David Wilcock: Legit or Disinfo?

How legit is this guy? I watched his three and a half hour livestream last night. Everything he said was reasonable until about half way in where he starts talking about some New-agey shit.


He believes that the "Alliance" (good guys) are going to do mass arrests and give the world disclosure about all sorts of things. He seems to back the Q stuff.
I completely agree with everything he says besides the New Age "Law of One" and fucking wormhole shit. Is this guy one of (((them))), is he being serious, or is he a just deluded?

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>muh sources say
He's both. Mixes it up. Would you eat a platter of crap and chocolate?

New Age disinfo shill and failed a lot of predictions earlier, besides sucking Qocks.

he's a money grabber

Ive always thought that this big headed fag is a gate keeper for the alien larp.
See, i think the first part is correct on the mss arrests but the end result wont be alien, but IMO god. I do honestly believe the deepstate have one last plan and thats the great Alien hoax. I think he is a front runner of this.
Also how i know hes one of them. I remember watching one of his movies and he was talking with some other dude that caimed to be talking to multiple races of aliens and have traveled to other planets, lol i know right. But the thing they metnioned immediately made me realize they are a jew backed ideology.
They said that allot of these aliens look just like humans but non of them are white but are all brown and black and asian. They said that when we see that the aliens arent white we will have to learn how to get rid of our racist tendencies and thoughts.
Right there i knew this shit is just another jewish backed anti white, PC commie eutopia larp.
But as we know they have to say some sort of truth, they have to come out and menton the arrests but coat it in their own stupid belief.

Anyone that trusts any form of government/state is a shill disinfo.

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Or coQs?

Anyway, he mixes some truth, existing LARPs and homemade LARPing into a big pile of jewshit. But contrary to many other shills he puts some effort into it.

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So i think he mixes truth and lies.
I feel hes being honest about the arrests but his anti white jewish alien bullshit is just another way to turn you away from God.
might not believe in that but hey, i do so.

imagine making a career from this crap
a self appointed authority, new age elitist faggot

we are the fremen/sardaukar

This is like the 3rd time in the past year he's guaranteed mass arrests. Go back and look at his archives. Granted, some of his sources are probably spooks feeding him misinformation so Wilcock might not be intentionally misleading but you really cant take what he says at face value.

That being said, prepare for govt lockdown anyways cause the long dick of the law is coming for the cabal eventually

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David Wilcuck.

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Yeah, about 90% of the stuff he mentioned in the first half of his livestream I already knew. I think he gave good info as a setup to indoctrinate us with some woo woo alien crap.

Also, if he keeps coming out with these big claims that things will happen and they don't he will just look stupid. I don't see the point of saying something like this as a larp. Yeah, he tries to make you buy his movie or whatever, but there are better ways of doing that than lying.

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The guy is a narcissistic disinfo fuck. Talks out his ass so hard he misuses words, and sometimes utters sentences that are missing words and is so oblivious and uncaring it doesn't even register with him and he just keeps on rolling. He is so full of shit he is unlistenable.

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Oneism is cucked

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Sounds like some Project Bluebeam type stuff

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He's just a grifter. He's been full of shit for years now, going back to the whole Drake/Fulford mass arrest shit that they aped off of old RumorMillNews articles.

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He's an entertainer, nothing more

the soppy idiot has been peddling disinfo and acting like he knows shit is about to go down for at least 15 years as far as i know. took a paycheck from the fucking The History Channel)))
just no.
if you're going to listen to 3.5 fucking hours of any of this silly cunts bullshit at least just stick with the lizard dude Icke who really doesn't give a fuck anymore.

he was Q before there was Q
but at least he had the dignity to put a face on his dumb LARP

Good point. Kinda reminds me of the Goldberg and Q scenarios. Although, I think the general consensus on Goldberg is it was a LARP. A this point, I'm very skeptical of everything that I see/read/hear. Brings to mind a graphic that I saw a week or so ago. No matter if Q if Goldberg prophecy is real, we should prepare the worst. If Goldberg was right, we're fucking dead. If Q is right, we're prepared and life gets better.

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(((Coast to coast am))) regular
No one gave a shit about him then
Q happens, takes all the thunder away from the limited hangouts and book sellers on C2C
Now he backs Q desperate for an audience
Total shill

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Absolute faggot. If you were around for the 2012 shit you wouldn't be asking this question.

yeah, I've personally been aware of him for about ~10 years and he's been promising utopia just around the corner as long as I can remember.

his kind are really no different from the ufo contactees from the distant past. before it was the "space brothers" who were going to rescue humanity, now it's some 'good guy deep state alliance' nonsense.

listen to him if you must but never give him one single dollar, and encourage others to do the same. (unfortunately he'll probably make plenty through youtube)

I think that he over sensationalizes things, and put a fictionalized spin on things to make them more entertaining or interesting, but at the end of the day I think he does believe in this stuff like the mass arrests.

I think it would be possible for something like that to happen, but not the way he is saying. The way he predicted a 3 day blackout was cringeworthy to say the least. He said that he had 5 different sources, but it sounded like his master source for finding this information was Corey Goode.

I do not understand why he backs up people like Corey Goode, these alliances WIlcock has are by far his weakest link my opinion. A Lot of his predictions make the assumption that you already believe that Corey Goode is legit...

It should be interesting because if NOTHING happens, and he is wrong again. This will be the end of Mr. Wilcock.

Nothing he predicted happened in 2012 either. He's up there with the new agey weirdos like Nancy Lieder. At least he hasn't told his followers to kill and eat their dogs yet.

>This will be the end of Mr. Wilcock.
you overestimate the intelligence of humans. frauds can stay around indefinitely. there are always new predictions and new suckers to swindle.

disinfo shill. he hyped up 2012 so hard and flopped so fucking hard that he made himself scarce for awhile. Not surprised he attached his suckers to qshit. Honestly seeing this faggot shill it confirmed it as a hoax more than anything else I've seen.

Isn't he one of those Ancient Aliens guys?


He's a retard probably if he believes in Q shit.

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some of his information is useful if you're doing research into UFO topics
but all his "predictions" are total nonsense and I don't think he has any of the inside knowledge he claims

I will happily admit I was wrong if it's true. I wonder if qtards will do the same when nothing happens except more loss of freedoms and loss of humanity?

Why do you dipshits spend so many fucking hours talking about people?

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100% bullshit. He had been backing Corey Goode with his blue Avian shtick trying to sell comic books. He and Corey are just wannabe sci-fi authors cashing in on gullible boomers that will believe anything that resonates with them.

That is the thing. I actually have followed Q from the beginning because honestly I found it fun. It was like a puzzle or a game, and it was a good time.

The issue is there is never going to be something that states, if this is not completed by this time, the Q plan is off..... Some people will never admit they were wrong and Q was a farce.

I believe these times are so interesting because of the fact that we are reaching the apex point of Q where everything is seemingly "setup" for a better term for something to ACTUALLY come to fruition. If nothing comes of it, not a big deal, but it is obvious now is the time if anything is actually going to be done.

Anyone have that one greentext about a patriot member talking about president Trump's inauguration speech involving disclosing technology and aliens

Fuck off back to /x

what is this?

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i dunno lets call george noory

an ayy giving the sun the succ so that it wouldn't blast us with a big ol sun meme

they're hot too

>Shortly after this, Boas claimed that he was joined in the room by another humanoid. This one, however, was female, very attractive, and naked. She was the same height as the other beings he had encountered, with a small, pointed chin and large, blue catlike eyes. The hair on her head was long and white (somewhat like platinum blonde) but her underarm and pubic hair were bright red.[6] Boas said he was strongly attracted to the woman, and the two had sexual intercourse. During this act, Boas noted that the female did not kiss him but instead nipped him on the chin.

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Deluded mass faggot

I remember him saying that an army of 'White Dragon Family' ninjas were going to to arrest all the cabal like 12ish years ago.

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