How long before she dumps iDubbbz?

How long before she dumps iDubbbz?

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why would she do that? he makes an excellent pet

Because she only dated him because he was e-famous, but now he's a laughing stock. The fact that it's her fault doesn't matter.


She's threatened it before, leaked DM's from a year ago, idubbbz was crying about it saying he would never find anyone else like her

people thought she was just lying but this situation makes it sound realistic

dogs are more enjoyable the more pathetic they are

If/Once her onlyfans cash gets above what living with him is worth,she will swing to the next

a soon as a BBC promises more money for sucky and fucky

You're retarded, why would she care if his own fan base thinks he's a faggot? She gets a bunch of beta morons buying her onlyfans shit now thanks to him humiliating himself for her

Tfw she using iduups for ratings and views

when she cheats on him with someone with more subs

Jesus fuck what is that thing? A dog? A Jew? Fuck you couldn’t get me to look at her naked even if you paid me.

Some onlyfan should offer her a boatload of cash to do a cuck session with him there.

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Why would she leave when he lets her do w/e she wants?

half white half MENA. her dad is Muslim and she's selling nudes on the internet

Two days from now when chris ray gun lets her suck his dick out if pity on cam

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she already hit the wall

i'm guessing she'll stay with him and just persuade ian to accept tyrone as his new roomie

She's a woman user, they don't really have the same mindset about shit you do, even if you are a canadian

i have no idea who this bitch is

Post proof? Not doubting, but this situation is hilarious and I wanna know.

How is it that he's a rich e-celeb yet this is the best he can get? How tall is he?

Whomst in the fuck is this?
You act like were supposed to just know.

She won't, she'll just say it's an open relationship and fuck black guys while still getting idubbzbux and onlyfans money on the side

When enough or iDubbbs efame rubbbz off on her.

She has no respect for Ian because he has no respect for himself.

When a more famous white knight inevitably gets tragged into this e-drama and iCuckz finds his ballsack again. Should be about 3 months tops.

only men dump. women cuck

lmao this

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That's the chick he's fucking?
Jesus, this world is a nightmare.

>How long before she dumps iDubbbz?
The moment he looses Internet attention and becomes even more irrelevant. She's with him because she can feed off his populrity.


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lol your right. women will cuck you then hate you for being a cuck.


Can I get a quick rundown?

are her sites set on pewds?

who the fuck cares? sage

That depends on the personality of the owner

you can pay 5 dollars to watch idubbbz gf penetrate herself with a black dragon dildo

you got a link? I need something to spend my neetbux check on.

this is such lame contrived drama, dont you guys have house wives who watch reality tv to make fun of for being roasties or something??

Exactly you brain dead faggot, so why would she care what his fan base thinks? She only cares about making money, which is what she's doing thanks to him and his fan base. Are you retarded or just pretending? Fucking virgin thinks he knows how women think

Not into e-celebs but some of Idubbz was ok. Lost so much respect for him because of this.

give it till the end of the day when he gets the corona from her

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Well, where are the pics? I'm waiting.

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Who fucking cares? Really. Bunch of faggots.

It won't be a straight dump, she is going to imply he has abused her emotionally and use that as an excuse to leave. Idubbz should have just cut her loose and moved on, it's not like there's a shortage of good looking women who like a guy who's funny and famous

> i love my girlfriend
> im totally fine with her selling herself online

He’s such a betacuck. The white cucked man and his former muzzie whore of a gf. What a bizarre display.

nobody fucking cares.

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>it's not like there's a shortage of good looking women who like a guy who's funny and famous
but that's kind of the problem, they're all whores

being famous must be lonely, no wonder 100% of hollywood actors end up divorcing

She is a holocaust denying dominatrix.

>give it till the end of the day when he gets the corona from her
I think you're getting very confused about which politicians actually fraternize with pedophiles and rapists.

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Idubbbz did a really forced video where he talks for 10 minutes about how he's fine with his girlfriend spreading her legs for money on the internet, and that he doesn't mind other dudes masturbating to her.
To nobody's surprise, everyone, including his own fanbase, is now calling him a cuck. That's about it

Thatd be hilarious

it's hilarious when these jewtube faggots get caught in the culture war when their degenerate San Francisco 'lifestyles' start bleeding into their videos.
Looks like the anti prostitution faction is winning this one for once.

Literally who?
Literally who?

Women care more about status than money. She won't want to be the girlfriend of a pathetic cuckold, even though it's her doing.

At this point in time the world seems to just be lonely in general. If this is what the norm is going to be for relationships, I can tell you right now we're not going to be a society that has relationships for much longer. It's going to be atomized disconnected individuals, fucking each other and fucking each other over while screeching "Incel" at anyone who looks on in disgust.

Looks like they are at a party dude..

Here powerful person, let me take a photo of you with my rapist friend


The fact nobody has posted her pics yet just proves everyone here are newfags and shills

Go away simp , we don't give a fuck about this ugly bitch

Have you ever seen IDubbbz

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>I think you're getting very confused about which politicians actually fraternize with pedophiles and rapists.
It's pretty simple I have no idea how anyone could get confused - ALL OF THEM.

She will when it's literally raising her status, retard. Use your fucking pea brain for once

Well since you asked nicely

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Women dont date down

I got u user

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Once she gets her first BBC

idubbbz should non-ironically date a tranny instead

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What the fuck is an Idubz?