Normies will never wake up

No matter how many empty hospitals you film, all the evidence you provide, or anything else you do, normies will not be convinced of the corona-hoax. If you speak out at all people just rage at you and tell you to "stay the fuck home". These creatures desire so badly to be subjugated that they will give up all their freedoms and liberties just for the illusion of safety. All this "pandemic" has shown is that people today are under thumb of those in power ever more so than anytime in history. Even in times of dictatorship like in Rome or Egypt or any civilization at any time, no populace has been so desperate to do whatever their government tells them and won't even question. I almost get a feeling of hopelessness in it all, that fighting back at all is pointless, to just accept it and try to live a good life, I can't get through to people at all, I can't get them to even begin questioning things. Corona-hoax isn't even a big pill, it's like the tiniest pill compared to the others, sure once you get one down the others go easier but holy shit people aren't even willing to consider it, even the most anti Trump motherfuckers just go along with what he and every politician says, I had some one tell me "they're just trying to do what's right for us, stay inside."
They aren't going to wake up, they're all in the matrix and they're going to stay there.

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I feel your pain

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Wait wtf americans think the virus is a hoax?

take your meds fucking schizo the pandemic is real

the real psyop is convincing schizos like yourself that it isn't

Shut up Jew

One third of americans are retarded

Is that the Australian scientist that got the magnets stuck in his nose?

>muslims banned from mecca
>thinks this isnt a big deal
Fucking retard

Stop being an autistic shut in, some normies I know are full aware this is a hoax, I know some other normies that are completely redpilled on fake ass false flag shootings, etc. They just don't research the stuff like we do, but they're out there.


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I genuinely dont care anymore. Humans are obviously a slave species. Im just going to try and have a good life in a rural area and avoid the Satanic bullshit as much as possible. Theres literally no future for our species, Hitler was the last burst before the light was extinguished.
Im not going to make myself miserable about it anymore.


Dumbass, there are thousands of hospitals, and may patients only go to some of them.

meds my friend

you must take them

don't listen to the voices in your head

Nah this aint over. No fap + meditation + eat healthy = badass

more like
no fap + medication + regular therapy = schizophrenia contained

>cant even type
>expects me to take his fear propaganda seriously
I'm young and healthy. Even if I contract corona virus, the symptoms are mild at worst. My state isn't shutdown, so I take my wife and son out like normal. Feels good to live in a non cucked state. No one here is really falling for the panic.

I guess we're done then. Nationalism has lost it's purpose. The adults have left the room. No more reason to keep carrying on this idealogy of ours if the people clearly don't want it.

I don't care for whatever sick satanic policies are going to be implemented. I've seen hell. I just hope the normies are ready to embrace hell too. Because there comes a time you can't close your eyes and look away, as everything arround you burns and melts away.

Meditation is enough to heal

Nice agitprop there Sergi. Go have a black tea and some marinated herring you've earned it.

Just no fap and meditate and pray and healthy food.

you assume you need the mass to wake up not a few good men


Precisely why they are going to activate project zypher.
Be careful everyone.

Is it wrong of me to assume every one of these posts is just an elaborate shitpost? It's hard for me to beleive somebody would actually post something like OP did seriously.

>I’m putting together a team...

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Literally 99% of the cases are in a handful of major metropolitan areas... New York has 60,000 cases, most other States have a couple hundred, of course nothing is going to look out of the ordinary in 99% of hospitals...stop being a fucking retard for fucks sake.

The freedom and liberty to go sell your labor for a fixed income significantly less than its value to your owner. Who's a good boy? You are! Want a treato? Do a trick! Give me your sickdays.

Show me recently taken video of an american hospital being swamped with people.

It doesn't exist.

>project zephyr
the meds, bruce
take em

I literally still walk over town because I don’t have a car.

Nobody has ever came up to me and said “you should stay home” not even cops.

People are lemmings who do what they are told. Ignore their opinions and either avoid them or use them to your advantage. Ironically you could have made this same post in late February but switched the sides with normies all saying "it's a nothing burger". I'm tired of society I think I'm going off grid.

Atleast 75% of the human population wants to be enslaved, but only if it's packaged to them as being for "good".
It's very simple to do that once you've deconditioned their ability to remember more than a week ago.

Dude we've had more serious illnesses in the past and did fuck all for most of them, this is projected to have a mortality rate of maybe 5% if we did nothing, so we're shutting everything down to contain it? And I'm the schizo for thinking that's weird? okay.

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I'm not a shut in? I go out all the time, even during this when people are telling me to stay home, ironically I want other people to stop being shut ins.

I feel this way a lot, I want to save up some money, buy some land and just fuck off from it all.

holy shit cringe

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I'm not a wage slave moron, I'm a musician and I do pretty well. I think people should be living their lives, even wage slaves can get some enjoyment if they're not fucking retarded, unfortunately most of you are.

It's a life long forgotten. When Oil is a precious resource. When the land you dwell in, the land you care for provides everything necessary to live. What a disgraceful World. Everything was in in Harmony until buy buy buy, consume, buy consume. Buy more shit. Oh I forgot consume, buy buy buy. Thousands of years people survived and earned a right to live by respecting the land that giveth. Know you've turned the land into nothing but shit malls and housing for worthless existence. Go fuck yourselves. Don't fear fire consumes all.

NBC news ran footage of an Italian hospital and claimed it was NYC. I'm sure that was just an "innocent accident'.
I for one think we should be careful of wuflu but nobody should just dismiss counter evidence and sometimes more then one thing can be true there could be a virus and they could be using it as an excuse to take our freedumb.

OP here, I think there is a virus, but I do not think it is as bad as it's purported to be. Even at it's worst predictions, it was predicting a 5% mortality rate, which really isn't that much, and that's supposed to be the "worst case scenario" a whole 5%. Of that 5% it would mostly be the very young or the very old (like any virus) and in the past we've had things like Swine Flu that had a higher death rate (so far) than the KungFlu, and I remember back then fuck all was done for the Swine Flu.
Personally I think this is an attempt to see how much a government can control it's people, it uses the excuse of a pandemic and it sees how many people are going to listen to them and do what they say because those people think the government is looking out for them. For all the people they talk politics and are left and right, they fail to see that politicians and governments pit the common people against one another and do not have the people's interests in mind. I can't even get people to see that politics is just 2 sides of the same gods damned coin.
I'm not some genius, I don't claim to be, I just think I had a shitty life and now look at things through pessimistic lenses and it lets me see how horrible this shit world is. I look at other people that had relatively normal and decent lives and I see that they're willing to live a mediocre existence so long as they feel safe, it's like sheep and shepherd who will eventually slaughter them. They live a mediocre life, not great, but not terrible either, and then they just die eventually, it's disgusting.

This place is crawling with former normies who have been reb pilled. Nice demoralization thread how nigger.

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Jedi govna.

This place has been infested with normies forever who come on here and try to bluepill people. Please fuck off.

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They are awake. They chose evil.

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Europe is a fucking embarrassment to the Future. Maybe if you wash some more migrant ass you can become respectable Country. I'll send a ship and it wont be mercy.

Sorry kids the hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, nobody is dying, you have to go back to work now, grown ups have businesses to run. See you all next week.

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Nice double post, but yea that graph illustrates my point perfectly. It's unironically like the flu, a bunch of people get "infected" and only a tiny fraction actually die and again this fraction is mostly the elderly and infantile.

>a virus with a 5% kill rate isnt that bad
Boy is American public education bad. The spanish flu killed more people than world war one and two combat put together, then almost doubled, and it had a 1% fatality rate. Back in the day, even, when they invented the germ theory of disease earlier that week. Five percent? It would kill more people than the fucking bubonic plague

I swear you're a fucking bot, or all Americans are retards and just go 'reee jew' when someone isn't a schizo.

You all should watch thy words. Most of all thy thoughts.
T. Gassing glowniggers

This. OP stop being retarded. I agree that the government is taking over, but don't risk your life trying to prove the virus is fake.

It's pretty obvious the virus isn't a hoax when enemy nations freak our about it together

5% of the American population which is what 350mil ,is still almost 2 million dead. That is a major happening.

Yes, there are significantly more people than there were back in the 1300s, yes a 5% is probably more than the entire population of the world back in the 1300s. You absolute fucking twit.
The reason why population has exploded is that technology and medicine keeps people alive a lot longer, people that should be dead are instead kept alive for next to no reason at all. Back then people had 10+kids because only 1 or 2 would make it past adolescence, these days when people have 5 kids, they all fucking live even if they have shit like down syndrome (like you). We are overpopulated, I would say if this thing had a 50% kill rate it would actually be a boon to the world and society itself, but 5%? That's practically nothing and we would see us recouping those numbers as a species in less than a fucking year.
Furthermore AGAIN it would be killing mostly elderly people as well as infants, there are tons of old people, more than 5% of the population is old and they're still not gonna die off.

2 million old people die, big whoop, literally one large city's worth of people (not even the biggest one).

Absolute based post!
Any public resistance doesnt even make any sense now.
Like the world turned into China in a second.
"stay home!dont even type on phone!"

(((enemy nations)))
Whoo wana trade bro

Worst part is that I can understand why China is able to get away with it, they've literally been starving and killing their own people for years and any protest is brutally quashed because their citizens can't fight back.
All the time we hear of boogaloo and shit here in America if the government tries anything but all the sudden some people get the sniffles and nobody wants to do shit, everyone just rolls over and takes it, it's so fucking weird.

That's 5% currently with the hospital's not overwhelmed, when that happens death rates will increase. Already this is going to cause a crash akin to the great depression. Just because this isn't species ending doesn't mean that it isn't a major thing.

Nigger this Country wouldn't Exist without my name. I'll say it again. I can take it all back. You think you're owed or deserve something. This is my land and I will omit everything I call for. It was perfect before greed and corruption took a float. I'm the Chief and also the Angel. I'm fearless and so are my people.

I want to be your friend

Pretty cringe M8, and you're delusional if you think the (((USA))) founded by egalitarian free masons was perfect.

they're not talking about the virus itself you retards, the hoax is that this virus is barely worse than the flu and it's being used as a reason to self inflict a global economic depression

If you were Russian, no

But you're flag is ok

A reduction in population would ironically be beneficial to the economy. Anyone who isn't a moron knows that old people are literally just dead weight that hangs on and drags everyone down, some of these people take jobs away from younger generations if they haven't hoarded money and even if they don't they've hoarded money and continue to not spend it. People should die at 55, if you haven't lived a fulfilling by then you're not going to, instead know you death approaches and spend the last few years doing whatever you wanted to do in life. People live miserably shit lives and waste away in the end amounting to nothing, it's disgraceful. Whether those creatures die of old age or virus, either would be beneficial not only to the economy but just in general to the world.

>mostly partisan bullshit
>can't see past media trick #1
>"what do you mean the fed is a private institution"
my ass

No one is denying the existence of the pandemic. The issue at hand is how governments in the west are using it as an excuse to flex their strength, increase their power, and instill an obedient fear within the populace.

His point is that we still trade with Russia despite being enemies, or we trade indirectly with Russia despite being enemies.
There really are no (((enemy nations))) it's always been elite vs common, even shit like WW1 and 2 was between elite and common.