How do we get Hispanics to vote for Trump?

How do we get Hispanics to vote for Trump?

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Nice feets

You tell them the democrats prefer illegal aliens over legal migrants. Tell them they support transgender children, they hate men (men are respected in Hispanic culture), they want to take away gun rights to defend their country, they be d over backwards for the transgenders and LGBT, you can criticize any one of them. They wanna implement hate speech laws, they want to replace their language and appropriate it by calling them "latinx", and they hate everyone that doesn't agree with 100% of their nonsense.

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Built for BWC bleaching

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Built for Monster Black Penis

we can barely get half of whites to do that.

You don’t.
The blacks are the key to stopping mass migration. If they can be convinced of the truth that they are equally at risk of replacement as whites, they’ll be on board

Destroy the narrative that they are spics, they're proud spaniards.

Most Cubans vote for Trump, although I think we're the only latino group that does.

Why do you want them to vote at all?

Imagine if all three of them were Mormon and they all agreed to marry you. Wouldn’t that be crazy?


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Shitskins have shit feet.

White homeland with long white toes only.

Puerto Rican here. We already vote. If you want more Hispanics to vote trump, stop deporting their families and friends. LET MY PEOPLE MOW!

Red >>>> Brow > Purple

Latinas dont

You don't. Spics overwhelmingly vote democrat at every level of government. I find it surprising that Trump gets any hispanic votes at all. Dumb ass Reagan gave them amnesty and they spit in his face then vote democrat. The "spics are totally conservatives for real" meme needs to die.

gnumpf wants to deport these...

12 hunnert dollars!

I’m latino and I’m voting for trump!!

Mass arrests and deportations

It's moslty 3rd/4th generation hispanics though and illegal immigrants.

How can you tell the difference? They all look exactly the same

Find a way to reverse The Curse of the Goblina so the don't turn into Aztec Lawn Gnomes when they turn 34.

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Shame they have ugly goblin faces.

for triplets, they sure get progressively uglier

Hispanic is not a race.

>I find it surprising that Trump gets any hispanic votes at all
Cubans are really paranoid about left-wing politics because of the whole Castro thing, it's why Trump won Florida

Look closer

Smile, nose, face shape and toes are what i based my rating in.

Retards seem to think that just because spics hate faggots and abortion it means they have the same political thoughts as a potato farmer in Idaho or something. It's pure delusion. A spic will vote Democrat 100% of the time, regardless of their feelings on social issues, because they overwhelmingly support the legal and economic stances of the Democratic Party, especially the part about more spics and more gibz.

When Roe v Wade gets overturned in June a fair amount of Catholic Hispanics will not want to side with the shrieking harpies that want to kill their babies.

Trust that smart people are prepared to divide and conquer.
The dem party as you know it won't exist after 2020.

I already do, I literally have no reason not to vote for him and a laundry it’s of why I shouldn’t vote Democrat

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most? STATS

>Hispanic is not a race.
It's a blanket term to cover brown people south of the border that typically speak Spanish.
Why is this so hard to understand for you shitheads?

These people are extremely autistic, come on now famalamadingdong

those feet are lewd

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It gets annoying when every single "Hispanic"/"Latinx" person says "HISPANIC ISNT A RACE!!!"

Then what fucking race are you? You sure as hell aren't Native Americans. You're not fucking White. Either your race is HISPANIC or it's MIXED. There's no other race for these " people "

45-70 is the only government I trust

White jizz on their brown faces


Actually the best thing to do. They treat blacks way worse than whites do.

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Let's try deporting them and see if that works!

I am not voting for a fucking zionist orange Jew. The man has literal Jewish granchildren.

t . latina who loves white men

You dont. You deport them.

Fix Venezuela, by removing Maduro and his regime.

This but unironically

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Bleach them.

They vote for the interest of their kids. Fuck a Castizo into their pussy.

I have seen it many times.

Translate all their ads/speeches supporting abortion into Spanish and air them as ads on Univision during prime time. Democrats do a very good job of segmenting their platform across the language barrier, keeping this part of their platform from the largely Catholic Hispanic population. If they knew Democrats supported abortion, they'd jump ship pretty fast, Hispanic population is very strong Catholic family values, traditional gender roles and male dominated.

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Lol, am I think only one who pronounces it La-Tinks to maximize butthurt?

Blacks are fucking retarded, they can't be convinced to do anything. Don't be naive.

Throw in the tranny kids too. That will fly like a lead zeppelin.

I'd lick that dirt mighty clean even if she walked into a public bathroom barefoot

I'd colonize any of them

Built for BWC

Talk about family values and the importance of family. At least Hispanics fear god and authority. They’re easier to control that way.
The black man, Jews, and angry liberal white woman wont even bend to the laws of fidelity and family.

>Aztec Lawn Gnomes

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plz tell me she has a dick?

I thought the ones who made it across the border legally are the same ones who hate other Hispanics who try the same. Like there is no solidarity.

I say the best way to combat the illegal immigration problem and gain votes is to give out work visas to them, link them to employers like a temp agency so they got a job, and monitor them so they stay working. They work, pay taxes then after a year or 2 they get shipped back and reapply all over.

If a gangbanger somehow gets through the screening process and quits work they have warrant issued and gets sent back.

Every nationality that has successfully integrated into America has climbed the economic ladder and by miscegenating.

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I see lots of rican females who talk highly of Trump so there is hope
>Most Cubans vote for Trump, although I think we're the only latino group that does.

No she doesn’t.

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Check out the racks here hnnnnnnnng

they already do it's the illegals that don't

i can't stop fapping to this girl. does anyone know if she has a patreon or something? i want to give her some money.

I’m a Cuban who voted for trump

Cubans are whiter than white people

Hispanics will never vote for Trump because he's an uneducated manbaby that actively makes everything in the country worse for them. Hispanics will propel Joe Biden to the presidency.
