
Minus China Numbers

d-34540/ r-93163 = 37%

At this rate in 3 months time all will be dead


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Other urls found in this thread:


Give it a couple weeks. The death rate % will decrease as more people recover over time.

I'm a happeningfag but it seems like at least half of all cases are asymptomatic. Even fewer actually get confirmed into the data.

Then recovery takes several weeks so will lag deaths. It's probably around 3% overall fatality.

Imagine our social engineers being amazed at how people are reacting to a virus that's less deadly than Swine Flu. We have people mad at governments for not taking their rights away quicker; that's how absurd this whole hysteria is.

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Wrong. Italians have admitted probably 4x more people die at home than in hospitals so that would be at least 12%



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>non sequitur response
Yup, its a kike shill.

More asians posting more disinfo. Super coincidental.


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>If you're not falling for the hysteria you're a kike shill

I don't expect better from a leaf.

>More asians posting more disinfo. Super coincidental.

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>We have people mad at governments for not taking their rights away quicker; that's how absurd this whole hysteria is.
/thread. We have met the enemy, and they are us.

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>that's how absurd this whole hysteria is.
If only you knew how bad things really are.

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Motherfuckers. Fuck them.

>We have met the enemy, and they are us.

Attached: psssssst hey kid.jpg (916x768, 178.48K)

>Give it a couple weeks. The death rate % will decrease as more people recover over time.

user i...


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That doesn't mean they don't record the death

They are downplaying the virus retard. You're buying into it. They don't want the economy to collapse.

Nice stock footage and voiceovers you got there.


>They are downplaying the virus retard.

China underreports cases, so no big surprise the death rate is this crazy high I wouldn't be surprised if the actual infection toll in china is over a million by now, then the death rate would seem more reasonable then. As for Italy, their mean infection age is 65, which means that 50% of infected are below the age of 65 and the other 50% are above the age of 65%. So, that's the reason for their abnormaly high death rate which is about 5-6%. Don't buy authoritarian statistics, they're usually full of shit

I know a family who all definitely got it because the father died with it confirmed, the wife and two daughters (adult) all were reasonably okay. One of the daughters had extreme breathlessness at a point but they're all over it now.

It does.
>The French death toll includes only those who died in hospital and not those who died at home or in old people's homes.
The Italians said the same thing.


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>th-that's stock footage!
>posts infowars bullshit instead
What next, that COVID was meant to purge the lizard people amongst us or promote frog yuri?

Its literally in the UN protocol to downplay the virus to keep people from panicking. Stay in /ptg/ from now on please.

>Its literally

Attached: ummm.png (1366x768, 873.78K)

whoa! they look HELLA stressed

There are other sources showing that hospitals aren't being overrun. It's almost as if you retards are falling for a manufactured crisis.

I think I’ll survive

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It is literally in the protocols for dealing with pandemics. It isn't implied or suggested and it isn't inferred from conspiracy theorists. It is there.

>So it can't possibly be true or exist elsewhere


these statistics just smell of bullshit

You ggowniggers never tire of spreading fear, do Jew?
After the Israel masterminded 9/11 FF, it was easy to get Americans to hate Muzzies, but it's a little harder to get us to hate Chinese, since the COVID came from Ft Detrick, MD

>posts bullshit source
>Th-there are other sources out there as well?
Such as?

>What next, that COVID was meant to purge the lizard people amongst us or promote frog yuri?
Look at this fucking faggot.

Attached: corona-chan.jpg (1020x766, 131.78K)

Shut the fuck up kike. The kikes are the ones trying to downplay this to keep the kike economy afloat.

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>Such as?
Nigger I posted it:

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based on the last 18 days where there has been pretty much a straight exponential line it will take 51 days for 100% infection based on a 9.35% daily worldwide increase

>Shut the fuck up kike. The kikes are the ones trying to downplay this to keep the kike economy afloat.

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Right now it´s increasing every day since it´s not chink numbers anymore

Even if it were 37% mortality that's not 'all dead' u retarded mongrel redassed monkey fuck

I'm trying to fucking tell you guys but nobody listens



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I fucking hate healthcare workers. Im one of them but 99% of them are totally bluepilled, self important faggots like this.

Ok retard.

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>this logic

If anything, they're using the MSM to instill fear into the population to justify taking more of our rights away. It's curious how long they can keep this shit up. Even the idiots will start to question why we don't see tens of millions of dead bodies piling up.

>d-34540/ r-93163 = 37%


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Interesting, but still they wouldn't be put under the recovered figures. So we'd expect at the end of all this a large amount left in 'active cases'.

You mean the millions of human sex slaves hidden around the country?

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They are there to lead people away from the truth, you fucking retards seriously think Alex Jones would still be alive if he was really exposing everything for how long he has been doing this shit? Dumb faggots forgetting how many people have been killed for less?

Sure but you're original argument brought 36% down to 3% by including all the recovered and asymptomatic cases that weren't tested for. If the death number is actually 4x that the death rate would be 12%.

>They are there to lead people away from the truth
They're just there to profit off gullible people. In this case, they are closer to the truth than the MSM right now, who convinced retards like you into thinking this is the new black death.

They already had full control. Bread and circuses kept people complacent and replacement migration was working as intended. The thing they fear most is a mix-up of the system and people being given a real reason to draw arms. Btw migration and globalization has decreased because of the virus not the other way around. They are desperate to protect their ponzi scheme.

>They are there to lead people away from the truth
No, you are.

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0.26%-0.1% fatality rate is much more accurate. You're all fucking retarded.

Re: Italy: all deaths due to respiratory failure/ARDS and all deaths of a patient with COVID-19 as being due to Covid despite most being asymptomatic. Additionally, Italy has a much older population on average with a very high number of smokers.


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The MSM is downplaying the virus you retard.

All deaths are being reported* as being due to Covid

>They are desperate to protect their ponzi scheme.
The globohomo finance system already collapsed. Corona-meme is the cover story.

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>posts some literal who's opinion piece
Fuck off kike.

No they're not, retard.

>The MSM is downplaying the virus you retard.

Get a load of this leaf.

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No they aren't.

Yes they are retards. But keep shilling. You're on the same side of this argument as fucking /ptg/ i hope you understand that.

Idk man, It sure is taking some of these people a long time to recover.

>No they aren't.
It's happened repeatedly now, and they won't even make retractions.

The way they're acting it's the zombie apocalypse out there. They're so desperate I've seen them trying to group young people with 50-60+ year olds to try to instill fear in healthy young people.

It’s easy to find those, who died. It’s pretty hard to test everybody, who between January and now had the sniffles, influenza or parainfluenza and who truly had sars-cov-2. Italy never tested anybody who didn’t die or was ill enough to require hospitalization after two or three days from when the found out about their outbreak. If you call a doctor and talk about coughing they just tell you to self isolate and only show up at the hospital if you can’t breathe anymore. Next to nobody of them is being tested. There is a reason the average age of death is 81 and almost 70 percent of all cases are above 60.

>as fucking /ptg/

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It's a scientific analysis. Try reading before opening your mouth, glownigger.

Could they stop including everyone who tested positive with it as cause of death? I don't know how many articles I've seen swung by which have "PERSON DIES TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID" only for some completely unrelated shit to be at reason.

Also can we include age breakdowns for everything here


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Obvious troll. Eat shit and die.

>who convinced retards like you into thinking this is the new black death.
Didn't know you could read minds, what else do I believe user?
Great argument brainlet, kill yourself

Well there's a tonne up in the air. How many are asymptomatic and how many of these are included already in stats. Likewise are these deaths included in stats or not?

I think it's quite obvious from world reaction it's not a 12% fatality, it's been in the UK for a while now and we're still doing ok.

What does panic vs not panic have to do with politics? Sounds like you're the one pushing a political angle

Do you know how publications work you mongoloid? You can publish any opinion you want with the flimsiest pretense of "analysis."

> "all deaths due to resp failure with COVID are being counted despite mos tbeing asymptomatic"

6D thinking here.

He is a chang probably

You only see exponential because it started from near zero and numbers infected are very low relative to the population. Exponential has every derivative also exponential, so daily infections have to be exponentially growing, and changes to daily rates have to be exponential too, etc. It's retarded to interpolate with exponential, it leads to very large numbers very fast, and the error in estimates is uncontrollable.

>Great argument brainlet, kill yourself
>Argue against my baseless strawman
>Not good enough

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Yes they are. For example, there's no reporting whatsoever on regular flu deaths since February in Italy. Prove me wrong.

NO SHIT, that's why you have stupid fucking faggots like you shilling some absurd double digit percentage fatality rate. Read the paper and dissect even a single point within it.

Protip: You fucking can't because it's spot on.

You know respiratory illnesses other than Covid exist, right? You can't be this stupid.

>as more people recover over time.

>if you don't post in /ptg/ you're a tranny?
What lmao?

>Cary Huang
>d-34540/ r-93163 = 37%
>dividing deaths by recovered with an outbreak that's ongoing

This is like taking the number of people who die in car accidents, dividing by the number of people who are injured in car accidents, and then being such a colossal fucking retard you think this tells you something about the likelihood of someone actually being in a car accident.

>then the dumb faggot actually uses this "rate" to build a curve showing the entire world dying from COVID

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>ad hom response

Yup, it's an idiot.

More like if you post in /ptg/ you support trannies

>baseless strawman
Wow you sure love to use words you don't know the meaning of

>there's no reporting whatsoever on regular flu deaths since February in Italy.
You have to prove your assertion faggot. There are still parts of italy untouched by covid you're telling me they aren't reporting fly deaths?
>Protip: You fucking can't because it's spot on.
The axioms they use to construct their model are retarded.
This seems like a non-sequitur. Are you ok user?

learn to math you total fuckwit

It wasn't an adhom. I pointed out your response was a non-sequitur and THEN i called you a kike.

This is a statist shill piece of shit

Wasn't me. Also an attempt to discredit someone's argument by calling into question their identity is an ad hom. Idiot.