From slavery to this. How does it make you feel white boi?

From slavery to this. How does it make you feel white boi?

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can't blame the woman for wanting to be fucked right.

I want to give my diseased chinese dick to every cute white girl I see.

Felling pretty good. Stay mad nigger.

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I dont see any problem.

that's a med girl.

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thats racist

Those kids are ugly as shit lol

Built for enslavement

that's a hispanic, you have none over there

they look happy together? am i missing something?

I dont really have anything against them. I just feel bad for their buttugly kids

it makes me feel intense frustration OP, why are black people stealing oyr beautiful white women???

If only you knew how bad things really are...

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I don't really see what goes though coal burners heads when they decide to shit out niglets. Black women are really unfortunate looking.

They look happy and like decent people. I hope I am right.

Could be worse, could be 10 more all-black babies instead of two ugly brass ankles. The blackness will breed out eventually.

Disgusted as if I just saw beastiality.

The kids are super ugly while the parents are okay looking.
> don't racemix

It makes me proud to be an american. Where a black man could be lynched just for looking at a white woman to making babies with a white woman. Only in america

I think having racially mixed offspring is a selfish and stupid thing to do.

t. mixed race offspring

Mixing with niggers is why egypt is a shithole. I curse u niggers for destroying a great civ and having 8% nigger DNA.

OP has a tiny willy

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dunno they look like decent people I’m not really bothered or anything

>same shit day after day
kys and take the mods with you.


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kek I'm almost jelly of you sharts you'll have ready made farm equipment for the post collapse and will be able to just NEET away while the niggers till the fields

meanwhile we europeans can only shoot the arab filth they're literally good for absolutely nothing, what a waste

Is it just coincidence or are French people actually anti racism?

Whenever I see flogs on Yas Forums, they're almost always pro POC
What the hell is happening in France

Shalom my fellow white person.

I am vomit

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All photos of mixed race families are part of operation mockingbird made by WHITES to keep NIGGERS on their sode

Kek I was going do this

Yeah, I’m also stumped.

Because they like bbc even the nazi’s them for it

Hate them*

i'm a libertarian. i don't care to get involved in how others chose to live their lives.

If that mutt girl have kids with a nordic man, and her daughter have kids with another nordic man, the kid would be nordic?

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I don't understand why this isn't the only response to this low grade bait. Genuinely ugly as shit, literally shit, kids. Daughter looks like the potato out of Toy Story.

Half of the thread now are just interracial post... where are the mods?

>al these discord trannies replying to their garbage thread

you'll never be a woman, commies

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They don't think it be like it is but it do

The fact you keep implying white women prefer black men shows you're insecure. The truth is blacks don't even want to date other blacks. That's how unattractive you are.

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Makes me feel disgust that someone would have mixed kids and well look at the results those are some fucking potatoes.

broke branch parent cry

>How does it make you feel white boi?

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Take the white pill

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>that kids face
If only you knew how bad things really are


Those mutts look awful.

ya but at what cost? 50 iq points?

im okay with it he looks like a black person not a nigger but honestly his kids are ugly af

Is that key or peele?

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mr nigger OP, in the words of Jeb Bush; "duddent matta"

does. not. matter.

I really hope China becomes the new world supoerpower, because they are going to have fun literally raping and genociding niggers out of Africa. You see, Chinese people are hardworking compared to lazy niggers. China has 1.4 billion of them - they can ship them over to Africa (as they do now) so when they get government contracts, they employ their own Chinese people and leave the niggers penniless.

When the niggers catch onto this and start to chimp out, there won't be a USA or UN to put pressure on China to stop removing niggers, it will be a monkey-bloodbath of niggerpocalypse proprtions.

I really can't wait. Niggresses are going to get 'CHANG'D' by superior Han Chinese seed whil nigger males will be castrated, put in cages and become a new Chinese delicacy.

See those videos of Chinese boiling dogs alive? That's going to be niggers this century. LOL! Have fun black boy

Why black/white kids are so ugly?

Looks pretty wholesome. Just don't chimp out.

That's a shop, here's the original.

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NOOOO, Humans with a different skin color shouldn't allowed to be happy!

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Because African facial aesthetics are UGLY.

Bleaching their black skin lighter exposes these ugly aesthetics.