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Fucking based Trump, he is a true American hero.
Yet another in the long list of Trump lies. What is this, the 20000th since he became president? That's a thousand lies a day
A thread died for this.
I kek'd so hard.
Imagine being liberal, watching CNN and worrying about lies.
Lmao that’s actually funny.
We can actually laugh at Trump unlike the shills make it seem
Am i on reddit?
The metro area has 25M people.
Still huge as fuck.
Comparing the US to a country the size of Florida with 3x Florida's population, also VERY homogeneous, is disingenuous.
The Seoul Capital Area has around 26 million people in it, over half the population of South Korea.
6 millionth
somebody get q on this
you probably use more toilet paper rolls.
Also, the population of South Korea within range of NK artillery/missile strikes is over 32 million, the vast majority around Seoul. So Trump was wrong, but not ridiculously so.
>He misspoke about the population of a city, this is the end of drumpf
Bottom of the barrel criticism at this point.
What's funny is I saw him say this live, immediately googled it, saw the disparity and fucking knew some asshole would make an issue of it. It'll probably be mentioned in dozens of articles tomorrow. Enemy of the People.
the thing is, retards who just want to bash trump will unironically believe that it was Trump himself who googled the population of seoul when it was actually some no-name staffer
Ikr orange man soo dumb lmao
And Obama once accidentally called Iran "one of Israel's closest allies"
It was a gaffe.
schizophrenia you're literally fighting against a mental illness at this point. We need to stop responding to shit threads.
Netanyahu called Israel a nuclear power. We all make mistakes
Shincheonji Church group in background.
Imagine being dogmatic about a person whose claim to fame was identifying a point of exploitation in real-estate, business or reality television and 'working the point'. The reason he changes his opinions and actions at a whim is simple - his decision making is completely divorced from his marketing exploitation.
There's a reason the far-right don't back him any more, because they realised the wolf-whistles were all part of the exploitation. He knew the far-right would disproportionately blast his message during the campaign, but at soon as the campaign was done he pulled the plug. Q-user, for example, is just another branch of his exploitation. However, it's more akin to the Civic Nationalism he prefers in media descriptions of his movement. Race-blind, economy oriented and rage-focused on exaggerated scandals of celebrities rather than anything of substance.
I'm only writing this for you, user. I'm not telling you that you should be voting anything other than Trump, but it's sad to pretend that he's some shadow-friend in the castle. You'll only get more and more depressed and you'll medicate that depression with Qanon and other obvious mutt LARPs. I wish you the best.
Who cares 6 million 38 million. We live in America.
Twust tha pwan, gaijin!
>How dare he get a number wrong
If Trump says its true it probably is. The worst Koreans need to check their own numbers
Can’t bro, honest mistake.
Wow, Drumph said a number sort of wrong - let's not talk about the absolutely retard tier question he was addressing.
LMAOOOO. But seriously you guys, we shouldn't vote for this cheeto man in November. He's just such an idiot!
8/8 b8
88d chess
hahahaha imagine growing up with that as a last name, the absolute state of Adam BATES
Anybody who has been to university knows how telling this is about his academic performance and his interpretation of evidence. You can get a C or B (in the US system) by simply rote-learning for the tests and playing to the general argument your professor mentioned in class. Who cares if a few facts are out if you demonstrate consistency with the unit objectives? Trump is such an obvious C student and really that's why the mid-high mid IQ grads find him so fucking hilarious and publicly mock him. The only reason high IQs tend back him is because he means more money and tax breaks for them. Sorry sweaty.
yes very homo
He's done this time for sure. The walls are closing in. This is explosive. A bombshell.
I swear he does this deliberately
who fucking cares, I don't remember everyone and their mother factchecking every little thing Obama said
That said, 38 million is a fucking ton for a city, and Lagos isn't even that densely populated. But fucking what does it even matter
What's metropolitan population?
>Rainbow memeflaggot defending trump
This. Obama said women make 75 cents to the mans dollar. Thats just wrong, basic propaganda. Yet when he lied he got a standing ovation.
Boy that's a good one.
Never forget them.
I think Obama was a globalist shill and closet marxist, but he was definitely a high achieving academic. If you fact check him, you will disagree with his conclusions but not the selective facts that he attaches to his arguments.
It's sad when you're electing an actual dunderhead to your top role. A lot of the tricky stuff Qtards try to believe is Trump whispering in their ear is actually echoing from that tub of lard Bannon or that greasy jew Stephen Miller.
Trump's business acumen is closely associated with his skill as an actor. What makes him so effective at his role as a figurehead is his narcissism which allows him to completely ignore that pang of guilt most people would feel from being so consistently inconsistent.
It's not objectively wrong though, leaf. They do earn less as a gender group. The reason it's wrong though is because of the interpretation he is taking, not the fact. They are self-selecting for lower paying jobs so they can enable themselves to be mothers.
You're conflating fact with interpretation. So really, leaf. You're wrong.
that looks exactly like my Italian neighbor in NJ
That's a lot of gooks.
Yeah, because the mutt meme is very real. The American dream enabled completely incompatable ethnicities to unite and create demonspawn. I feel that you have this extreme desire to deny the truth even if it's right in front of you, mutt.
>Anybody who has been to university
Ignorance is a foolishness
38 MILLION GOOKS!!?!?!?!
what are we excited about!?
Thats pretty stupid. Seoul is not flat terrain, it cannot be "38" meters above sea level.
You don't need to direct rage at others for your own inadequacies, user.
We cant let this man get the nuclear codes...again!
Nigger they do not make "less on the dollar." Quit with your bullshit libcuck speech
LOL somebody typed all this shit
trump doesn't give enough of a shit about gooks to give them more than a 3-second looksee on google while he is taking a piss. based and redpilled
Kek .
i don't know any Americans who think like that.
you ego tripping fucktard.
btw - i went to Columbia with Barry Obama - he was no fucking genius fer sure., like you.
if you knew anything about anything besides your own inflated view of self, you'd kill yourself in shame
My dick is 38m above sea level
"less on the dollar"
All that phrase means is that a population sample of men and women will consistently demonstrate that on average, women earn around three quarters (75 cents) of the amount that the men in the sample size earn (on the dollar). You're trying to attach venom to what simply is a colloquial phrasing of statistics.
give it up windbag
The way you write - even on a Genoese shipbuilding forum - betrays more about you than you'd like to admit. You might have been the janitor or football mascot at Columbia, but you certainly did not graduate with marks in the same ballpark as he did.
>191 words
You lards are what the left in their little cabal meetings like to call "meme-exploitables" or "meme-vulnerable".
I know somebody with the last name Dyches. He's got sisters too.
the left can't meme, changaroo
Faux insight.
Listen here slick, we did in fact used to have a blessed 37 million people in Seoul and my brother did his damndest to protect them from being slaughtered in back in 53. Yet, between the bickering and partisanship at the UN and nationalism in the US prevented us from moving into the Korean peninsular sooner just like it prevents us from getting a bill through today. Let me tell you about Ol Trigive. He was the Mitch Mitchonnel of the UN and let me tell ya, he delayed. Delayed votes that costed us lives and almost the entire war. Heres what happened cause of trigive lie Jack, the North Koreans moved in and slaughtered the entire village of Seoul and all 40 million inhabitants at the time. We voted him out of office and, for the love of God man, we were able to get a vote in to get US troops there to save what was left. I'll never forget what Francis said he said, Joe, Joe it's a blood bath there in Korea, why couldn't we have done something sooner. I knew from that momen I wasn't gonna be in the scranton coal hills cause dammit man, I never wanted to see anything like that again and I promised frank that I wouldn't let anyone down again which is why I studied law and entered into a life of public service.