-like environs, the very place where anyone with those symptoms is likely to end up?

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Chinese glow niggers out here posting dramatic walls of texts to scare the most schizo among us

>They've emptied the hospitals
>They’re busy af but you just don’t see it in the lobby.
>hospitals have banned visitors in hotspots, and thats is who you would see in the lobby

Attached: yeahk.jpg (791x480, 67.23K)

Check your chink-dar faggot, I live in Wisconsin.

>Chinese glow niggers out here posting dramatic walls of texts to scare the most schizo among us
Been like that since Feb.

There is NOTHING corona-meme can't do.

>you cough, you die.

Attached: corona lol.jpg (1270x434, 158.02K)

>I live in Wisconsin.
Is that near a confuscious institute?

my god, he’s right again

> there are no chinese in wisconsin
ok zhou

Literally 2 seconds on Google you shill.

Xinnie the Pooh, aka Chinas President Xi, is gay. Proof enough I dont live there?


Is that the hospital that loads bodies out front for dramatic effect?

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>Trying this hard.
Your handlers are gonna be pissed.

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LOL 2 bodies are marked as COVID and wrapped up while all others are your typical deaths

Well im not doxxing myself. Go ahead and believe Im Chang.

I used fox news because you faggots don’t except (((new york post))) or (((Washington post))) and the like. Literally just google it.

>Go ahead and believe Im Chang.
Will do.

>I used fox news because you faggots don’t except

>Literally just google it.
No one uses google except normie faggots and bugmen that can't even into accept

>2 bodies
I think those were bag bundles, not bodies.

user, don't waste your time and energy arguing with these shut in schizos

Then use duck duck go or whatever the fuck you contrarian retards are in to nowadays.

it will fill up in 2 weeks

chang detected

>chang detected
Chang detected, unironically.

my best mate is a radiographer at one of the biggest hospitals in my city. he'd be taking xrays of their lungs if the influx was true but reckons it's been way quieter than usual. thinks it's all media hype and literally laughs about retarded doomers and social distancing bullshit. on the other hand my other best mate works at the local newspaper and is so spooked he wont come out of his house and literally seems to be in the midst of a mental breakdown. which is funny because a few week ago he hadn't even heard of corona lmao.

They said that a month ago. Its always in 2 weeks. In may they will say it will fill up in 2 weeks.


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ask again in 2 weeks

>T W O W E E K S

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two week warning everyone, two weeks

Attached: FILM YOUR HOSPITAL(1).png (1205x1559, 399.14K)

reminder to be terrified and don't step outside your coronacage goy- i-i mean guys


it was barely present a month ago. mostly contained in that nursing home in WA. it's going to be apocalyptic here.

are you cod-19 denier?

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>open borders will stop a pandemic
That's easily the single greatest feat of mental gymnastics I have ever seen, bar none. Holy fuck.

I can’t tell if you’re pretending to be retarded.

I guess my hospital is empty because you see a few vacant waiting rooms.


>That's easily the single greatest feat of mental gymnastics I have ever seen, bar none. Holy fuck.
Idk, the thing about treating corona virus patients with antibiotics was pretty up there.


>I guess my hospital is empty because you see a few vacant waiting rooms.
>Vacant parking lots
>Idle ambulances
>No one coofing
Oh look, it's fucking nothing.

Until what, the next two weeks? This slope is slippery af.

>tfw dead chinks have a bigger penis than you

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the new shill line next to "schizo" is:
>it will fill up in 2 weeks

Keeping “infected”out of site helps them label other virus infections as COVID. Limited and defective testing another means of delaying the truth from spreading faster than the virus ever will.

If there were a real pandemic, these U.S. emergency rooms (in some cities are always full regardless) would be packed with sick and dying as shown months ahead by Communist Chinese.

That is why there are refrigerated trailers outside of everyday hospitals, no? Mass death that will never come.

>the new shill line next to "schizo" is:
>Learn exponents

No, all the coofers are stored away in the basement to contain the coof

I have 64 positive patients in my hospital ALONG WITH the patients that are here with non-covid related illnesses. You can go fuck yourself. Out of the 30 vents my hospital owns I only have 4 spare left. We're already preparing to use non-invasive ventilators as traditional invasive ventilators.

Pic related. On the left two types of filters we use to prevent transmission and on the right is a spare exhalation valve with flow adapter for the vents. Eat shit and die.

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Can you provide some kind of proof with a timestamp? Mostly everyone on here has been full of shit. You are potentially the only person on this whole website that can stop the spread of disinfo.

>I have 64 positive patients in my hospital ALONG WITH the patients that are here with non-covid related illnesses. You can go fuck yourself. Out of the 30 vents my hospital owns I only have 4 spare left. We're already preparing to use non-invasive ventilators as traditional invasive ventilators.

>My dad works at Nintendo.