How difficult would it be to convince blacks that race mixing actually contributes to "Black genocide?" It's a view shared by the black supremacists but I wonder if we can get the wider African American community to agree.
How difficult would it be to convince blacks that race mixing actually contributes to "Black genocide...
Black americans are a literal product of race mixing so we don't view it collectively the same way as whites and pure africans.
I think I have a solution to this, cobbled together from posts from other threads. Let’s send all the American blacks to Africa and import the same number from Africa. I’ve read that a good number of black Africans don’t like American blacks. Plus, I believe real Africans with their history and culture could do well here. Mind you, they would be from the less shitty parts. Everybody wins and whites don’t look racist.
Inferior niggers
relax, soon there will be no wider american community, african or any other.
I agree with this, if it were feasible. However, the only Africans we'd take in would be the Kabyles
Which would explain the lack of culture. Or really just culture when it fits, I guess. Either way, western blacks appear to be the bane of society for everyone. I love this country, but I’d hang every great slaver or founder if I could for doing what they have done to the rest of us by what they did to blacks. I mean, just the other day people were posing a question about how building a wall might help stop human trafficking. Then here comes the black guy we’ve got to work with saying, “they human trafficked is for hundreds of years and nobody cared.” How the fuck is that an argument for today?
Methodist Africans are pretty based. They’re the only reason the UMC didn’t vote in recognizing gay marriage and pastors.
This is why actual Africans look down on American octaroons
But mixing with whites dilutes your genes. Even you can see that!
>finally get rid of niggers
>bring in even more feral niggers
are you literally fucking brain damaged?
>Look down on us
>bleach their skin
Dude, Africans would be way appreciative to the American way. Plus, they would want to preserve their people. Plus, we’ve got to have some kind of trade off. That’s just the way the world works. We’re trying to get rid of the uppity fuckers.
It's to late for that. I come from colonial mulatto lines. It's a definitive characteristic at this point. I had a child with a black american woman who is also of historical mulatto descent, American descendants of slavery we're all essentially extended cousins.
Let me guess. Y’all wuz kangs?
Explain the situation in Sweden
Impossible. If you were offered free slutty asians/latinas, would you fuck them? Now remove 20 IQ points, critical thinking and all impulse control from yourself.
We wouldn’t take people from the fucking Sudan or whatever. I don’t know, where are the good ones?
>muh based africans
Actually kill yourself. You're defective if you can even think these things.
Would you and your cousins, by chance, happen to be interested in moving to Africa? The government would pay, of course.
Was never KANGZ. But I do thank the US for keeping good records. As much as africans and others like to say we don't know pur roots and shit, I can look up an actual census from 1870 with my great Great great grandfathers name and info on it, a dude from nigeria can't do that all they have to go off of is word of mouth.
It'd be great if blacks all went for Asians and Latinos because then it's easier to breed out the black with no loss to the white population. Unfortunately, nogs refuse to fuck gooks and Mestizos
The Methodist thing is true. They were a huge factor. If left up to American Methodists, gay marriage and gay pastors would be recognized. I have faith there are good blacks that can be traded for. Definitely not the refugee scum being brought into Europe though.
Good point. I’m for you staying, by the way. You seem like a good guy.
Very because blacks don't exhaust themselves when they race mix. They pump and dump.
Literally a win win for them.
The culture had to be rebuilt from the ground up because the slaves' cultures were stripped from them. Our culture is tied to 70s rebel culture and low-income ghettos because the U.S never took the appropriate measures to fix the existing problems.
They tried something similar with Liberia. Most Afro-Americans are deathly afraid of Africa because we lost our resistances to the local diseases and parasites hundreds of years ago. Additionally, we have no familiarity with the continent or it's people. We've been in America since it's early days as a colony, and have more of a claim to the land (slave labor, residence, Native American ancestry, etc.) than the whites who immigrated during the 19th century.
We need reparations for what the CIA did to our former colony of Liberia before we even think of sinking anymore investment into that place.
>I have faith there are good blacks that can be traded for.
You just can't detach yourself from the idea of cohabitating eternally with niggers.
Americans are mentally ill. Fuck this place.
None of those reasons support your claim of America. It is land, it didn't belong to anyone until white people created law and order.
deep down, all niggers know it is better for their offspring not to be a nigger, and for them to be less of a nigger than their big nigger parents. This is also one of the reasons they hate the white man.
Our culture at it's core is an imitation of Southern antebellum culture. Though it varies from region to region.
Well, what would be the feasible solution for the situation right now? I want success for everybody, but I’m tired of a lot of stuff in the media being tied to, “but what about blacks?” Is there really still systematic stuff going on? Are there any measurables?
And for the record, I don’t care about race mixing. I do think there is a psyop to encourage it going on, but it really doesn’t bother me.
>have more of a claim to the land (slave labor, residence, Native American ancestry, etc.)
"Claim" is a spook. It doesn't exist. You only have as much "claim" as schlomo and white xenophiles give you.
I will continue to racemix just to watch you crackers seethe... Why do you make such a big deal about it? If you didn’t then maybe we wouldn’t. I honestly just want mug revenge for slavery.
Black people have no heritage. They will latch on to African "roots" or their silly African textile colors/patterns. That's all they have. Their languages are limiting. Their existence is a travesty.
You’re not even black. You sound like you’re obese and have an unnatural hair color.
Get over yourself and read about Native administrative methods. While they didn't have strict territorial boundaries, they still had a strong enough idea of whose land whose.
At it's core, maybe. However, the two cultures grew together, building on each other.
Keep larping chink jew
Feasible solution: Get control of your government. We won't be able to fix a thing until that beast is reigned in.
I'm tired od those who can the flames of race baiting too. It's lefties and their (((enablers))). Freedom of Association is what we need. Jews have their own exclusive schools, I believe every other ethnic group should have the same option. Americans should be given an option wether to send their kids to integrated "mixed" schools or homogenous ethnic schools based on their ethnic groups.
I swear to fuck you whitoids are obsessed with blacks 24/7. Spics are the largest racemixers in the U.S. and you people only focus on them.
Ok "nigger"
For real, and this goes for any one of any race. Would people support reparations in exchange for everyone being able to say nigger?
I don’t have a problem with blacks. I think every race and nation sucks. But, nigger is one of the best words ever. And as an adverb, niggardly. That’s a fuckin good word.
A castizo is preferable to a mulatto
>I don’t have a problem with blacks. I think every race and nation sucks.
What's your ethnic origin? Only an anglo/scandi can think like this.
I like you. And I’m with you on that. Damn man, I came in trolling and got some perspective. You ever read any Thomas Sowell or listen to Larry Elder?
Too bad, your “founding fathers” shouldn’t have owned slaves and that’s that. Now the horse is out of the barn like Coronavirus and you will have to settle for the future you chose. Hope you enjoy your BLACKED future. Your founding fathers made a Fatal error and theirs no turning back now ;)
you are probably some chink form aznidentity
I can see that. What’s crazy to me, and I could be wrong, is that I’m from the rural south and we never had racial tensions in school. Everybody got along well and even hung out a lot. We lived in different parts of town, but we bonded through school and sports as corny as that sounds. The whole mixed race relationship thing wasn’t a huge deal, even from a my dad will kill me thing. I know that’s anecdotal, but the picture that seems to like to be painted is that we’re all under a lot of tension down here.
>No turning back now
I can think of a few ways to get rid of shitskins.
>Forced racemixing with chinks to create an almost white person
Pretty sure I’m Scotts Irish. Is that how you say it? Just saying for real, we’re all God’s children. Sorry you got all the hate.
You crackers keep calling me Asian with no actual retort. I guess that’s what happens when your dejected and disillusioned. You could always go back to Europe? Maybe invent a time machine and stop the first slave ship from ever docking in the New World? Who knows..
Why and to what end?
Post nigger skin, you niggerlarping mutt jew cocksucker.
Then post your nigger flesh and prove it, you subhuman imbecile.
>convince blacks
No, their entire thought process is Muh Dik!
What’s the original article for this dude
>t. chink
to stop racemixing?
>Just saying for real, we’re all God’s children.
I don’t need to prove to you seething crackers. The only thing I need to do is make it my life goal to promote miscegenation to watch you fools hoop and howl every time you see an interracial couple on tv or in an ad. :)