Corona virus is a fucking hoax, look at this they just showed on the news. They literally showed the exact same hospital picture stating it’s two different hospitals, one in New York and on in Italy. WTF IS GOING ON?!

Attached: 5D4DBFCF-78FF-4461-85D7-4C6AFD8C9EDE.jpg (750x1083, 687.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^hashtag

Government psyop. Nobody has it, it's just old people dying from the flu

Yes this is the ultimate prove.
Corona is fake.

Or maybe they're lazy cunts re using footage.

I literally don’t know anyone who has it, only the news telling me apparently thousands have died yet no one can go to their funeral. Nothing suspect at all

Well CBS is definitely a hoax and its not the first time they've pulled stock video and misnamed it.

These are the same people that used video footage from a gun range event and called it Syrian war footage after all.

What are the odds of doctors letting the press inside to film highly contagious sick people

in the second photo they arent exactly saying that is a scene from new york, they're just using whatever corona stock video they have. the caption is only that new york has more than half of the cases in the US. thus, they can get away with using the same pics and vids.

what are the odds you're a neoliberal statist parasite?


Attached: noooo.png (800x450, 136.44K)

The subtext talking about the infected numbers in new york does not talk about how the footage is related.


Gee, I wonder ((((who)))) could be behind this post?

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im only explaining their cheap tactics. the caption does not say "NEW YORK NOW" it is saying "new york now accounts for", its just a statement that has nothing to do with the video playing. the news does it all the time

>statist mockingbird repeater
>pointing dunning-kruger fingers at someone else

every single last one of you reddit pukes need to be killed, and not in minecraft

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didn't they later apologize for using the footage instead of falling back on the "we wuz uzing stock fotos and sheeeit" shill line?

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FUCK OFF my gf's mom is buying into this psyop and now she can't even leave the house for another 1-2 months maybe longer because she's scared of corona and now I get no pussy until there's a (((vaccine))) FUCK YOU I WILL NOT WATCH YOUR FREE PORNHUB BLACKPILLED AGAIN YOU KILLED THE MAN NOT THE IDEA!!!

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The media always lies and is thoroughly incompetent? Shocking.

This was posted.yesterday. bottom says italy and was photoshopped to say america. Now.that is put on a tv.

It is a trap to get people spreading about the media and then debunk them

It's. A photoshopped pic u giant faggot

OP photo is shopped don’t believe everything you see online

Organized shilling

CBS has since apologized for using the picture, btw.
fucking idiots

CBS says it was an editing error. That would imply they had a different video from the US available and erroneously picked the wrong file. Or... the whole story was an “editing error”.
This is starting to feel as real as the Coronacaust.



That poor media outlet, I guess I better forgive them lol

Distrust that particular picture, but OP is right about this being a hoax. It's all fake news, my fellow goyim. It's the Truman Show writ large.

Attached: Capricorn1.jpg (1920x815, 225.79K)

Fuck off, Chang.

Attached: Fuck china shills.png (700x901, 325.14K)

old people dying allways also from being old

The MSM routinely misrepresents things, and yeah it's likely they're just reusing stock footage. It IS significant that there is so little actual footage available, though.

I continue to see lots of footage of "overflow tents" and centers going up. They're psychologically manipulating us by showing evidence of them setting up emergency beds, etc as if that's evidence in itself of a massive emergency.

A really good series from the 90's covers a lot of these media manipulations. Frontline

nah. it's for the people saying it was all a shop
cbs used it, got caught, and apologized
yet shills are claiming it's just a shop

Dr. Fauci agrees:

>Watching (((TV)))

Attached: boomer_Neocohen.jpg (1170x922, 154.33K)

Attached: (((measles)))checkem.jpg (1439x358, 121.1K)

it might be a very interesting hoax, cuz here in Russia they are really fucking serious about that shit

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And apology not accepted.
Same goes with that fake Syria attack video they’ve used, when in reality it was from a Kentucky shooting range.

Sorry kid but the virus hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, nobody but the sick and old are dying. time to go back to work now, you had enough days to stay home and watch TV. Grown ups have businesses to run, and the world needs to get moving again. Flatten the curve cultists would have us flatten the economy too. See you next week, and don't be late, there's a lot of people looking for jobs if you know what I mean..

Attached: NB.png (1786x890, 259.93K)


You mean I died for no reason? Fuck.


Attached: hmmm.jpg (1279x685, 302.26K)

>nooooo not the heckin' Drumpfbuxerino

>it's another boomer saying the virus is hoax thread

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a bat flu over my house

Can you atleast learn proper language? Your title says that the virus is nonexistent when it's clearly real.

This is some high quality autism right there

You can literally taste the schizophrenia; there's so much in here

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does it taste like latkes, schlomo?

Proof of typically lazy MSm, that's about all, maybe they knew it was wrong location but just want to be all dramatic.

yeah? and what about the empty hospitals that were said to be overwhelmed and hoarded ventilators that were claimed to be in short supply?

lazy cunts didn't have any footage of the other hospital so they substituted an unused shot. Occams razor you daft twat.

>they just cant find any images of these crowded hospitals in the era of infinite cellphones
>fuck, makes perfect sense!


>Corona virus is a fucking hoax
imagine my shock

These people think the entire universe revolves around the American elections like some kind of insane space-time bubble condom. Yes, the democrats own the entire planet and can produce a trillion crisis actors to fake a virus pandemic globally and crash the economy for no reason or benefit to themselves, all to fuck Trump. Or maybe you think its the kikes doing this to enact their NWO, but I'm sorry if you haven't realized, but they're always working towards that.

It's probably even more ridiculous. It can actually be coronavirus. But you know, coronavirus is one of the viruses that causes common cold, around 15% to be more specific. And on average adults have cold 2-3 times per year. And right now is exactly when seasonal cold occurs. And people die from common cold all the time...
A couple of years ago my neighbor's father died from a bad cold. He was old and had heart problems. Rest of the family got sick too, but weathered it fine. Doctors made a test and it was caused by coronavirus.
So it happens all the time. It's just that right now they need some red herring for financial crisis.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^hashtag

what's it like having a single digit IQ

Holy shit is this real

The real question is WHY? Is it to bankrupt the middle east during their oil price manipulation?

3/4 of CBS's tv shows are anti-white male propaganda. The script writers must be monitoring Yas Forums. All the bad guys are based on some theme stolen from here. Men's rights, white nationalism, prepper, small government, pro-gun, etc. All used for villain's to be beaten by strong Hispanic women.

CBS News has admitted it and responded saying it was just an...

"editing mistake"
>"editing mistake"
"editing mistake"
>"editing mistake"
"editing mistake"
>"editing mistake"


Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 8.32.32 PM.jpg (1387x950, 208.41K)

imagine posting pic related and thinking this makes sense when defending how major this "virus" is.
>it's so serious that people are just saying nah bruh to hospitals cause they don't want to kill other people

Attached: dur.png (620x195, 38.48K)

Excellent rebuttal, you've changed my mind.

>retards trying to get twitter points

It's called reusing stock footage, you absolute brainlet.

>editing mistake

another way of saying
>oh shit they noticed our fake uot

No, it’s just further proof that the media either does a shit job, is lazy, or are constantly lying. If they’re constantly lying that’s reason enough to doubt its validity

any time hospitals are shown not to be overrun or busy, its always followed a trail of shills with 100 excuses

There are no shills they said...

So does anyone here personally know someone who has the rona for realsies?

All of this bs being pedaled is coming out of Maimonides in NY, which is the same hospital some doctors were caught shilling remdesivir on Twitter

this, op can't visualize/self simulate

Kike, you are not fooling anyone. You are working together with chinks on this one.

do even know how photoshop works you fucking morons

Anyone wanna share their horror stories from the FRONT LINES?

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All governments around the world are acting in a similar way.
Like a single government.
A reasonable outcome of all this is a single world government to fight world problems, just like now

>Or maybe they're lazy cunts re using footage.
JIDF stop. This isn't Fagbook.

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lady confronting health workers^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^hashtag

Serious about creating a digital gulag, yes. In Ukraine they are clearly using it to push through unpopular political decisions and reforms.

Dont pass judgement before seeing the CBS videos. CBS could've fully acknowledged that the clip is from Italy.
Man, you guys really suck at conspiracy theories you know that?

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All those people dropping dead in Italy are actors. When you hear word your great aunt died of it, well, she'll be an actor too. God you morons are stupid.

empty respiratory ward

Okay, kike

how do you function on a daily basis with no brain?

Last week my friend said his colleague has tested positive. He was with him the week prior helping move PCs for people working from home so my friend is worried he may have it. He isn’t displaying symptoms yet, though. And another friends dad also knows some people who have tested positive

Either they are lying and it’s fake or they don’t do Actual journalism and we shouldn’t listen to them anyway

Virus is real, pandemic is a hoax. It's just your seasonal common cold.

Are you even trying, glowniggers?

CBS can fully acknowledge my balls

Oh my god they ZOOOOMMMEEEEDD DOOOOUUUUTTTTTT FUCK we're all fucking dead ohfuck ohfuck ohfuck ohfuck ohfuck

the "warzone" at the brooklyn hospital

>There are no shills they said...
it was shills saying that