no fucking links, its 2am, go check facebook if youre that bothered
Brit/pol/ - still snowing edition
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Fair enough lad.
have a link
>‘ONE IN FOUR’ UK doctors forced off work as Covid-19 pandemic causes severe headache for healthcare system
btfo'd him so hard I feel bad
probably ruined his day
>tfw you will never be a Congo mercenary
Why live lads?
It's not snow, it's the ashes of burning corpses
If where him, I would be telling people anonymously on Yas Forums also
No need to rub it in lad
Not snowing in the South West, been nice blue skys, bit chilly though
kek that pic.
Reminder the only way forward is to start community farms. Throw off your backyard fences, pry away their concrete foundations and posts, ally with neighbours, use the abundant land to grow crops and most important, arm yourselves and start worker's urban agricultural networks that can survive the storm. After the virus that is.
same here, winds fucking nippy lad
I need to redo Daisy but I'm too lazy tbqh
i've said my piece i'm back on netflix
>letting bobbies stop you from seeing the woman you love
this is the gayest thing i've ever read, lol.
I have this autistic ability to instantly visualise a place on a song, this is a forest tree house village with wall lanterns at night.
my neighbours are dickheads there's a fence there for a reason
was snowing here earlier.
i do live in the north of scotland though, it first snowed here last october
Dickheads in what way? Are they capitalists?
>Implying Bazza, Shazza, Deano and Stacey are competent enough to start a "worker's urban agricultural network"
You do make me laugh sometimes m8.
>tfw you will never be a Congo mercenary
I know this feel, my career path would be :
FFR > Mining company security
I see that I'm in space and two spacecraft have just collided with each other, leaving a huge field of debris.
one has four loud shithead dogs and his wife stares at me when ever I'm shirtless in the garden, mow his lawn every day and talks to me about golf
the other one talks absolute shit non stop
larps about guns he owns
shocker - both are southerners
I have been listening to this super often lately
It is the sad melody, really, and the idea that soldiers of fortune, gentleman mercenaries no longer exist
Why not, I really would like to see the Abbey ruins; you've made my proud when you said that the other day duck, it was very high praise! I did 3 years of English at uni and my teachers were native speakers from the south, that is how I was taught.
I hope I did not sound like that to you just because you were tipsy lol
Well no, they're not. That's why you have to do it, being that you know that you know better.
Two quid for one bloody sausage?
amazing tune
horrific video
I literally cannot help btfoing yanks
they are all so slow and have meme fox news tier opinions
Hasn't been snowing here in Angus. Only up high.
i think i had a campfire in a snowy forest in mind, peak winter comfiness.
which will all be over once this cold spell passes, this is the last week of it so enjoy.
the nights will start drawing out and the days will be warm again soon.
Well then since you know better, its your job to educate them.
I’ll charge you 50p if you want mine that badly
I couldn't imagine a worse existence than having to corral bazza and shazza into a fucking shit allotment every day desu
Aren’t you the one who posted this pic saying you’d finally met a bird you liked or something like that? How’s it going with her?
>all of this is premised on corona being 'the big one', like the black death, that killed half of europe.
You should read up on Simon Mann, former SAS and founder of a PMC, fascinating stories.
its used in a few games.
i first heard it from this old flash game
I know you're in here, Kraut. Are you going to reply or act like a coward again?
I wish I was like this FFS
alright in london its not snowing what the fuck
>I see a war coming where nobody takes sides. A truly barbaric free for all until something comes from the ashes. It's going to be terrible and there will be no escaping it.
I don't see that. I'll be honest, I don't see any predictable path. I've been discussing this for over a decade. I have been certain that the crash was coming, but I didn't expect it for another 20-30 years. Corona has sped up this up far quicker than anything I could imagine. I false assumed Pandemic scenarios were dealt with as a threat since SARS was dealt with so easily. Clearly the incompetence and corruption within government has accelerated since then making this crisis not only possible, but a reality.
I will say this though: 'Jihad/Christian' racial holy war is a cope. The goal was never to bring about 'war', but to liberalise Muslims into being just as degenerate as a Friday night in Cardiff, and it was working. I don't see 'race war'. Corona has brought about a new dilemma.
On a positive note, immigration will stall for the foreseeable future. I hear many third world immigrants are also leaving.
>I'm ready
You're not, m8. No one is. Not even the merchants are ready. This is a completely random chaotic event, only made possible by globalism. Corona wouldn't have happened if not for third world overpopulation, market importance within political affairs, third world trade dependence and open borders.
you spastics bore me
He's good aye. Mike "mad dog" Hoare is where it is really at though.
Where in the South West, user?
If I tear down my fence and "ally" with my neighbours, everything in my garden is getting nicked and I'll probably get jumped kek.
Mission accomplished
>You're not, m8. No one is. Not even the merchants are ready. This is a completely random chaotic event, only made possible by globalism. Corona wouldn't have happened if not for third world overpopulation, market importance within political affairs, third world trade dependence and open borders.
a black swan
Pretty clever response. I never would have thought of it. Derp.
All this assumes that lOckDowN lasts 18 months, which so far is just a figure you pulled out of your arse despite citing inTernAldoCUmen t S. I would also say that I think people will start questioning the effort being put in to save the weak wayyy before this theoretical pressure-cooker implodes western civilisation. This idea that it's not possible to do what we've been doing is retarded, we were doing it literally 4 weeks ago, if it stops it's not because it's not possible, it's because a decsion was made.
What I won't argue with is that that decision may have been made. I've been saying it since february though, the virus may well turn out to be the least significant thing about all this. I still see a world that improves after it though. It could be the shedding of the hangover of the indistrial revolution. The bloom into new platitudes and paradigms.
It could also just be back to work by march and all this chat was just the same old shite with updated lexicon.
UWE Bristol has moved all exams online (todd howard said it'll just work) and the ECC is being re-purposed as a hospital for 400+.
Source: a staff member i know
Yeah but you need to negotiate with them, violently if needed.
>This is a completely random chaotic event
it would be nice if that were true.
do you put no stock at all in the event 201 and bill gates conspiracies?
it seems we're on a fast track to everything theyve been working towards
>"just the flu bro" BTFO
The Happening is here, and all I hear from people are 'copes'.
I see a world not only polarised but backed into a lot of specialist individual corners.So much division but each little clique immensly knowledgable and and connected within their own little specialities.
Just as we saw the wrath of the industrial revolution a long time after it happened we now cannot see what changes the information revolution has brought about as we are caught in its maelstrom.
So many voices with so much information all baying for attention. Throw them in a crisis without the tools to deal with it and we have a poignant mix of race, religion, creed, sexuality, gender, politics and poverty. So divided that alliances will be impossible to form. No idea where it will go but each group will be looking to guide us forward and none are compatible.
Two shillings chav.
how's it going lads? I hear you can get arrested for buying easter eggs now.
I bet it was a leaf and I bet it was wasted....
No mate. That's my wife in the pic.
>when ever I'm shirtless in the garden
I was half right.
Fucking internet just went down.
Pretty imaginative lad
Comfy as fuck
Near Okehampton
If you can't get a vegetable patch started without violent negotiations, how does anything get done? kek what a LARP
>freeman dyson died and no one noticed
Proper South West.
Have you ever been here (if it's still there)?
Stayed there a couple of times years ago, fucking bizarre.
>they are all the same
>I cannot help it
Not far from where I grew up. Ross shire is my old stomping ground.
Yes, comfy place, love the part that looks like a galleon ship.
Pics like this make me envy wildling jocks
England is so beautiful lads
i'll have you know I pretty hench
right but it is just a flu you spastic
I remember they used to have a lot of bad taxidermy, I wondered if the old guy Buster did it himself with roadkill off the A30.
I'm not going to tell you how to do that since you might be a fascists, but to give you a hint, the way you do it is mass line, or to translate it, unity-struggle-unity-struggle-unity-struggle....
>I would also say that I think people will start questioning the effort being put in to save the weak wayyy before this theoretical pressure-cooker implodes western civilisation
That's an establishment driven narrative. Governments want people back at work ASAP. The Trump Stimulus gives pathetic tax rebates, not welfare incomes. Governments are consistently putting markets first, and not people. The people desire jackboots and they aren't getting it.
Have you read what these people were talking about? No. Gates and his team did some gay op D&D event where they dealt with a corona virus. It was a pathetic back-slapping competition of who can signal best. The focus on this event was not how to deal with the virus, but the desire to limit public speech, conspiracy theories and xenophobia. The entire event was not made to shill for a proper policy against a pandemic, but to shill for more censorship at the time.
Here's a link to this disgusting faggot-ridden self-referential back-patting display:
These events are purely done so big pharma can chill for subsidies and liberals can shill for censorship. Nothing more. Any pretense of dealing with a pandemic is thrown out within the first 15mins. It's a bloviating exercise and when an actual pandemic hit, these people were completely unprepared.
Institutions have been an absolute embarrassment.
Bit daft for doomsday. How will he get his mask to seal?
You'd literally have an orgasm if you visited Cornwall or Devon in the summer.
>Corona wouldn't have happened if not for third world overpopulation, market importance within political affairs, third world trade dependence and open borders.
I didn't hate globalism for any other reason than it was a fucking stupid pipedream and was only going to cause damage to sensible structures until it inevitably crumbled taking everyone back to the fucking stoneage. What an absolute fucking shitshow and everyone involved no matter their intensions should be thrust directly into the 7th circle of hell.
Now, now. The WHO have been performing perfectly.
Got the wrong pic there. Spoiled the jape. Hay ho. I predicted everything that’s going on, I’m quite upbeat about the chances of apocalypse. It’s our only hope. Fatties are shit out of luck, this is why they should not have been fat fucks.
Probably, guy was a bit loose upstairs, meant well though, he said it's just designed to make American tourists wank off really.
You've got nicer spots, Andrea.
pictures like this tell a different story than you may picture in your mind.
theres every likelyhood thats a toll booth, built under the pretense of maintaining public highways for trade and traveling but with the real aim of gatekeeping mobility of the feudal serfs who couldnt afford to pay the toll.
there was a whole era of english romanticism around toll booths, courts, castles and other arms of the state used to subdue the people painted long after the fact, right up until the industrial revolution where workhouses and mills full of working children were forced to go every day found themselves as the center pieces of these paintings.
the long lasting effect of fuedalism can still be seen in much of the country today, though it evolved in the industrial age into the class system, in rural england there were still towns 10 miles apart with totally different accents and dialects up until the age of mass communication, the people were herded.