World vs China

How do we defeat the eternal ricel?

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it's not that hard.. we can do it now. would be nice if putin helped but putin's only friend is xi..but yeah death to china.. death to ccp.

Fuck off.

How do we defeat the global JewSA?

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Fuck you Chang. You'll get the rope with the rest of the soiboys in Melbourne

I'd rather eat a bag of Wontons then a bag of foreskins, faggot.

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Comrade Corona-Chan.

Eat bats, Chang.

Fucking gwailou scum

Complete economic and political isolation would be a good start.

Go take another ass rape by your own government.

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Just stop buying their shit so their massive investments dont pay off and they go bankrupt.

Nah, let's nuke America instead, fucking baizuos scum need a bit of excitement, real life action.

Remember Chang, us white men will fuck your women and belittle you men for as long as you exist.

Whatever you say cowboy. Yee haw!

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This. Deny the chinks of any import and export of goods. Let them survive of bat soup and rat stew for all eternity in complete isolation from the outside world.
Lack of bats will cause immediate starvation and 90% would die within a year

Doordash: COVID19 is not believed to be transmitted by food
China: We cannot find the first patient of COVID19
Glowniggers: China didn't tell us about COVID19 soon enough! But we already know where it came from and what food item from what store!

If you can get it from under your mound of grease, Paco.

>raw bat
>food item ccx

I might've had some sympathy for Hong Kong if they hadn't made a deal with the devil. Such a gay astroturf.

Slowly but steadily move out all the industries from China, or at least diversify and move the majority of them to other places.
Boycott all chinese products, even those from non-chinese brands but which manufacture everything in China (such as Apple).
America should sanction China instead of being obsessed 24/7 with Russia. At least they did not brought a pandemic unto the world.

Also reply to this post if you think Canada and Australia should be rangebanned.

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Then do it faggot or is there some reason why you can't? Oh wait... there is a reason isn't there? It's the USA selling out it's own people for cheap products made in China right? It's as if the USA was the bad guy all along but for some reason you are blind to it.

The main difference between China and the West.
China = Puts it's own country and people first. Doesn't give a fuck about the West.
The West = Puts companies and oligarchs first. Doesn't give a fuck about it's people.

Why do you think China went in full lockdown asap while the West tried to wait as long as possible before even doing a minor lockdown due to the virus? Because they wanted their companies to profit as long as people. They don't care about the people just making money for the Jews.

Your country is no different El Cid.

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I don't understand why Putin is in bed with the chinese. They will try to reclaim Siberia in the future.

Stop doing business with them.

They didn't go into lockdown at first they just hid the problem gook then they played on the wests worthless new values of openness to infect them and steal are goods the only good gook is a dead gook.

But how we will get our products?? :O

How can our Western owned companies survive and make profits off us without having products made dirt cheap in China? Our western companies care so much about us and want to keep things cheap and affordable. They try but it's just not possible.

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>ccp shill complaining about a free country's government
We're at levels of irony that shouldn't be possible

Visa restrictions, sky high tariffs. Nukes in Taiwan, nukes in Korea, nukes in Japan, Submarines in the strait. Hell, why not a blockade while we're at it. Lock them up.

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Up yours Chink

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>having a superpower next to you is bad
we are on the same continent you know
burgers are far far away dickhead

>They didn't go into lockdown at first they just hid the problem gook
They did go on lockdown pretty fast. They just wernt brainlet retards announcing that they were shutting shit down which would cause people to flee trying to avoid the blockades.

Why are the Chinese so mad? They literally started this.

>calling me El Cid as if that's supposed to be something bad
Kek I wish I was El Cid so i could kick stupid chinks like you out of my country.

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Why not both?

They arnt mad. They have the virus under control with the economy pretty much back to normal.

Everyone else is mad that they didn't take the virus seriously. See this poster

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Did you watch that show, Chang?

It highlights the classic Chinese character flaws that will ultimately lead to their downfall.

The plane to defeat China is to focus on the fall of the CCP..
Take them to court not war.
Help the rebels in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet.
Boycott Chinese goods and services.

fuck burgerland!

Implying it was supposed to be bad. I'm not a chink.

I'm also not blinded by the eyemask made of American foreskins like you.

They are incredibly fragile.

*we are bigger
we are stronger!
we have MUCH more resourses!


No retard, have some self awareness, the laid off union workers who started working in Fuyao are lazy and slow and then demanding shit when that job is the only thing they can get.
Stop making us all look like dumb mutts.

>Ultimately lead to their downfall
Meanwhile they are the equip with the latest and most technologically advanced manufacturing machinery in the world.

The USA's downfall will come the moment China goes from simple manufacturing to high tech manufacturing. USA will have nowhere to go but India or maybe Vietnam both of which are still in the stone age.

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Their entire culture seems to be based upon saving face. To a fault. A Chinaman could get caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he'd make an excuse and deny his hand was in it, even while everyone can see that it's still clearly in it.

Many societies hold concepts like honesty and integrity in the highest regard. Chinese seem to be the exact opposite.

You must never being dishonor or shame.

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Meanwhile American companies literally steal from their own people and create systems to rob them of all their wealth even if it means their death.

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Here's how you do it. You discreetly murder as many chinks as you can., other will follow suit.

If everyone did this, they would flee from our countries like the rats they are

How many times has Zion Don lied about the virus in the last 2 months?
>It's just the flu bro
>Eat this aquarium cleaner it's 100% effective bro
>Masks don't work so don't wear them you'll scare the children bro

Meanwhile all the Zhang's and Cao's are all cozy behind their wall of masks and disinfection spray.

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The spasticity level of an aussie saying "never mind the Chinese, what about the Jews" blows my tiny mind.

I'd tell you but then one of your agents will visit me with a gift of novichock.

That's exactly it. They also have an entire culture of cheating. 90% of chinese foreign students admit to cheating on the entry exam, cheat through uni, and they even protest when the govt tries to crack down on it.
They need the social credit solely because it's such a terrible culture they have to he forced to be decent.

Didn't 8 million if you small dicked insects die? Many more of you will die when people get fed up.

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Flood them with cheap heroin and fent laced Coke. Get them addicted to opiates and then cut them off suddenly.

Yep the culture is all about looking successful and powerful without any regard for actually being successful and powerful. Whatever the easiest route is to look the best is what's chosen. "Why learn things when you can just cheat on the test?" They say, without realizing the act of learning is what really gets you ahead in life.

Oh gee I wonder why the West is pushing this China is the "bad guy" narrative so hard?
I'm not falling for it.

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That's not true, their police system is corrupt, all the Government seems to care about is staying in power and makeing sure everyone likes them. They can't be approached with citizens complaints so problems go unheard unless they make a lot of noise about something. So problems like crime get swept under a rug instead of delt with.

>They also have an entire culture of cheating
Brainlet still thinks what goes on in the 90's still goes on now in China.

>90% of chinese foreign students admit to cheating on the entry exam, cheat through uni, and they even protest when the govt tries to crack down on it.
Pull more info out of your ass next time

>They need the social credit solely because it's such a terrible culture they have to he forced to be decent.
They literally don't have a social credit system in place right now you retard. That image you see floating around was made in Taiwan and was just an Idea a few politions in the mainland were considering. Right now all they have in place a a system where they can remove the right for you to take public transportation if you refuse to pay serious debts you owe. That's it.

I go to Shandong 2-3 times a year and also live in Shanghai for a few months every year.