Far greater than Great Depression numbers

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nm everything will be ok

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A jew-induced economic crash so jews can profit and implement the police state isn't a biblical prophecy


gov already promised them fat weekly checks. essential workers get to pay for it.

We will have a great depression. I say it's ths greatest depression this country has ever seen. Many good people are working on this. They're doing a tremendous job. Great people!


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The Great Depression was due to a congregation of bad market reasons over a long duration. The current situation is due to dumbass Chinks and will correct itself far easier when it's passed.

>It'll go away by summer
Boomers deserve to die. I'm going to do push ups until I get sick, then I will rest. I won't let my lungs be weak enough to die from this shit.

but the fed has infinite money, they said so on tv, so everything will be fine, we don't need to be able to produce goods if we have infinite money

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Can't wait to file for unemployment checks.

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Good, fuck America

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>turn the economy off
>mandate the closure of half of businesses
>why is everyone unemployed and broke?

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My sister lost her job
She’s lucky gets 4 months of beat unemployment benifits in history and will get a job as soon as this is over

Isn't this basically for NY state not the US as a whole?

I have an essential job in wastewater and are have purchased cots in case we all get sick and have to quarantine in plant and still make it run

any hazard pay?



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I want Trump Bux.

>nbc predicting disastrous economic numbers

Yes. GASLIGHTNBC. Very reliable source. They are the same people who, on the night before the 2016 election, predicted that Hillary Clinton had a 98.5% chance to defeat Donald Trump.

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Many people are saying that!

Shit meme but the point is valid. Buckle fucking up Chang.

>dumbass Chinks
You mean (((deep state))) (((Charles Lieber))) and others working with China to dump a bioweapon so jews could give themselves 1.5 trillion

Good point

it will be the BEST depression, they will write about it in the history books, even CNN might take a day off and do some real journalism, na folks, don't hold your breath

St. Louis Fed

There are three reasons I'm not concerned about this.
1. Many businesses are considered essential, and thus keep going.
2. The managerial class is still working from home.
3. Although unemployment is high the government has arranged very generous unemployment benefits. Especially the extra $600/week. Many of the unemployed are actually going to be making more than before they lost their jobs.

Unless this situation is very prolonged the economy should come back without major problems.


Good luck man


Do some proper cardio, Juan, pushups won't do shit for your heart and lungs.

you really think China has been telling the truth about their numbers? GTFO faggot

And all because of a mild cold.


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Seriously, how the fuck is the US government going to justify ever stopping Trumpbux from coming out? They will get people so addicted to it like a fucking drug, and then all of a sudden be like
>"oh well ,virus is gone, eviction courts are now open, you're on your own now lol".
I just cant see it happening with a smooth transition

What a great healthy economy Trump blew hot air into for three years.

labor numbers out last week and market was up

F. I like flower shops, good luck starting over from scratch bro.

he doesnt, but he knows what will happen to his social credit score if he says otherwise

as long as trump is president we can easily bounce back from any sort of problem caused by this virus,

but if a democrats takes over then we are totally fucked, because democrats love economic depressions. They romanticize the great depression and the New deal and all those terrible big government programs.

>this is fine

Something tells me that ((()))they wont let this one slide so easily. But ya neva know burgers.

In Georgia cops are scouring parking lots looking for people opening their business to force them out

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Big Daddy Socialism will save all of us. Wait and see, you dumbass faggots.

>Big scary headline
>J/K in the body

This is American journalism in a nutshell

28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.

31 For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?

You so silly burger.:)

Will you lack the skills to set up a flower shop when this is over?

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Wow thats a lot if unneccesary people in this country. Imagine being a worthless wageslave. Totally replaceable

Youre making me like jews

>But Jesus turning unto them said,

Jeebuz didn’t say shit user. He was never a real person. The Romans made up the story.

>The Great Depression was due to a congregation of bad market reasons over a long duration.
Yep, totally different this time! It's all the meme virus.
God, amerisharts are really something.


It has happened so many times in history since that was written and empires has gone and became since then with even more travesty than modern civilisation.

Of course empires always loop, they come and go. Read history not just the bible and you will see. That those facts from bible was written by someone who already knew how things turn out in empires over and over again. Humans never learn. Keeps repeating same patterns. The true hell.

on the bright side, we would have had this level of unemployment anyway because of automation


turn in tomorrow for more news on the bright side


This says more about businesses in America than the American people or the government.

Just got let go today

They told me the website to file for unemployment and such

I feel like such a nigger. I wanna go back to work. I don’t deserve gibs.

Based and redpilled. The fire rises

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lmao this is the new psyops so the goys will buy stocks

only the companys they bailout will come back no company that just lost a shit ton of money come back they rather just take the loss and close completely.


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Such a great time to be alive

>Trust us goyim! Things will go back to normal. Globohomo must continue. You must consoom!

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Abrahamites are disgusting and deserve the stake and fire

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sound good

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A man of my own tastes

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>don't worry (((we'll))) make sure (((we))) buy the dip
of course

i'm surpirsed more people arent as angry as you. How in the hell can you force private businesses to close, i expected bar & restaurant owners to get out pitchforks but i was wrong.

For the past few weeks this has been heaven for me. Being able to work from home. Never getting out of my sweatpants, going out for lunch more to support local businesses. I feel bad for folks that are really hurt by this, but honestly so far this has been awesome for me.

>on the bright side, we would have had this level of unemployment anyway because of automation
you don't understand anything, apparently. automation creates jobs. yes it destroys some jobs, mostly monotonous jobs, but the wealth created by automation creates a lot more jobs than it destroys.

Without automation, most humans would be harvesting/processing food full time. We'd have no time for anything else!

There is a final loop that is what he was warning about the tree has been green/resources are plentiful they kill Jesus what will they do when the resources are hard to find? Hell is coming to earth

>Seriously, how the fuck is the US government going to justify ever stopping Trumpbux from coming out?
It was already finalized as a one-time check. So there's not really anything ongoing to stop. Would be harder to start an ongoing payment that went out to everyone like that because that'd be anti-American socialism, like the response state health care coverage got when it was proposed.

Why dont you lead the way?

Small businesses and self employed don’t get unemployment.

>automation creates jobs. yes it destroys some jobs, mostly monotonous jobs, but the wealth created by automation creates a lot more jobs than it destroys.
That stops being true once you get to the point where artificial systems can do anything a human worker could do with equal or greater effectiveness / efficiency.

jfc, chinks are liberal tier in meming. how long did u spend on that?

Yes but it isn't because of a shutdown it's because of a government mandate. If we can keep these companies and people afloat for anotner few months, the economy will go right back to normal

>Many of the unemployed are actually going to be making more than before they lost their jobs.
Feels good, being unemployed was the best decision i ever made.

How are you "essential" walmart fags doing cleaning up peoples shit and getting coofed on?

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This. Kikes are desperate to put things back in place.

The biggest mistake is not testing people for coronavirus. Now we dont want to go back to work since we have no clue if we had a regular cold or flu or the coronavirus. Remember 80% wont get sick

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The virus isn't going away and the moment we break quarantine it's going to start infecting everybody who didn't get it already, which is basically everybody.
Too many shitty immigrants, shitty minorities and zoomers who don't give a fuck running around to ever stop passing it around during quarantine. All that progressiveism atomizing people and inviting foreigners is really starting to pay off.

imagine being ukrainian

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Do so now.

>That stops being true once you get to the point where artificial systems can do anything a human worker could do with equal or greater effectiveness / efficiency.
Automation reduces work it doesn't eliminate jobs. Efficiency gains create more Wealth which creates all sorts of new jobs. heck, people make jobs out of playing video games or eating strange food.
Jobs don't necessarily have to be lots of work, jobs are becoming easier and more fun than they used to be.

But trump has to shut down the economy or Pelosi will call him Hitler

Oh wait, she called him Hitler anyway. Oops. Sorry magapedes.