What data are you hoarding for the inevitable, anons? pdfs? movies? porn?

What data are you hoarding for the inevitable, anons? pdfs? movies? porn?

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Other urls found in this thread:


this is a good time to ask link for that stash of books/pdfs etc.

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Music, film, and (e-)books.

inevitable is not a real word
nothing is inevitable

I suffer from infornography and I just save pretty much anything I find remotely interesting.
I have a problem.

Textbooks by the tens of thousands, repair guides, encyclopedias, a complete copy of open street maps, a 70G download of wikipedia.
I plan to take over an AM radio station and broadcast audiobooks, while advertising the location of wifi hotspots.

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The Lord of The Rings trilogy is all that is needed.

I have a lot saved from the great sadpanda scare last year.
What a time.
>scrambling to download all my favorites
>constant chatting between others discussing the ones we saved and gave loads of reccomendations
Was a ride

My furry con VHS tapes from the 90's and ATCQ Vinyls

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I got a bunch of medical textbooks and a neuroscience coding one.

roms, pdfs, and mp3s. mostly pdfs though.

We can't lose criminal justice know-how either...

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I want some horror books, my favorite stuff is pre-90s Stephen King. Any recs?

White Power - GLR is a good read.


Does anybody got any good recommendations for some nonfiction reads and maybe some good textbooks or basic bitch information?

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Based and Alexandria pilled


kill yourself


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I don't know about horror but a good fiction book that's worth reading if you haven't already is blood meridian by Cormac McCarthy. I've listened to it on audiobook about three times and read it once. To be honest with you a lot of people say that they have trouble reading it the first time, and I can understand why, the prose is unusual, but once you get used to it it'll be the best fiction book you'll ever read. To be honest it wouldn't be bad to start with the audiobook, the one that's on audible has a really good narrator and he does a very good job.

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Or just search /IGG/ in /k/

If you are interested in criminology I recommend
>The bell curve
>Competing for Control: Gangs and the Social Order of Prisons
>Monster: Autobiography of an LA Gang Member
>The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System
>23/7 Pelican Bay
t. Criminology faggot.

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Thanks! First and foremost, survival guides.

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crime statistics and quotes on jews

You're not gonna need any of that when your government shuts off the power, user

we were pretty much born with everything we need to know. now it is a matter of unlearning things told to us from "school" and "television"

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ever heard of solar panels, gypo?

Au contraire! My Frenchman with hepatitis!
In post internet world, data will be currency!

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You will, someday.

terabyte of emulation
who wanna play sega?

Well of course, friend. I've been unlearning everything from high school and before since that time. I've always enjoyed reading though, and I do enjoy podcasts and listening to new ideas. It's really easy to pick up the electronic Jew right now for quick entertainment, maybe I should try to dig out some of my books and see if there's one reading through again, would be nice to have something to read if the power went out.

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Too slow a maple syrup coated bullet to the inside of the noggin much faster. Plus you can fuck it up or people find you and flush your stomach. Better to not risk being a vegetable for the rest of your life.

If I die I'm taking every furry with me. WWG1WGA

So what should I use as my weapon of choice? Any suggestions?

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I printed out a bunch of anime thighs for when the internet goes down.

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So he's gonna be among the only ones with a light in all that darkness and give himself away more easily. Damn you brits really haven't turned too smart have ya


>not broadcastin .zip files of the archive through packet radio itself

>what is blackout

If you can't fashion a solar wind farm out of a parking lot full of cars in 5 days,
then follow the leaf in this thread.

everything I like

Recently started my straight shota doujin collection.

Do you happen to have torrents for the works you have saved?

A folder full of Million Dollar Extreme videos.

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Lol. I would never download illegal content.

Wait, actually, I DID have to use a torrent for the wikipedia thing. I forget the url, but it's out there.
Also, one can search for textbooks, library, etc.

No porn.

But I am collecting info on bushcraft and permaculture.
t. Eagle scout.

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Downloaded all of Wikipedia. It’s 42gb

built for

Any books about running, operating or setting up your own radio broadcast? I like the idea of taking over a radio station.



You can reach South America at night with an AM station. You'll have to wait til post collapse, though.

A man of culture

Idk have a pretty sweet folder of 300+ pdfs, docs, movies etc that I found in a /nsg/ it’s pretty comprehensive. If it all goes I’ll have the likes of uncle ted to keep me company.

I have amassed a huge collection of films of all genres also all TV shows . I have just about every comic book published since the golden age up to the 90's on a hard drive. I have thousands of books on military history, occult and other subjects. I have PDF's of almist all RPG games published since the early 80's.

Why? Wikipedia is bluepilled censored revisionism for the most part because the ((moderators)) will ban your ip if you start trying to tell any semblance of truth.

grab amateur radio books from internet archive, also you can do the ham radio loicense online, lucky american...

a few terabytes of technical documentation and blueprints of engines, computers, you name it.
I don't want to actually reinvent anything myself

Interesting. When driving home at night a while back I'd enjoy hitting scan on the AM band just to see what I can pickup. Never thought it could reach that far.

Thank you for the link.

I’m hoarding data on 3D printed dildos, just in case there is a run on them.

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It is still useful. It needs curation before it is widely disseminated.

1tb of newzbin stuff from early 2000's.
All kinds of manuals for all kinds of things.

I just like Hilda the Bambioid.

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interdasting digits, but the past is inevitable

nothing. you can't take that shit with you to the other side. probably all I'll take is a Ray Borque bobblehead so I can shove it up Satan's ass.

Yeah. If you have done an inventory of all the radio stations within 300 miles, you will notice that they have two wattages: daytime and nighttime.
They are vastly different for a reason.

I'm studying for a BA Honours degree in Criminology right now funnily enough. The course is completely ZOGed though and I want to kill myself.

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Based. Lmao

Currently sifting through 400gb of combat footage choosing the best clips and making one long film. So many atgm shots

3tb of bullprepping material

whatever happened to /pdfs/, that board on that other chan?

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Yeah. Don't save any of the criminals are victims, bullshit.

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That's basically the whole course thus far.

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I'll kill myself if anything happens to the internet

Where do you get your high-quality J Worth. images? All my images are low-quality TV captures.

The eternal plea for state intervention to raze those capable of improving the situation to elevate those who are incapable.

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