Why does Yas Forums have a problem with this?

Why does Yas Forums have a problem with this?

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Zoomers need to learn that Free Stuff ain't free.

If the schools are willing to pay the loans back because they failed you, fine, otherwise. Pay what you owe, deadbeat.

Canada is hiding tons of dead bodies of Americans underneath its plains for demon rituals, which they hope lead to the summoning Satan to do their dirty work. I know this because I am a scientist named James G. Eh, who studied the occult for longer than I ever wanted to. On top of that, Canada is working with the Irish to establish a space program and build a Nazi demonic moon base. If your American, please, I'm begging you, DO NOT GO TO CANADA! Do anything to stop the Canadian-Irish Threat. I must leave, the RCMP are after me, goodbye.

It's not fair to the big banks and big corporations who want their debts cancelled.

Unless you put the predatory colleges on the hook for significant percentage of the amount cancelled, you're just restarting a corrupt system and rewarding bad actors.

Because it’s unrealistic.

I’m fine with canceling some of the student debt if they cancel some of my mortgage. Not fair otherwise.

...bcoz their thieving overlords tell them it's "theft".

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac along with "higher learning" institutions are a fraudulent lending scheme (which includes HUD), so I'm for loan forgiveness as long as everyone with a federal loan disavows communism, feminism and progressivism.

just die

because your poor choices are not my problem. live with your decisions. also, fuck you.

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I don't want to pay more taxes because some slut is in debt for her art history degree. I'm already paying for niggers, spics, and fatties. Jeez

I don't. I don't think it should be free, but it certainly shouldn't have interest attached.

Yes...the harvest is going to be very fine indeed this year

>Why does Yas Forums have a problem with this?
Cause I don't want others to get a free pass when I ended up paying off my student loan debt.

Why did you DECIDE to borrow money if you aren't willing to pay it back? Why doesn't the government make you pay for my voluntary expenses? I bought a car, pay me for it.

Free shit

ITT: tards who actually paid their student loans back


>cancel all student debt

Turn off the debt.

But it is free, I got paid for studying

>But it is free, I got paid for studying
That's probably why you suck cock so well.

>Why does Yas Forums have a problem with this?
I studied computer science while you majored in arts (aka basket weaving). I paid off my loan, while you didn't. Fuck off

So it's because mutts can't stand someone else benefiting if it isn't them

What about cancelling the debt would raise your taxes exactly? It's not real money anyway, literally just a bookkeeping entry. Are you OK with dumping trillions into bailing out bankers?

The eternal mutt - "I've got mine & even though this would cost me nothing, fuck you".

Someone has to pay for those new microscopes, 3d printing machines, librarians, HDDs...

I don't... if they return the degree they ended up not paying.

I support canceling debt if they also agree to give up their degree

This, basically. For all they whine about being "patriotic" they really don't know what that means at all. Their entire worldview is cancerous.

People shouldn't get bailed out for getting a stupid feminist dance theory degree
But I also know who owns all of that debt

So do you help the idiots to hurt the merchants
Or do you help the merchants

I think regardless of how stupid you are for having a useless degree I'd rather see the merchants lose an amount of control over our people.

The people with feminist dance zoology degrees were just born stupid and were corrupted by all of our mutual enemy the merchant they are still our people but their minds have been taken over by invisible brain slug.

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Id be fine with tuition free college if liberal arts, gender studies, black studies, and all of those worthless majors were excluded. I don't want to pay so someone can become a SJW that will later tell me im a privileged white male, I'd rather pay so someone can become a doctor or an engineer, or some other crucial role.

Because you retards are like 'oh just tax people more to pay for it'
If instead you went 'make the banks pay for it', everyone would be on board.
But Bernie is a Jew that prattles on endlessly about how billionaires shouldn't exist but never mutters a peep about trillionaires so what do you expect.

Why not just cancel all debt?

>pol hates (((universities)))
>pol also thinks the goyim should be forced to pay them for (((education)))

You can't cancel debt. The debt has to be paid by our government which means taxpayers foot the bill.

Because society should not subsidize its most worthless people.

You should not have been paid.

Yas Forums doesn't

FOX boomers do

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I don't want my paycheck being decimated for meme degrees. All of the people who had to provide for themselves young didn't have time for college shouldn't have to pay for meme degrees.

That's what you got from that, huh? Room temp IQ.

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Debt can't be cancelled, it will be paid by taxpayers like me. I'm paying for my son's college because I'm not a deadbeat, and I'm paying for everyone else unless I get a refund too.

No. Universities should be shut down. I'll educate myself and so should you.

Pay my car note motherfucker

Spoken like a true bootlicker.

I tend to agree with the "fuck you, not my problem" sentiment, but this time is different.
Not forgiving student loans just means transferring housing and resources to those that received gibs for their edjewcation.

Maintaining the "fuck you, pay it back" stance will leave several generations of Whites unable to provide for a family, earn a home, or be productive in general.
I say forgive them, and pay back principles already paid by more responsible people. Jews lose, banks lose, the governmental beast vomits.

I'm a Bernie supporter, and I don't give a fuck about cancelling student debt in terms of gaining anything directly from it because I worked for years to pay for it and didn't take loans because I'm not retarded.

I plan to start a small business once I graduate, and it would be nice if my peers had enough money to patronize me, so I can succeed as a capitalist. It'll be harder to succeed if people are paying Jew bankers instead of spending their money on other consumer goods. Any plan that puts money into the hands of workers is a good plan.

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Except that that makes perfect sense.

If somebody has been brainwashed by a (((university))), its GOOD that their life gets held back by their own stupidity, because these stupid fucks WENT INTO DEBT FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING BRAINWASHED.

The taxpayers paid for your education - you should have known that.

Just adding some (you)s so people respond.

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if you somehow got 6 figures of school debt youre a retard
youre retarded if you couldnt get a free masters or phd
undergrads are the only ones who have to borrow

Because I was denied the opportunity to even get a student loan

Spoken like a delusional Zoomer.


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But the government just bailed out the banks and big corporations to the sum of 6 trillion

Giving a free pass for women to get shit degrees. Adding lumpenproles to the population who do nothing but leech off of competent people, and help collapse the pillar of civilization that is patriarchy.

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why do you care, leaf?


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Australia you don't even own your country you let Nazis from Europe tell you what to do. People have the freedom to go into debt or not. What's wrong with that?

>Im so smart, I knew better
>Totally wasnt lazy or poor, no sir

I dont. So long as the people whos debt is cancelled have their degrees removes, and the speical job positions theyve aquired removed, and their salaries reduced to the rate of people who didnt attent college.

Some people chose not to go to school because they didnt want to be deep in debt, as part of being a responsible adult

I’ve seen to many bitches partying on student loan debt. Fuck you and fuck taxpayers funding your extended childhood vacation


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>If being a democrat is so illogical and wrong, then why do majority of college graduates vote democrat? That's right, you flyover retard, its because WERE SMART. Also pay for my debt because Im poor.

The solution is much simpler than your socialist grandpa would have you believe.

Just let people DECLARE BANKRUPTCY on student debt, and stop regulating how lenders dole out those loans.

It is called accountability for your choices and actions retard.

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That's bad graphic messaging. In wanting to emphasize each sentence, it ends up reading like Cancel all because of student debt. Should have been the same color and font. If can't trust Bernie with basic visual communication, what makes you think his commie ass will handle the country well?

They've already consumed the resources. That money could have gone to something useful. There needs to be a price.