I don't get it Yas Forums. You had been waiting for THE happening for years and years...

I don't get it Yas Forums. You had been waiting for THE happening for years and years. You wanted current society to crash and burn so it can be reset and have the chance to change things for the better. Now that you have your wish, an event that happens once in 100 years, you want the happening to be over asap so we can get things running back to normal, and even call it a Jewish hoax.

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Nah, I’m chillin’
I’m still getting a paycheck from the military.

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Very good point OP. I’m loving this habbening and I hope it goes on for as long as possible.

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Its not our happening, its their happening. Who wants to be a pawn in the globohomo happening?

>Yas Forums is one person

Theres no happening tho. Just slight inconvenience. No race war, no society altering upheavals, not even deaths in anywhere near the numbers that would constitute a real happening. This is just a pain in the ass.

because we can see this is a controlled "happening" that will only lead further into nightmarish tyranny by the same jews and puppets that have been fucking the world.

>You wanted current society to crash and burn
Only it isn't crashing and burning. It's a minor problem blown out of proportion by the jewish elites and media to take away even more power from the people.
Until I see Americans rising up and throwing out the corrupt jews - that's not the happening.

>you want the happening to be over asap


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Yellowstone will more interesting

that goes to show who really is vocally posting here
cough cough reddit r the donald awoomers worried about their 406ks

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it's disappointingly slow

What's happening?

Who want things going back to normal. I just love chillin watching the world burn.

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This thread is nonsense. This is a lockdown. It's an anti-happening. It's the farthest thing from an interesting political development.

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World isn't burning, it's just on pause. In fact, it's burning less than it normally does.

Speak for yourself faggot I am ready and waiting for the hard fucking to start.

if it was really happening you would be dead shlomo
nothing is burning just cops got more rights to fuck with us

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I dunno about the rest of these fucking posers, but here's hoping it gets worse. I'm sad that the virus is because of these stupid fucking insect people and not a plague from space instead.

Hollywood set you up for disappointment...this is how real happenings happen.

Just because your attention span has been destroyed and you want instant gratification, does not mean this isn't a massive happening

>message NPK, BYG, Tottenham Mandem, Ghetto Boys, Peckham boys etc "Police are thin, mobolize"
>Watch major happening

Be patient user you shall get your wish I fear

That's life.

Whites are the absolute most merchant minded comfort seeking cucks on earth. I couldn’t be less surprised that white males cant wait for the Jews to get back to running their lives.

This lockdown has no significant and especially no positive political implications.

Corona virus is certainly a happening, but it's the the happening

>cant wait for the Jews to get back
Implying they've gone somewhere.

shut up u little bitch
slap yourself

This. It's looking more and more like an empty bun as we move forwards. It's not powerful enough.

Goddamn it
does jerking off to isabelle count as being a furry?

I landed my first full-time big boy pants job interview recently, but they had to cancel it due to the pandemic. They said they would call me back immediately when they start hiring again. I'm 20 years old and I really want to move out of my parent's house, but this virus is fucking me over.

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>Its not our happening, its their happening. Who wants to be a pawn in the globohomo happening

White men always find an excuse to do nothing.

UK government already said China risks becoming a pariah state. Tomorrow when payments are due is when the fun really begins with landlords having a heart attack

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yeah, happening is nice and all, but it'd be more happening if the happening was a trick in the first place

nothing is crashing and burning. you are witnessing a controlled demolition of the financial system and the ability to earn an independent living. with the intended outcome being total dependency on state UBI transfers and social credit-- incentivising atomised citizens to report on their neighbours and family members, and corraling bad goyim into compliance via sanctions.

at a time when trust in the media and government has never lower, they've magically got back the rapt attention of their entire populations, awaiting "official" information and castigating those who ask questions. imagine thinking something good is going to come out of this.

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I'm loving it, but need bigger financial crash.

Look at this fucking leaf talking.

I'm enjoying watching the whole shit-show collapse and burn. I want it to get worse and worse till there's nothing left. The meltdown is glorious.

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I don't. I love this. I want to see it escalate even more. I want every post on this site to be wojacks & bobos, while the hungry mobs start roaming around eating each other, as the remnants of the military turn on each other. I want to see flashes in the distance as the nukes hit, I want to see the ichor puddles where grey goo bioweapons have reduced people to mushy & yet still concious sludge. Let it all burn down!

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IM NOT READY YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it's not been paused. they hit STOP. when they press PLAY again, the new world will have been installed

I already bought a gun so fuck off brit.

Me too.

If you don't want it to be ((their)) happening, then fight.

It's pretty obvious what's happening

But you bought a gun already

Based. Glad to see you guys realize it.

You can't be in this much denial, viruses and bacteria are REAL, and yes they kill people and animasl and cause pandemics, they always have, before there were conspiracies, before there were elites or jews, fucking retard, it is happening again and will happen again in the future after we are long gone

When they press PLAY again the entire world is going to explode.

It’s not really a real happening, it’s like a small preview of one. Not the real deal.

Fuck ALL of that. I want it to get WORSE. I want it to suck MORE. I want this entire decadent, hedonistic, corrupt, polluted system to collapse.
Thank you Corona-Chan. Thank you. Please, Madame Corona, go visit Wall St, Hollywood, and Washington DC, and make it an extended stay, and be sure to see the many wonderful synagogues and mosques in those areas.
Our current Jew owned civilization is the nicest house of cards in history... until the wind blows...

>Americans rising up
So never then?

It's literally a failed pathetic attempt at a manufactured happening.

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Because this is nu/pol/. Filled with dumb normies who don't want to lose the comfort in their lives, hence they cope with bottom tier conspiracies peddled by the ignorant masses.

A virus is fucking gay.
I was hoping for a 10km diameter asteroid descending on Israel or Yellowstone erupting.

I'm just hoping this isn't a hoax. I want this virus to be the end of comfortable society so that we can go back to being nations again, instead of the whole "one big happy family" globe shit. I want this to end globalization. I want this to be a restart of society as a whole. I just hope it isn't some psyop or mass hysteria. I hope boomers are decimated from this. Please please don't be a nothingburger. That's all I ask.

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Same except I actually got through three interviews and was hired and told to start the next Monday. I received a phone call on the Friday telling me I’m on a “temporary hold.” Feels bad man.

Yas Forumscels are cowards. What's new?

You sound kike and your movie is controlop kike.

Perhaps. The reason I mentioned Americans is because they're still the strongest country on earth.
Everyone, who would try to oppose the global narrative from outside will face the full might of the American Golem.
So we either have to wait until it crumbles, go to world war against US, or hope they will rise up from within. Which is, as you've said, most likely never.

Yeah pretty much

The trouble with Americans is that they've become atomized and they are really very nice people and are surprisingly patient.
Two hundred years ago this might not have flown as easily, depending on where in the (admittedly very large) country one was trying to install a lockdown.
These days? Things will have to get MUCH more blatant to get them off the couches and to get those rifles out of the closet.

>Be me
>Landed a job at another company that had less commuting time
>Two days before my start date I get an email
>"Sorry user, but due to the virus we have to postpone your employment."
If I get unemployment and Trumpbux that would be nice.

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Yeah, you're not wrong.

Yep, victory has defeated you.

The Trumpbucks sincerely aren't worth what they'll cost us in the long run, and that bill was so laden with DC pork that it could have supplied a meat market for the next century.

>THE happening

>no nukes flying
>no civil wars
>no military mobilizations
>no bank runs
>not even mass scale chimpouts
I can't even legally murder my noisy sub-80 IQ druggie neighbor. You call this a fucking happening?

I'm trying not to bust my nut too soon. The niggers haven't even really started rioting yet. We need government resources tied up with them and then I will be doing a few small items on my own. I also don't want to fall into a bear trap and get excited over something that blows over in a few months, though I'm 95% certain this will be on-going for 2-5 years at this point.

im only sad because theres no way the 6 billion that need to go are.
>oy vey the 6 billion
WAY too many people on the planet

An "All of the Above" answer would have the fastest results. Russia has previously indicated that they would support a rebellion in the USA if one ever came about.
It's just that this isn't 1861 and getting modern Americans (who barely speak to each other, seriously, I can't tell you my neighbors' names and I've lived here two years) to work together to topple a very powerful federal government is not easy. This is a house of cards, but it's surprisingly well balanced on the inside. It needs an outside push to knock it down.

The only people wishing for that are just shills, or new faggots who came here after watching a documentary about us.
The happening is live, will be televised, and is being ushered in with applause and prayers.

It being a Jewish hoax is part of the happening

That said, Yas Forums is an extreme disappointment as it has been for the past 4 years.
Yas Forums has "grown up" and fancied themselves important insiders in the Republican machinery or something, and have all become neocons constantly lobbying for wars for Israel on Iran or Russia or China.
Yas Forums only sucks Orange Man's cock now days and isn't even true to National Socialist ideology. Yas Forums sounds like the fucking chamber of commerce now days defending landlords and the jewish system that is literally trying to exterminate our people.
If Yas Forums was serious you'd be out in your community right fucking now, trying to network with your community so you can make things happen when they need to happen. And I don't mean dramatic militia shit, I mean like coming together as a community to move the sick, prepare clean meals without any chance of contamination, and provide power for your block if the grid goes down for more than a day or two.

Not everyone is praying for The Happening. A LOT of people (especially niggers, spics, muzzies and kikes) are very invested in there NEVER being a happening.
The Kung Flu is most certainly being televised, tho, isn't it?