Brit/pol/ + Kraut/pol/ - Cultural Exchange Edition

>Richard Wagner - Tannhäuser - Pilgrim's Chorus

>Vaughan Williams ~ The Lark Ascending

also model railway sub edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Manhands get yer rat out

Cringe OP t b h

Congratulations Bongs.
Results are in.
Good news, only 23% of you are degenerates.
Lower than I expected.
(should have really tested you & put 1000 slags)

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Literally been drinking all day

giz ya resin then

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Oiii didjou see tha louudicrus displah loast noih?

ur mom a nigger

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>91% CFR in the uk
why is this happening? do we have a mutated strain? it would explain those sudden heart attack deaths too.

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>Bright House collapses
Is this a good thing lads? On one hand, 2000ish people will lose their jobs, but on the other hand, people won't fall into debt for 50 years? I do recognise that there are smaller businesses that are like Bright House, but they were dominant.

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>+ Kraut/pol/

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Sounds like a LARP t b h

That's actually England and Wales you giant crusty cum tank.

I don’t feel bad for BrightHouse and I don’t feel bad for the spastics who bought shit from them

Yo, faggots!
Does this retard mean that all of this shit is an experiment?
Is gravity fertility rates?
Or fascism?



just ognoring the CFR mong now

>Pilgrim's Chorus
Very nice, one of my favourites.

Also convert to Ǣwadōm and start living piously in accordance with Natural Order.

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imo any business collapsing is a good thing 'cause it contributes to "the happening". i also think they're a pretty disgusting company too

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>sucking german dick

Fuck off mutt

>tfw no British slag gf

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Fuck kraut

Comfy time my lads

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was either that or British Women holding Foxes edition

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Back off Muhammed she's mine

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Alright lad?

Why do you envy his dedication?

implying i care.
anyway whats up, any major happenings or interesting things going on?

the fuck

Tune in which a PEASANT BVLL cucks a Norman "lord".

We love our bongs. Great people. Best neighbors. Fuck the mountain Jews though. They got to go.

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she's been streaming for centons lad

Sasha Grey still around

horribly underrated

Sad that women are forced into this in the first place.

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ayyy thanks, oc!

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Both cringe tbf

>40 people


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get bent muhammed

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no its because we only test them when they come to hospital you daft cunt. and when they come to hospital, theyre already at deaths door due to her majesties governments advice to just wait it out in quarantine for 10 days before calling the van.

what this is really saying though, is 91% of peole who go to hospital, die. It doesnt tell us about the fuckton of people that actually have these mythical 'mild symptoms'. Again that is down to governments failure to test- the cunt wont give us the data because they dont have the data. They're not interested. That in itself proves that they're dogs, barely even Englishmen.

put your german flags on to show respect to our thread fellows lads

night cunts

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FUCK the Krauts. We the mastuhrace now

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2000 workers no longer dabbling in sin and open to accept radicalisation. Inshallah

Women are like children, they crave attention
If they don't get attention normally they will do things they know are bad in order to get it, like namefagging.

remember we were almost at war a few months ago lol

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By the time the Ballard was written, Anglo and Norman differences has basically disappeared anyway, but for what its worth, the BULL's name was Matty Groves, and Groves is an Anglo-Saxon second name.

Capitalism is inherently authoritarian. So yes.
any krauts been to miniatur wunderland?
my little brother watches these model videos all day, is it worth going for a visit

>tfw started having an affair literally a month or so before this flu manchu business broke out
>cant go out and pork the mistress & now have her being a needy cunt & trying to whatsapp video call me daily while the fucking missus is home of all times.
Fuck this shit lads. The situation is most perturbing. I cannot find my equilibrium.

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Fuck don’t make us come for you again, Italy. Surprised there’s any of you pastas left.

Gōde nihte.

>Shit image/gif
Still yank posting
Yep its a mutt. Fuck off you dim witted cunt.

Did you guys workout today?

Satan, my sides

The beauty of Thy peace

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What do you mean?

lol ignore the sasha grey copypaste. Went to see what she was up to but it was animal crossing, the most boring game ever so went away.

Stop committing adultery

I watched this movie the other day lad.

It's not even just that. They can't list people who tested positive as "recovered" until they are tested and clear of the virus. When the majority of people feel a lot better after a few days, their first priority won't be to drive back to the hospital or doctors to get tested, especially now no one is allowed out and there is a shortage of test kits.

They want money and prestige. Like you do. Society gives them a route to it so why, from their point of view, not take it?

>Bright House
was it just a scam? my understanding is you pay off some small "mortgage" and then pay a reduced rent after it? never really looked too deeply into it

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Ignore chloroquine, it's a red herring and rather toxic and easy to overdose on. They should be investigating the RA/lupus drug hydroxychloroquine and zinc, adding azithromycin in more serious cases to counter inflammation and opportunistic bacterial infections. They've been using it in South Korea since the beginning. It costs about £3 to treat a patient for a week.
>Hydroxychloroquine is the 8th most prescribed drug in the world, cheap, and generic. It's safer than being sedated and being put on a fucking ventilator. It has a case history spanning 6 decades. Hydroxychloroquine’s side effects are well researched. It's relatively easy to produce. It's relatively quick to produce and production capacity can be ramped up to meet any conceivable demand in a matter of weeks. It doesn't need to be a miracle cure, it just needs to reduce case severity, alleviate pressure on the NHS and and buy time for the immune system to figure out what the fuck is going on and fight back. It probably doesn’t work well on very late stage, elderly, severely stricken cases; but then that’s the same for most diseases and most treatments. The miracle is this potential, investigative, very promising treatment combination costs next to nothing and is already available everywhere.
Side effects are minimal over the long term and rare in the short term. No-one should take it without medical supervision and certainly not put a heaped teaspoon of fish tank cleaner in their husband's fucking tea. Allow docs to prescribe hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin off-label to coronavirus patients they think would benefit. Have them pool data and run analytics on it. If only the UK had some sort of centrally overseen national healthcare system that would make this possible...
Some studies:

Is it you aussie lad in love with Bea?

Are you well?

Beautiful but sad movie

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I thought they just sold tellies and playstrations for 1000% interest?

>Max Richter is a German-born British composer within postminimalism and in the meeting of contemporary classical and alternative popular musical styles since the early 2000s.
nice late night ambience

It was for yummy mummies from the university of hard knocks, enabling them to buy 60" TVs and tablets so they could sit on their fat arses watching daytime TV and posting about it on Facebook all day.

I find german girls really hot, is it just because the ones who go abroad tend to be a level above standard girls?

Germans are also good drinking lads.

I'm only engaged so its not technically "adultery" lad. Besides, its fun. She's a looker, im getting on a bit and figured this would be my last chance to have a bit of fun before im shackled to the fiancee for ever more.
Weddings off/postponed now because of nurgle anyway.

All their stuff is made in massive factory bakeries and then shipped out to the stores
The only difference should be if the spastic behind the counter sets the timer on the oven correctly.

whats all this then

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doe the mistress not know youve got a missus?

Its not funny user. I told you my equilibrium is totally knocked off kilter. I cant get shit done in this state.

Hate it when a thread rips before I get to punt a spastic in

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He’d be a fucking idiot to let that one slip


what do we all think of peter hitchens' take? for some reason he's annoying me on twitter but I cant put my finger on it.

I'd forgotten late night brit/pol/ becomes shit/pol/ and it attracts mutts along with the worst posters of brit/pol/, textually sucking each others dicks and posting the most utter drivel.

Yeah she knows. The fiancee doesnt know I'v got a mistress though.

Hello Raoul

hitchens is going to kill him

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He’s done himself, don’t worry moaty

will be fun to watch though tbf

Hello Andrea

and this is different from normal how?

"muh liberty" is cringe, but post corona-chan brit/pol/ will disagree because they're a bunch of libertarian mongs stuck in 2010

Coomer is someone who masturbates to pr0ns lad. Im cumming in girls mouths and fannys. Call me a coomer if you want but I ascertain a difference.
I'm more your "cad/bounder" type.

Fuck me why would you tell her that? Keep that shit separate you spastic, don’t tell me she knows where you live as well?

Oh god, a faux boomer off, I’m coming down with cancer already

fucking spastics

fuck off incel

>fuck off incel
And heres the genius of the thread

You wish.

>Im cumming in girls mouths and fannys
you sound like a virgin

Do you often find it difficult to ignore things or are you genuinely autistic?

>posting the most utter drivel.
summer pol is peak dribbling retards, especially on shit/pol/ and this ((virus)) has brought us summer season early, no time of day is safe.
night is usually decent on school nights, the rest of the year

The "other woman" normally knows about the wife/fiancee or live-in bird. There are obvious advantages to that.

Struck a nerve have I namefag cunt?


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well if she knows, why the hell is she calling?you have to come up with a plan to make her feel hes getting attention with no surprising calls at dinner time or something.

you could meet her minecraft or something at a certain time each day.

ok glowie. thanks for the vote of confidence

Its....complicated. But she knows where I live yeah. She is pretty good at being discreet desu. She doesnt knock about in the same social circles as my fiancee or anything. She lives maybe 5min walk from me.
On a plus side she is shit scared of my fiancee. Shes quite a diminutive petit southern lass while my fiancee is a taller and bigger and norfern. So theres that...

I'm queefing

Hi Lad,
Yea its me.
Sad tale indeed.
As well as can be..
For i am someone who has seen a world of colour
Yet has to go back to a life in black & white.

I trust you are doing better than i?

It's not our fallout you're a spastic

somebody plug me

A pinko and a simp, well done

he's off the hook

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The guys on the left of that painting arent Prussians, they are Royal Horse Artillery. Dumbass.

Do any of your neighbours have these cringey rnhs cult works of faggotry in their windows. I've seen quite a few when out for my daily walking allowance. They're creepy as fuck.

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roses are red
violets are blue
fuck niggers

I've fucking done myself ffs

>hudddurrrr da 4chinz a shit
Kill yourself newfag

Why did Germany produce better classic music
But Britain better pop music?
>The Smiths
>The Cure
>The Beatles
>The Kinks
Is it because the English language is better to for lyrics?

In my experience the cons outweigh the pros in that scenario
Before I settled down and I’d have two on the go with my ex’s I’d made sure to keep the second bird completely fucking separate and casual, the second they became clingy they’d be cut off, always fuck at theirs/a hotel and NEVER tell them where you live or anything revealing. Unless you genuinely get feelings for the second one in which case it’s dump the current and restart the whole process with the new one.

of course you have. all egofags are fragile.

Not bullshit I have pictures.

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Are you the same spastic last thread who admitted they thought this was a secret tough guy clubhouse? Lmfao

>sex before marriage

I'm not a simp. a) I don't use sex labour on a matter of pronciple and b) I wouldn't have enough enough money to even give sex workers.

>cucks himself by showing his girls ass to the internet.
peak fucking anglo right there.

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>she is pretty good at being discreet
clearly not if she’s ringing you while your missus is in the house

You've fucking done yourself

You're not ready for marriage user.

>officer its essential that I get some pork

Namefagging for pity ( you )s

>no sex before marriage
virgin nofun low test faggot

Thats the mistress lad not my g/f. Besides, it is tastefully cropped imo

I don't get it, what is wrong?

Tell me, duck

Come on lad, no need to make a big deal about it, I'm already upset about the whole thing

>memet + ahmed general : big faggotry and mutual buttfucking edition

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Spastic newfag

it could have been a 'Holiday at Home Special Edition'

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Why do you envy his cancer?

Making clear you're not available for anything serious as you're in a relationship normally means they won't be hassling you for attention at all hours though, or expecting to meet your mates or relatives or many other annoying things women do.

If the other woman is fucking video calling you when it's obvious you're with the missus though, that's a red flag.

Delete your Brit/pol/ account mate