What the fuck does BASED mean?
Based on what exactly?
What the fuck does BASED mean?
Based on what exactly?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't know
Go back to Facebook you boomer.
TELL ME!!!!!!!!
>being a racist, nazi wannane virgin inceloid
>being a decent human being
based as fuck
uhh hello? based department?
It's niggerspeak and whites shouldn't be using it.
Bunch of niggerloving faggots.
I have used it for years, but honestly have no idea where it actually originated from
Based on this post, op is a faggot
"Based" is Yas Forums's code word for "cool" (and in pol's warped value system it generally means "racist".) Funny, because the term is African American slang originally. Yas Forums stole it from Lil B the Based God, Oakland rapper. Just another example of white idiots culturally appropriating (stealing) from superior Black culture and being too retarded to realize the irony in their misappropriation.
Please stop, this meme died 2 weeks ago
Daily reminder Yas Forums is just a joke board and no one here is really a Nazi.
Back to /r/The_Donald with you.
>he doesn't know
Uh..... flag...???
Is a reference to freebasing you fucking noob. It's supposed to be ironic.
Lmfao my nigga out here with the penguins
yeah pol is a board if peace, we hold nothing but good will towards other humans
good thing niggers are sub-humans tho
>being black
Like dis!
what the fuck is that in your pic?
All your 'base' are belong to us
form the triforce then faggot
its what weebs say
base[ beys ]
verb (used with object), b𝐚sed, b𝐚s·ing
to increase in quality or value; purify:
They b𝘢sed the v𝘢lue of the doll𝘢r.
to raise in rank, dignity, or significance:
He wouldn't b𝘢se himself by doing m𝘢nu𝘢l l𝘢bor.
coined by lil b "the basedgod". Based kinda means just vibing with reality.
Newfag is here forever he does not know shit yet lel
Internet language.
The language of faggots and pussies.
Nice thread. Getting bored I assume? Here’s your (you).
>decent human being
Are (You) TRYING to be retarded just for some attention? Are (You) seeking (You)s because of boredom?
Here....have a few more (You)s, (You) sperm-slurping faggot
Just what the FUCK do you think I'm based on?
you don't know the based god?
Ah fuck off......people here will 'culturally appropriate' all they fucking want.
Just like with the word:
for example
It's originally a >>/toy/ meme because the best action figures had special bases to stand upon. i.e. "That Batman is so cool because he's based!"
based on judaism most likely
>culturally appropriating
Like how niggers culturally appropriate the use of our technology and clothing styles?
How about we end this by shipping them all back to Africa, ripping out all the roads, power-ines, water-pumping stations, and every bit of other infrastructure in that continent that they are ungrateful for-----and let them go back to their 'culture' of painting their faces in mud-huts before they go chasing zebras....
Its a scientific term the CIA used when they formulated crack cocaine or originally known as "free base", The slang term was "baser" and refereed to crack heads
what a faggot lol
Good shit
Based explanation.
Fucking based.
Yas Forums stole it first and made it Yas Forums culture, dumb reddit nigger.
>decent human being
>nigger flag
do you not realize that liberals are the most racist of all? are you truly so stupid that you believe the party line and do no research into the effects of liberal policies? you probably think affirmative action and diversity hires help your 'cause.'
It's an inside joke about the governor of Texas, Based Abbot. It's kind of a play on words because his first name is Based, and he's pretty Rock solid in his values and what he says. And the base of a structure is it's most stable strong part right? And he's in a wheelchair which is pretty stable and strong. So when someone calls someone based they are saying they have the correct and truthful view on a topic of discussion. So there you go.
play it out in your mind. Why does someone say based when someone else says something very true, or presents a very good idea? What is a good idea or info based in?
based in Truth, based in logic, based in reason, based in evidence.
Based is a state of being. It's a mentality which is alpha as fuck and independent. Despite pressure from the world, sticking to your principles or beliefs. Being firmly held down, having a strong foundation etc..
Anyone can be based. Being racist isn't necessarily based, it's just being an asshole. Defending your home/family/people? Now that's based.
Low T thread op.
Years? Bullshit.
Anything with a pH over 7
based retard
why are woke niggers so cringe and unbased