Capitalism is a meme religion

Take two! Fight!

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>Capitalism is a meme religion
Capitalism is not a religion. It's not a meme either. It is natural for any economy based on personal ownership of goods and services to eventually end up in a state where few industries dominate every sector - why? Because the strong live and the weak die you faggot.
>Iceland is a meme country.

What you're describing makes capitalism sound like a fun description of a board game but a terrible model to base a society on.

The board game is called Monopoly and it sucks ass.

>capitalism is not a religion
it is if you read the economist

If socialism is so great, why is it backed by rich capitalist donors?

He’s got a point!

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>backed by rich capitalist donors?
You mean tax payers?
Governments don't really accept donations.

>What you're describing makes capitalism sound like a fun description of a board game but a terrible model to base a society on.
Would you rather have a socialistic economy where you will be constrained to the same level as your peers even if you're smarter and more resourceful? Would you rather a society of civil mediocrity or of meritorious savagery?
I don't read retarded newspapers.

Our current system is hyper corporatism, not capitalism.

Currency is based on jewish usury, why did capitalism do that?

>you will be constrained to the same level as your peers even if you're smarter and more resourceful?
That's not how it works.
You will however be stuck at the same level as your peers that are roughly as smart and resourceful as you.

news flash, you already live in your nightmare socialist world. you're expected to pick up the bill for our financial kings' fuckups but for nothing in return. at least soviets got cheap vodka and technical training

>true capitalism has yet to be tried

Yes, because money are material shit and not source of happiness

Jason is a passionate idiot. The reserve banking system is what is being bailed out, not the very concept capitalism, which is simply the natural consequence of private property.

Because it's bailed out by capitalism, not socialism. If there was socialism, there wouldn't be any money and resources to bail out anybody with. Capitalism makes bailing out possible in the first place.
Also, this has nothing to do with capitalist failure but with a COMMUNIST CHINESE VIRUS crippling the world economy by causing a world wide pandemic yet again. Imagine there wasn't a free market economy right now ensuring shelves are always stocked. Leftists are truly low IQ and will get the rope.

Incidentally they did try it.
It resulted in massive poverty, civil unrest, bank runs, economic instability and the creation of Marxism.

That's not what Socialism is.

>le communism wants to abolish private property maymay

>amerislave rushes to lick the boots of his jewish overlords

>That's not how it works.
That's exactly how it works.
>you're expected to pick up the bill for our financial kings' fuckups but for nothing in return
Yo hol up faggot. Just because you pay your taxes, you think you're entitled to a share in a corporation? What have you done to help the corporation burgeon into something that drives the economy? Give your wagecuck bucks back to the government?

Listen here you little shit. Big corporations need to be bailed out because the economy needs to keep running. It's like diverting money to the most vital organs to survive. You're a fucking red blood cell. Do you're fucking job and earn your cuck bucks.
>Yes, because money are material shit and not source of happiness
I'd rather cry in a BMW than on a bicycle.

That's not socialism. Socialism is when the means of production aren't owned privately.

If you are allowed to own stuff, and make money with that stuff, that is capitalism.

Yeah the old commies made a big thing out of putting especially talented kids into intensive training

god liv tyler was so beautiful in her lotr phase

>The reserve banking system is what is being bailed out,
Lol, no.
>Jews don't rule France
Why are grenouilles such retards these days.

He's correct. We should switch to National Socialism.

not really, libertarians and anarcho-capitalists are not happy with these bailouts. this argument actually works against you: this system is effectively a form of socialism, you are kinda getting what you always wanted, you are actually seeing a bit of wealth redistribution.

The fact that you want to take literally everything from literally everyone that has a bit more than you.... well that's something entirely different.

Where do these trannies think the money comes from when the "bailout" happens?

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Yea that implies nature let's it sort itself out, not have constant interference from govt and bankers. Its more like a zoo than it is natural competition.

Its corruption that ruins capitalism, like any other ism. Kys op.

>Because the strong live and the weak die you faggot.
When the weak outnumber the strong, they can band together against the strong.
There is strength in numbers. Tremble in fear.

Capitalism doesnt make any promises about being able to stop a pandemic

the wealth is being redistributed upwards

It doesn't need to be bailed out. The people who own stuff are lying to you. Under capitalism the means of production would simply be bought at a discount by other people who would then go on running the business the others washed out in.

Capitalism is a tool

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You should use the AnCap memeflag so you embarrass only yourself instead of the whole USA.

It's not like people would be forced to use their full potential, but at least in principle the system attempts to make optimal use of the available manpower.
You can still have too many applicants for a given job however - it's unavoidable.

>Yea that implies nature let's it sort itself out, not have constant interference from govt and bankers.
What the fuck do you think gov and bankers are in an economy? They are the force of nature converted into an economic form, you low IQ faggot. They define the laws in which the rest of us play. You're just one of those retards who prays to God and believes the universe loves you and wants you to succeed.
>Its more like a zoo than it is natural competition.
Everyone copes in their own way. This must be yours.

>What you're describing makes capitalism sound like a fun description of a board game but a terrible model to base a society on.
There is already a board game like this. It's called Monopoly, and it's not fun.
You are, however, right when you say that the "fiscal conservatives" have been getting desperate lately. They seldom try to talk about the glory of conservative capitalism nowadays because everyone can see that capitalism isn't glorious for most people. They've been reduced to a trollish, Lovecraftian mentality of "The world will always be cruel! Deal with it!"

>When the weak outnumber the strong, they can band together against the strong.
You're welcome to try. Easy to type shit behind a computer - much much much harder to actually take someone on in a fight.
>You should use the AnCap memeflag so you embarrass only yourself instead of the whole USA.
Relax Kraut. I know you're a low IQ faggot who doesn't have any valid arguments. But then again, what can one expect from a Socialistic economy like Germany?

Catan is way more fun ... because the means of production are available to all players in Catan. HMMMMMMM...

used to be the moral argument for capitalism over communism was that we were freer and wealthier. now we get to live in total surveillance states and our standard of living is declining

>Government orders private non essential businesses
>The market reactions accordingly by hemorrhaging and no productivity

This dude is a literal dumbass

It isn't.

>Because the strong live and the weak die
"natural" means that I can just kill you and take your stuff, weakling. But your """free-market""" made that illegal because apparently you love big government when it protects the rich weaklings.

>giving welfare to private corporations is socialism

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This tubby faggot would be in a mass grave if he had his way. Maybe we should let him.

>Would you rather have a socialistic economy where you will be constrained to the same level as your peers even if you're smarter and more resourceful?
I don't need to place myself above others in order to feel good about myself. I'm already proud to be human.
>Would you rather a society of civil mediocrity
Are you implying that equality is boring? Such a society would still have art and science, which are the things that make my life meaningful.
>or of meritorious savagery?
"Socialism or barbarism" I guess.

a corporation is a legally a person. if gibs for tyrone are bad, why are they just fine for tyroneco international

>"natural" means that I can just kill you and take your stuff,
If we're living in the jungle, sure - that is "natural".
>But your """free-market""" made that illegal
Because, we're not living in the jungle. Our environment is now a human economy, dotard.
>you love big government when it protects the rich weaklings.
Guess that makes you a seething low IQ faggot.

both is
not letting bad companys fail is not capitalism, its planned economy lite

Explain how you would make things better then.

Tyrone not getting his gibs doesn't close down other related industries. It's shitty and it's wrong, but that's the excuse.

That's one way of putting it.
Board games that kick players before the end are kinda dumb, especially when the match drags on.
And that is ignoring the ridiculous premise.

Who thought a concept that's absolute garbage as a game would make a good economic system?
This question actually has an answer however.
A system by the rich, for the rich, to retain their riches in a post-feudal era.
>but 1 in 10.000 people goes from being poor to being rich
Utterly trivial.

>I don't need to place myself above others in order to feel good about myself. I'm already proud to be human.
If you kill your enemies, they win. So is Trudeau banging you, or are you banging him?
>Are you implying that equality is boring?
>Such a society would still have art and science, which are the things that make my life meaningful.
You're a leaf - you wouldn't understand.
>"Socialism or barbarism" I guess.
Socialism or capitalism, more like it. But it's ok. I know Canadian education isn't that great. So I'll overlook your inability to read.

Define socialism.

Does your definition differ from Wikipedia's definition?
>Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management of enterprises.

People don’t save.
Unions are ridiculously strangling industry.
People live far outside their means thanks to blatant usury.

But yeah, more socialism is the answer. Fuck you.

Lets do an experiment.

Capitalists: Define for me what you think communism is.
Communists define for me what you think capitalism is
Socialists, kill yourself because you're all disingenuous faggots.

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socialism leads to more socialism leads to more socialism. read Hayek "Road To Serfdom"

>Capitalists: Define for me what you think communism is.
As a capitalist -- Capitalism is when you own stuff, and you get to make money with stuff that you own.

>bailed out by socialism
you fags actually believe this shit lol


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>Currency is based on jewish usury
There were no Jews in Mesoamerica and yet the Maya used currency.

Capitalism: Means of production can be owned by individual.

Socialism: Means of production only owned by state - or the community as a collective.

Communism: Extreme socialism in which religion is banned and only the state is true.

Monarchy: Extreme capitalism where the means of production and land are owned by the royal family.

Any system designed by a human will be inherently flawed because it will be created with the hopes of a selected few obtaining absolute power, political or financial. Communism and capitalism and everything in-between was designed by a flawed human mind.

A neutral supercomputer with the most advanced AI on this planet could MAYBE come up with something better. And even then, it would still be followed by humans who again, are absolutely fucking flawed and will drop ideologies and values for power at the drop of a hat. That's the reality that none of you ever wanna talk about because it hurts your fragile human ego.

Yet somehow socialist systems decline over time.
What could this mean.

kikes control capitalism

governments are kike puppets to keep stuff in order while they get richer

governments activate socialism mode only to save them in crisis times, not to save them from bankrupting, but to keep their cash flow the way they're used to it

Bullshit, socialism makes it even harder for an above average person to benefit. In capitalism if you have an idea to implement, you can attempt to do so if you have the capital. That might be hard, but it is always possible. In socialism you have to convince others, namely the government, that doing so is a good idea. It's such an insufficient way to allocate resources, that is through bureaucracy, that many modern creations would not exist.

>Any system designed by a human be inherently flaw
>A neutral super computer ....


everything was going great until jews got involved.

This is fairly accurate for a memeflag.

"Socialism" in Capitalism has one further purpose:
Keep the workers from rebelling.

>everything was going great until jews got involved.
Everything was going great until fish decided to walk on land.

>"Socialism" in Capitalism has one further purpose:
>Keep the workers from rebelling.
Kind of tells you where you are, Kraut.

You definitely don't know what you're talking about.
It's not completely wrong, but an utterly naive perspective.

>Communism and capitalism and everything in-between was designed by a flawed human mind.
Capitalism isn't a system designed by humans. Capitalism happens as a natural result of people owning things, then voluntarily doing stuff with things that they own. That's literally all you need for capitalism to exist.

Humans have a sense of spontaneous order. If government ceased to exist at this very moment with no police or laws to enforce daily life would largely remain the same as people would just keep doing what they have been doing

Communism: no ownership of capital allowed nor allowance for profit from capital. anything that can leverage the labor of a man is considered private property, e.g. no person or group of people may control ownership of a factory. labor is of primary importance and value.

>Kikes control captialism!
Take your meds and dilate. What would be easier to control, millions of people making choices and doing business or a handful of bureaucrats planning an economy for years

>Easy to type shit behind a computer - much much much harder to actually take someone on in a fight.
You're on a computer too.
>But then again, what can one expect from a Socialistic economy like Germany?
Everything I don't like is socialism!

>Capitalism happens as a natural result of people owning things,
How do people "OWN" things? By peeing on them? You need a legal framework to define ownership. How do you install a legal framework without the ability to enforce it? See, that's why you need a government to set up the environment where capitalism can work. Hence, capitalism is a model of the economy - not a fucking natural occurrence.

Monarchy - that's a natural occurrence.

It doesn't. What we are experiencing is just socialism and money printing.


Communism is so great, Chinese people had to resort to eating bats and other critters in the first place.

Sure, that’s what being an NPC is all about.

It's not a naive perspective if YOU can't own a business or accumulate capital you won't be able to start an operation that involves equipment and other people. Why do you think the USSR was severely behind the US in computer production while having brilliant computer scientists? Socialist policies inhibit entrepreneurship. Naive my ass, nobody gives a fuck about your mountains of theory that disregard how stupid and petty can be in government positions.