As a LandLord I can Assure You

If any of my tenants fail to pay me on time & am late on my mortgages, when I get back from the beach, I will evict their asses and they will never have roof over their fat asses again.

To all you degenerates that are thinking of not paying your rent. How will it will feel choking on corona homeless??

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Shoot them if they resist.

Nice proxy, Moshe.

>as a landlord
No, you're not you underage role player

I'm sending energy that they get some coughs in, or hires someone with corona to get a couple coughs in on yourself first and foremost, and of course any scum thats 'just following orders' taking your fake fiat to evict them

I will pay my rent, i made a deal, but your no pathologically different from the banking jews

Based , keep doing the Lord's work

Very good, as a fellow landlord I've instuted a tenant ranking system. A social credit system if you will.
My good tenants get better housing and the bad ones might not get any. It saves me a lot of trouble.

Pic related it's me, the landlord

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Same here, I just recently had to get creative with my "problem" and needless to say it worked. Nogs come in handy every now and again lol. You guys wouldn't believe how easy it is to motivate these nigger animals with a little bit of money, drugs and booze.

You gonna be a broke ass nigga and you are going to be homeless when this shit ends, that's why you cry like a bitch.

It's our place now. All tribunals are closed, there is no laws protecting you anymore.

Mostly opportunists who are getting paid using the situation to not pay.

You will now ask, how did I figure out this all didn’t happen? Let me tell you I know, why landlords won’t see a penny in the next months. The money went here

Gay larp but I chuckled. Seeing all of these poors seethe uncontrollably on here with thread after thread of “tHeY cAnT dO tHiS!!! ItS aFuCkInG HuMaN rIgHt” is fucking hilarious

>1 post by this ID


Who said anything about getting tenants to pay? I just want them out. See I know how this ends, in a couple of months things will return back to business as usual and by that time I want every rent dodging fuck in my building to clear out so I can screen future tenants. I fucked up, I'm still green at this but it's a learning process for me. I certainly won't make the same mistake again.

One of your tenants will kill you and the other 29 will say they don't know who did it.

This is unironically a great scheme.

Pay your rent on time or early, take care of the property and don't be a loud, disrespectful nigger; then when it's time to renew your lease, you can get a better unit or a slight reduction on the rent.

It's just good business.

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Every man has his price. You'd be amazed at just how low it really is.

For niggers, it's even cheaper.

>couple of months things will return back to business as usual
Couple of months? More like a a year and a half if we are lucky and with a vaccine at that point.

a carton of newports is all it took to get a few nogs to jump a tenant, you should have seen it man...they wooped on him so fucking lol

the problem is his faggot ass hasn't left the unit since and he's been sending his mother to grab groceries for him hahaha

I can't wait to break's gonna be fun.

Why not just turn off the water and power?

that's BLATANTLY against the law son and I'm not lookin to give any of these free loaders an easy win

Question, how smart is this guy? Not sure what state your in, even if it's a blue state you can always use bear mace. That and if he can get a recording out of him stating you paid said nog to remove said dead beat, you're kinda fucked in court. With all this going on they get that in front of a sympathetic jury (Just your luck it'd be full of dindus....) ohh boy you're done.

Also, depending on what you're renting, i'd be careful of the deadbeat tennants organizing. If I was in that situation, esp. with the lack of cops i'd be quite a bit more trigger happy esp. against armed thugs. I live in a state that has castle doctrine so this would be no problem esp. with the video cameras I have set up. Also if it was an apartment complex it would not be hard at all to get the tenants to come together esp. with this corona virus ruing so much shit.

Just saying what I would do, going to give you the benefit of the doubt and guess your tenants are scum.

Absolutely based.

Outsourcing dirty work to niggers is surprisingly effective and cost efficient.

Nope! Guess what, the economy is NEVER going back to normal, and will be well over a year before you can even think about seeing government doing eviction ms again. I'm working from home but not paying you a cent nigger - and the market is gonna crash so hard the bank will probably foreclose & then I'll snap it up for next to nothing using the money I saved HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Flip side of that is niggers are suprisingly easy to bribe and turn. All you'd have to do is pay em a whole pack of newports more and tell em the landlord is a rich racist and has a BBC loving daughter and fat ass wife.

Nah. I Ain't paying. Why would I? I can't get evicted during pandemic.

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How could you type all that with your hands rubbing together?

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>implying they could successfully evict

Buncha fags in this thread larping as renters and landlords.
Meanwhile everyone of you queers lives with your parents.

Good luck with you and every other landlord filing legal papers at the same time you might get them evicted in 3-4 years

Your well within your right to but it's a bit of a shitty situation for both parties. Most of your tenants can't help it if the nothingburger virus fucks them out of a job. Govt should be helping these people to keep up their payments to you as they're the ones telling everyone that the pools closed.

All tenants are scum, no ifs ands or buts about it.
niggers were cattle for a reason

You're not going to be allowed to, big shot
You guys are fucked

Faggots pretend that they're landlords and other faggots take the bait

sage, you stupid niggers.

So even in your LARP you're a coward who had to hire people to fight somebody for you? You really are bitchmade.

Then again, most Jews like you are sniveling weakings who can barely life a loaf of bread.

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>LEO will be capable to enforce eviction
>many LEO are getting infected right now
>you'll be able to rent your property out during this pandemic
>your property won't be destroyed by former tenants
I don't think you understand (real/shitposting LARPer) that the collapse is happening; the infected/death numbers are at least double the "published" rates and many frivolous/non-essential jobs will NEVER come return.

>courts closed
>marshals are too busy to enforce evictions
>states giving 90 days leeway to tenants

And these kikes think they're going to take my trumpbux? They'll get their money in 3 months and there aint shit they can do about it.

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You show up at my door making demands and your ass goes down the elevator shaft. Test me.

I made a few bucks with bitcoin and bought land. Built container homes and then had them converted to apartments. I understand you're jealous but suck my dick if it'll make you feel better..

When I was a tenant I was a good one. Paid my rent on time, left the place looking decent. Can't say the same for most of the others i'd known. Entitled, many tried scamming the system and yep when they were evicted they destroyed everything. Once all this is over you can always go after back rent. What would worry me is if you live in a blue state, you know damn well the politicans are going to find a way to stick it to you guys. Hoping at the very least the tax write off from all this will help make up the difference from all the evictions you'll end up serving.

Other thing i'd be careful about, till we have a legit treatment of some kind there's not much to stop someone, especially if they're about to be evicted and ruined from spreading roomers to neighbors that they have the coronavirus and that they coughed, pissed and shit everywhere. People are scared, that shit will spread all over social media. Good luck recovering from that right away, someone with an eviction over them will most likely end up homeless for life. Granted once all this blows over in a year or so no harm no foul but still, it's this immediate BS that you're going to have to deal with.

Think your governor will give landlords a break when the banks start coming after their properties?

I hope the niggers you hire have built an immunity to buckshot.

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Good luck larper

Imagine being so poor, you don't even own one single house kek

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Time to get a real job

Yeah, this is where the LARP breaks down.

I have cameras all over my complex and I live 5 minutes away. I do nothing but watch my cameras all day and night. I literally have nothing better to do then to stare at these cameras.
>he thinks I care if niggers die
lol..they exist to be used like the animals they are..

>when I get back from the beach,
And that's why you're a piece of shit if this isn't bait

Dead people can't evict anyone. Remember that, (((landlord)))-sama. Let sleeping dogs lie if you know what's good for you.

Ohh boy be careful with that. Later on if civil/criminal charges are filed against you for use of dindus and any of their antics is/was recorded for your viewing pleasure (Lol i'd have laughed my ass off watching that) it's fair game in court. Assuming you're not an idiot and you have it stashed away on some kind of secure media. Courts are funny, if they can't find it/suspect you deleted it they can claim tampering of evidence. That and of course if any of the people in your complex recorded the nigger encounters with their phone. I'm going to guess the people in your complex are shit people with no loyalty to anyone but themselves. Problem is when the jew lawyers show up, they throw shekels at people like that and nail landlords.

Since it sounds like you're still fighting shitbags, here's an idea, see if you can get them for some felony of some sort. Instead of having said niggers beat the shit out of your slimeball tenants, have em stage a drug deal. You have cameras, you can have your paid homies act like they're buying/selling. Since you have cameras, you can save it and do it a few times. When you have cops and courts again, in addition to serving the eviction notices you can use that in court. You're already paying niggers to rough people up, they're probably felons and would play along I think so long as they're paid.

Bit of a double-edged sword, though, isn't it?

I honestly don't see black renters siding with landlords over renters.

>own 3 apartments
>1st apartment young white couple the woman used to burn coal and has one black and one spic child.
>pregnant with white guys child and plans to marry soon but lost her job.
>forgive rent for the next 2 months because I’m a nice guy and they seem to be on the moral path

>2nd apartment white girl who single with with 2 year old boy. Always has men around whoring herself about. Rent is due on the 1st bitch.

>3rd apartment is dirty paki that cheated on his wife. Rent is due on the 1st asshole.

I can forgive coal burner since she has turned her life around and trying to live with morals. To hell with immoral people.

and yet the powers that be keep polling though our opinions matter...

Kek.... Is this who mutts rent to?

Collektin shekels.

I wouldve evicted all 3. You just knew 1 covered 2 and bet your money on the coal horse.

Already have a vaccine dude.

You’re not a landlord

Lol this.

Ops gonna go jail and get corona aids.

Landlords who evict people who have lost their jobs due to the Chinese virus deserve to have their private homes destroyed

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You chtistfags really want everyone to live by your rules don't yous?

Seethe and stay poor