Why has technology regressed in the past 70 years?
Why has technology regressed in the past 70 years?
putting a glass bubble on a frame isn't high tech
Because we need another war and hardships to inspire humans to innovate more groundbreaking technology
Resources diverted to nonwhites
There's no profit to be made from
>free energy
>no on needs a doctor
>everything can be 3D/4D printed
Can't profit from or control that world
This. Optimistic mid-century predictions about the future could easily come true if the West hadn't chosen to spend money on welfare programs and overseas wars.
well, cars are A LOT cleaner than they were 70 years ago
Because those who are truly exceptional and eccentric are no longer incentivised to push themselves further (gifted child program) and maybe even condemned for being irregular. Instead, we waste resources trying to make a potato speak it's first word by age 10 and believing that every African can become an Einstein if just given the opportunity.
unironically this, certain secret societies are suppressing certain tech to see the light
I'm working on it.
>Why has technology regressed in the past 70 years?
>I'M RUINED!!!!!!!!!
based Uncie Herb episode poster
Nigga u dumb as hell
And so here we are in this very moment of existence out of all possibilities throughout space and time at the precipice of a great paradigm shift.
It hasn't regressed. In some areas, it just hasn't gone as far as predicted.
i dunno looks pretty high tech to me
it's exciting and also terrifying
there will be a tough night before the dawn
pray we'll all make it through
>It hasn't regressed
Architecture and home building.
It went back or froze in many areas then dedicated itself to autistic minor improvements to get the normies happy, except computers, communications, games... which did it only near the late 2000's.
The joomers, boomers, freemasons and other shits are to blame.
>putting a glass bubble on a frame isn't high tech
Glass bubbles used to be freaking impossible at the time, and extremely expensive and labor intensive when they finally figured it out with minimal optical distortion.
memeflag with the meme take
Because white nations have regressed into liberal shitholes. The turd worlders that we waste all our time and energy on only care about McDonald’s and Made in China.
how come we haven't gone back to the moon?
Yeah, why I never cared to finish my degree, realising all my work would just be going to help ungrateful niggers and turd worlders. Can’t imagine myself stepping foot in a university or lab ever again - all that has taken a back seat to our own survival.
Toooooooo many goddamn fucking stupid ass science denying Bible thumpers.
Virus and bioweapon technology hasn't regressed.
I’d drive it
Oil & electricity monopoly holding jews who are assassinating and threatening scientists that are making breakthroughs which could threaten them
>despite photographic evidence that is was possible
US technology corporations got kiked (and ClAd) -- then the kikes exported all our legacy technology manufacture to china and keep forcing the same shit down our throats as upgrading would reset the economy and the kikes can't have that.
good one haha
If it doesn't fly: boring.
Devil trips checked
lowest drag coefficient in a car ever
One day it will return
>This could have easily been our future
I never see people of color in those paintings
Who gives a shit
Technology hasn't regressed but ideas and the freedom to experiment and create have all regressed.
If you gave the technology of today to an "inventor" (Do we even still have amateur inventors that aren't just youtube scam artists?) from the 50s once they'd understood how it all works they'll show you things you couldn't imagine i'm sure of it.
The technology is here, we are living in the fucking future already, we're just not using it for anything due to regulations.
it would never work like that. Think more Judge Dredd but with less crime
>we're just not using it for anything due to regulations.
Well that’s the future kid
>Implying blacks won’t get expelled
Also dysgenics. Westerners have had the ability to think bred out of them and public-schooled out of them
But it CAN work like that. I fucking bet you if we get our shit together it can be like that picture within the decade, it's just our governments wouldn't profit from such a life
Those glass bubble cars failed because they were like ovens
We already have the technology levels imagined in the 80s and 70s but something is missing....
looks like a diverse amerimutt family from the NEAR future. Both are wife's children. She's into zoofilia, powerful and brave.
The will to "invent" anything has disappeared. Now it's about how much money one can make, not how society can be improved. Most innovation goes into making products either cheaper or more efficiently.
Maybe because we have reached our limits this time? Moore's law is reaching it's limits and quantum computing will take decades before we start seeing any real results.
Or maybe because we can't comprehend the timescale of previous advancements? It's easy to go look up when the lighbulb was invented or when the tv was invented or when the first computer was invented - but the truth is these inventions are the accumulation of decades of research and thousands of scientists - however, to us it seems like they just kind of popped up out of nowhere even though they didn't.
Only thing we will see in our lifetimes are flatter TV's and bigger smartphones.
capitalism. we only invent things for profit.
This, funding degenerates, wasting trillions building infrastructures that should've been default by home countries. A tremendous waste of resources, for nothing.
toyota supra?
mixed race modern family, what's the problem?
This. People often overlook how a system where government has absolute power like the Abbasid Caliphate can achieve wonders, the Soviet Union could keep up with and even come ahead of the west in more than one occassion, hell even today NASA uses Russian rockets to get things to space until SpaceX came up with the breakthrough reusable rockets
we lost the vision. we went green. we said humanity itself was the virus . . .they saw only flesh, where there was spirit.