Stop using derogatory terms to refer to other people

Stop using derogatory terms to refer to other people.

>Americans are not "morbidly obese shartinmarts"
>Indians are not "pooinloos"
>Frenchmen are not "frogs with poor personal hygiene"
>Swiss are not "mountain jews"
>Canadians are not "low-test, cum-stained Aidslords"
>Jews are not "kikes"
>Blacks are not "niggers"
>Australians are not "dingofuckers"
>Poles are not "toilet scrubbers"
>Italians are not the "Mexicans of Europe"
>Spaniards are not "paellaniggers"
>The Irish are not "potatoniggers"
>Scots are not "vile, drunk abominations unto the Lord"
>Swedes are not "cucks"
>Finns are not "Asian half-breed mongrels"
>Germans are not "Krauts"
>Russians are not "3rd world snowniggers"
>Brazilians aren’t "hueniggers" or "zikaniggers"
>The Dutch are not "tulipniggers"
>Brits are not "dentally challenged inbreds"
>Austrians are not "literally who?"
>Poles are not the "eternal welfare niggerqueens of Europe"
>Danes are not "Sweden's prolapse"
>New Zealanders are not "dim-witted sheepshaggers"
>Romanians are not "oven-ready gypsies"
>Turks are not "roaches with excessive body hair"
>Muslims are not "sandniggers"
>Christians are not "perma-virgin Christcucks stuck in the past"
>Asians are not "microdicks"
>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

If you use any of these terms, it just proves that you have no argument. You are better than this, Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot one of your neighbours.

Not that I blame you.

well said OP, here's some gold and an updoot
I'd also like to add that demons are not mortally challenged


I saw the doom trailer too

Telling this to Yas Forums is like telling a nigger to not be black.

shut the fuck up, nigger

Upvote to you, my good sir! I would give you gold, but I used it to buy a bottle of adrenochrome before the supply got cut. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

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Did you make this thread just to say all these funny slurs?

I made this thread in order to make the world a slightly better place.

I thought you liked being called Krauts :3

>>Indians are not "pooinloos"
and I even was agreeing what you were saying before that

I'm not a Kraut, I'm Bavaryan.

Another upvote to you good sir, keeping the anti-niggers in line. I'd give you gold, but Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself!

Thank you, this list of insults i'm going to use later has really brightened up my day.

I agree hole hartedly OP, the way words like nigger are thrown round hear is absolutaly raciste, it has to stop, I thouhgt 4pol was better than this

Shut up Ahmed

Thank you!
This is NOT what I wanted and I have to ask you to cease and desist.

I will agree to your terms only after we kick the kikes out of the US.

LOL, Swiss are (((mountain jews))) now? I’ll start using this now.

Vielen Dank, Kraut Bruder

Sometimes having at laugh at others expense can seem cruel. It's really just about bonding and brotherhood of man. However, you most likely refer to it as "toxic masculinity" since you're a faggot. Get fucked cause you don't get to make choices for others. Tell your mother she is a prude cunt, and ask your father why he left when you were 5 to "model" women's clothes at a Motel 6.

>imagine the time spent typing OP's thread just to be called what he always knew he was; a rampant faggot

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Are you trying to get called a kraut, Ahmed?

Nice b8

At least we both hate the Jews, that's some great common ground.

>Germans are "Germs"

Yeah! Right! This. This,
You stop being mean and all that, woth those stereotypes.
Saying we have big noses.
We dont have any big noses!
I dont have a big nose.
My nose is completely fine and probably better than yours and maybe im just a little chubby but its just personally me. And you're all always mean here and i agree with my German friend and hes a good guy unlike all of you here you big bullies you
I swear i dont have a big nose, baka fucking goyim

He did "Poles" more than once.
>pride pic
Checks out.

no, you are a faggot.

Im sure you like getting your lederhose torn apart and assfucked

Shut up cum guzzling scat retard

What's a good English-speaking country to move to if I never want to see another Taconigger for the rest of my life?

Ireland? Do they have Mexicans in Ireland?

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>you are a faggot


>Brazilians aren’t "hueniggers" or "zikaniggers"
Yes we are.

Shut up faggot. Get aids and die sodomite queer nigger kike

Falkland Islands

Commies socialists faggots and other degenerates get the rope. Throw them off the buildings like the ahmeds in iran do.

Kys, nigger

God I hate faggots

Stop being so mean neighbor we know youre just bitter because you actually DO have a big nose

You're a kraut, and a faggot too

>rainbow + globe + pushing political correctness
Noahhide kike, you will find an oven soon enough

fucking retards......

We are not "literally who", the greatest man ever was born here and /pol knows that.

Fuck off, Hans.

>the greatest man ever was born here

Mike Patton was born in California, you lying piece of SHIT.

Swallow a bomb you kraut, sausage guzzling, leather shorts wearing, square headed, humourless, detail obsessed, Europe destroying jerry hun

>fucking retards

OP here. Please refrain from using the r word.

Shut up t*rd

Very few Mexicans in England.

but chinks chinks are subhuman trash.

>Stop using derogatory terms
Yes, Mom.

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OP is a jew, not a kraut hes literally pushing noahide globalism, the NWO. the rainbow is part of it.

Okay nigger

Is that Mohammed trying to censor our speach again?

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There is a place for that. Go there.

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I know, fuck off

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Fuck you subhuman cabbage-nigger.

Verpiss dich, du behinderte Neger-Transe


How many nigger dicks have you got up your ass... people are dying of covid 19 and you are telling people what words they can and cant say. faggot

I really don't care

lol hadn’t heard this
def using it thanks

shut the fuck up no teeth bong

Choclate maker stupidMorbidly obese shartinmartKrautDentally challenged inbredHueniggerMexican of europeKIKELow test leaf cumstained aidslordLiterally who are you evenYou sound like a slav attempting to appropriate Japanese language skills asian half inbred mongrel

You forgot the nips

Odd and extremely odd at a time like this nothing on the Chinese.

Shut the fuck up faggot

n i g g e R R R R R R

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The Dutch are “toothpaste”, you East French / west Russian Rape baby

No. Faggot.

Lots of Mexicans in Ireland, nothing but Taco Bell’s and drunken Catholics in Ireland as far as the eye can see.

Attached: 88.png (630x558, 126.38K)

>>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"
>Bulgarians are not "discount Romanians"

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but everyone of you is an infidel

Germans (germs) are the shit of the world. Fuck you and your stupid union, hans


>>Scots are not "vile, drunk abominations unto the Lord"
You really had me going there for a second. Nice troll, OP

Shartinmart fatmuttiemutt ugly go eat burger

fucking kraut. Hope the kikes gas you.

Hey chuck norris is american

Aaahh discount Romanian go entertain ruskies