Is being trans actually an upgrade?

Is being trans actually an upgrade?

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How can u upgrade buy cutting things off?

Going from a coomer to a girl you'd like to coom into

It's a mental illness.

Maybe for a couple years, but once you enter your 30's and beyond your face and body change. These twinks won't look good for more than about five years.

No, gym & library would be.

For white virgins, yes

Yes if you're a demon.

Are girls really that ugly they just need long hair and some make up to look fuckable

if you think a mental illness is an upgrade yea sure

Hell yeah

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sauce? who is she?

love me some boipussi

How did his jawline improve despite being on estrogen??

thats ripe incel boipucci even i've ever seen it


>an upgrade?
It's faggotry.

How come men are even better at being women than actual women lol there anything a woman can do that a man can't do better?

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Going from being a plain old faggot to being a turbofaggot isn't an upgrade

The absolute state of White men. s m h

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>apples and oranges
if he put the same effort into both looks he could've had a nice pretty wife

No but wearing tons of makeup and a wig is. You can make a non-trans man look way more attractive by enhancing his masculine features with makeup too. My ex gf was really good at makeup and put makeup on me this one time (I know, no bully, we were just goofing around). She did this thing called contouring which highlighted my bone structure. I went from an 7/10 to a 9+/10.

>making radical changes, often irreversible body damage due to mental disorders, thus denying yourself normal social life for the rest of your days
sure, why do you even ask?


A woman without a dick is like a angel without wings.

Feminine cocks are a gifts from god

Unironically yes. Compare a 10/10 Chad to a 10/10 girl without makeup.

It will help you cope with mental illness but it wont save you from yourself.

Never was never will be

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>not liking transpeople because reddit told you not to like them

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have you ever smelt a post op tranny?

i imagine you never get haircuts

When I was bartending I was pickier but now that I work at a wastewater plant and don’t like to go out my bar is a lot lower. Life is funny

Ah yes, that notorious tranny hating website, Reddit!

He could have just used all that money on surgery to make himself look like a less ugly man. Either way trannies end up putting their genitals into a Frankenstein's monster situation and make it impossible to ever experience an orgasm again in the process, which is probably the main reason so many of them kill themselves. I wouldn't call that an upgrade from any scenario.

She can still get a wife you know.

No because if I thought you were an actual woman and I kissed you and found out you had a dick at point in your life previously I'd beat the shit out of you right there and accuse you of trying to rape me. I'd hire a good ass lawyer and your faggot ass would be going to the pen.

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thats a completely different person.


If you consider depression, suicide, mutilation of your body and sexual organs, denying biology, and becoming a pariah to half of the planet an upgrade, sure.

Would be a great day if everyone decided to remove you faggots we could have parties burning you at the stake

Have you?
Many trans women don't actually undergo bottom surgery, and the average surgery is nothing like the cheap, failed procedures that get cherrypicked and spammed here.

In a way, true. Though it's actually just the same person after two years of estrogen.

How much money do these people spend to do this? Hair transplants, face surgery, body surgery, hormones etc. I seriously expect them to be paying well into six figures easily.

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I'm disturbed by the prospect of being attracted to that.

I'm lucky enough to have never met your kind. I'm teaching my sons to bully mentally ill effeminate men. You're a disgusting disappointment to your father. You will never remotely pass for anything other than an unbelievable facsimile of your idea of a woman. You're a willing tool to be used by the elite to self castrate and destroy families. You'll be destroyed by your own hand or ours but you will be removed.

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Maybe try rogain and lift a few weights before you cut your dick off?

for some, yes. surgeries can be risky though.

looks like the one in OP just did estrogen to make their face fuller. maybe something was done to the lips?

but yeah some do a lot of surgeries like facial feminization surgery and all kinds of stuff I forget the name for.

who is this person and what kind of plastic surgery did they get? especially that nose job, where was it done?

>Is being trans actually an upgrade?
How is it an upgrade if you kill yourself within a year? Ah, right...

pretty much this. sex changes won't prevent male pattern baldness.

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Hi sean

Yeah in suicide rates.

Fov absolutely fucking with the comparison

This is my upgrade. This is me at my best, and if you don't agree you're a bigot
>fucking cunt stop sliding the board
>all fields

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serious rob corddry vibes

Built for Big Korean Cocks

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No, it's that guys are so disgusting that they only try to groom themselves when they have AGP (fetish of being fucked as a 'woman').
Then when they shave their disgusting neckbeard and lose 50 pounds they post B&A pics and people go "Wwwoww ur so much better as girl" when really it's just "Wow you finally wiped off your Cheeto dust"

I haven’t heard an argument against a twink boy taking estrogen and dressing up for 5 years and making a shit load of money and getting free stuff/unlimited sex and then transitioning back to a man and starting to lift with 100k in the bank.

You’ll be seen as progressive, have a good social media following and an over all better more manly appearance from the testosterone they’ll give you to go back

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The real upgrade and endgame is suicide.

I'm INFP and Nat Soc.

Know the difference between sensitive and effeminate men.

sounds like a downgrade

except you never become a girl


These freakshows need to go. What is it they don't understand.


Looks wise it is. Women are evolved to look pretty because their survival depended on that. They have smoother, more fine tuned facial features. Testosterone that makes men more masculine also makes them facially uglier, faces bumpier, less smooth, beauty flaws exaggerated, it makes them bald, eyes smaller, noses bigger.

For instance, if a brother and a sister inherit the same nose type, the brother has always bigger and bumpier nose. Female nose is more fine tuned and fluid looking compared to the same nose on a male. It has always amazed me why men think that women marry up. It is actually men, they always have a prettier woman than they are. Prettier compared directly to them, not to other women.