Reddit tranny who helped r/AgainstHateSubreddits take down right wing subreddits posts a video exposing them of all the terrible shit they've done.
Reddit tranny who helped r/AgainstHateSubreddits take down right wing subreddits posts a video exposing them of all the...
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This. I'm not giving clicks and views to youtube. Tell us what it's about.
Lol I'm not watching it.
Tranny's are pedophiles.
>tranny films himself reporting posts
Can't you just attempt another suicide for attention like a normal tranny?
Also did not click.
why do trannies seemingly control the entire internet
they are literally the jews of the internet
It's always the tranniejannies with their filthy anime representations of themselves. They're always so unbearably hideous with how they actually look.
tl/dw: r/AHS discord trannies encouraged posting their favourite CP pics from their collection onto 'problematic' right wing subs to take them down
Too long didn't watch. His voice is more annoying than Contrapoints
Why do they always seem to use anime characters to represent themselves?
>promoting cp distribution
>promoting false accusation
cant we alert fbi about these degenerates?
she looks kinda cute
anime + autism + bad parenting = a desire to be something they will never be
Probably because anime nowadays is a pozzed magnet for degenerates. It's also easy for them to relate with the fantasy since they're trying to live in one.
Fuck off with the anime spam faggot
I blame all the dickgirl stuff of the past ten years, pure degeneracy
Not like the based tentacle rape of the old days
The dickgirl stuff was always around cuz of shit like black bible. It's that fucking trap shit the really started to encroach into the mainstream over time until it metastasized into a hotbed of degeneracy.
Fucking newfag had no idea what he was walking into.
What people don't get is a lot of the older trannies running these raid servers are 2000s era Yas Forumstards.
They have access to and years of training in using ritual magic that can easily manipulate someone as weak as that to cut his dick off.
Tfw you realise mentalist discord trannies are real
Fuck off with your pedophile anime nazi larping bullshit.
People are so fucked in the head
didnt watch the video but if you are retarded enough to get baited by discord trannies you deserve everything bad that happens to you.
weak die alone.
thats worth a bump
he's right
In case you don't want to listen to some mtf tranny talk for 8 minutes in an obviously queer attempted female voice, the tl;dr of it is they thought they joined a welcoming community that helped take down fascists but got disgusted when said group started false flagging fascist or rightwing subs with child porn
> Fuck off with your pedophile anime nazi larping bullshit.
ngl dude the more modern stuff is kinda fucking trash. go watch legend of the galactic heroes or read hokuto no ken.
good taste
Yet another proof that LGBT shit is for pedos
What else are they going to do?
tranny's are pedophiles, everyone knows this.
This. This is the real problem
Everyone knows this.
They post cp
lefty autist finds secret tranny discord server that brigades "hate" subreddits and gets them banned. eventually got turned into a tranny and found out the other discord members were encouraged to post cp to get subs banned. called out discord mod for it, got banned from the server
This is huge
the thing about the trap shit is that you could literally track how it slowly encroached over time. the trap in naruto, the trap in HxH, hideyoshi in baka & test, etc. It really started to gain traction when fags starting stealth shilling effeminate males with boku no pico. Light Novels being a cesspool of degenerate tastes also really pushed the trap shit so it was a perfect storm for it blow up in the modern with increasing LN adaptations and increased acceptance of general degeneracy.
we were always all little girls here.
then fucking pedofags started breaking the rule and started pretending to be little girls OUTSIDE of Yas Forums in order to secure unsupervised access to young children.
Add "bad parenting" to "single motherhood", or "weak father" and then you'd be 100% right.
"They didn't fuck my troomer hole after I helped them wtf I am a cute girl this isn't fair"
>Redddit faggots being niggers
Imagine my shock
Yeah, and when you add in the factor that there's lots of women in the anime industry and the increase in the LGBT popularity in Japan in the last 10 years, things start to make somewhat more sense
This and those certain people are starting to take a hold of the anime industry. The follow-up post of that amygdalae theory gives some info regarding that
If it was rightwingers posting CP in the transgender "communities," we'd never hear the end of it, and those rightwingers would be prosecuted.
They're disgusting ugly degenerates so they try to appropriate the cutest and most wholesome art style to cover it up. Same thing with furries and how they tried to equate their degenerate filthy "art" with anime/manga and flooded the image boards with that sick shit years back.
14 years running without watching so much as a 30 second anime clip.
Trannies aren't welcome in most facets of real-life because the natural instinct of humans is disgust towards them.
They are overrepresented on the internet and video games as a result.
There's been significant backlash in the industry against (((Westerners))) trying to influence anime recently. One famous anime director even named the Jew and called out Japanese/Zainichi Korean Christians for helping them spread their subversion and degeneracy.
Alright, so what do about it? Posting this link is guaranteed to get you banned from that and any other "/r/AHS-friendly" sub within an hour. But posting CP is a federal offense, regardless of how fucked-up your biased, faggoty censorship campaign is. And considering half of reddit's budget was paid by Tencent Holdings, Ltd, China has a lot of money invested in keeping them operational.
So what now? Report this video to the fed and just pray for the best?
Source? I've needed a whitepill recently :\
Uh why is it always anime, then?
Westerners aren't drawing cartoon shows about 12 year old boys being groomed by white collar working adults (Boku no Pico)
who cares about a dead reddit trannie?
Holy shit. Do you have anywhere I can read about this industry backlash? Especially this famous director you mentioned
Please japs, take at least anime back, it's the only enjoyable media left
They are the FBI
>Westerners aren't drawing cartoon shows about 12 year old boys being groomed by white collar working adults
It's the same answers regarding the loli argument. Westerners may not draw but they indulge in it IRL lol. Just check the pedophilia rates of Japan and other european countries
>Why do they always seem to use anime characters to represent themselves?
Lol Naruto being the first trap. Y’all niggas never heard of ranma, huh?
tl:dw, we have a senior member of Against Hate Subreddits admitting they have and use child porn as a raid tool.
That's a genderbender, same thing as the green haired genderbender in To Love Ru
Not him but I actually loath people avatar fagging as anime girls they used to be innocent but now 50% are probably trannies
I don't think you answered my question though.
What caused Japan to indulge this sexual degeneracy that corrupted the Western world?
Was it a longcon revenge plot for Hiroshima?
they're the ones who make the "misogynistic" posts too
proof is the fact that /gif/ is both full of tranny threads and threads where people post gore specifically of women being maimed and murdered. also, you know, their discords, where they post shit like that non-stop
who'da thunk that trannies were anti-social freaks with weird fetishes?
I knew at least 3 separate Steam nazis with black hair anime girls as avatars.
At least one of them was married to a Chinese woman.
I gotta get into those discord servers.
I spit out facts about trannies but at the end of the day, my god, I love femboys so much
They're proof that men can do everything better, including being a woman.
remember when traps were just a meme
ring ring fbi
get it before he removes it
(he probably made this thread)
What makes you think I'm a tranny? I said I love femboys, that doesn't mean I am one, and would normally be construed to mean that I am not one.
no one loves you faggot, your an abomination
>this sexual degeneracy that corrupted the Western world?
Wut, you're blaming based japs for the moral decay in the West? Lmao
Check the Frankfurt School, feminism and the works of women and of those certain people where they conceptualize and boost this stuff