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not high enough
more americans need to die for our invasion to succeed


This retard doesn't realize that he is responsible for every single death in America.

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>not realizing death lags infection

330 million too less

if only you knew how bad it really was commie.

i bet you believe Chinese numbers don't you?

Why isn't there an IQ test for a potential Presidential candidate to take before becoming POTUS. It's so obvious by now Trump would have failed it. I have never heard a President utter more 'fail' soundbytes. It's peak clown world

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests


It's a good thing Trumpfags have a very short memory. Two months ago he said he pretty much shut down the spread. A month ago he said it was going to disappear and go down to zero. Now he's saying if 100,000 Americans die under his watch, it would be a "very good job".

Before he said any of this, Taiwan, which received no inside information and are not even members of the WHO, was already implementing travel restrictions, banning the export of masks, and planning to increase domestic mask production. Even after Trump fired members of his pandemic team, he still had mountains of information at his fingertips since the beginning of the outbreak that Taiwan didn't.

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Lol bring it on Leaf

To be fair these people probably didn't have long to live anyhow.

Academics are saying 200k minimum so yes, 100k would be a good result

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Hard Hillary supporter here. He's actually right about this as 100,000 is considered a good case scenario by experts. A had one would be like 3-8 million Americans dying.

>Trump tries to keep the country optimistic instead of causing more of a panic than the media is already creating
Oh no, what a horrible leader trying to stave off people from acting even more like the degenerate scum they are already acting like

He is actually correct. If you listen to the speech, he states that doing nothing would kill over two million. He also says that, even while 100k deaths is a horrific amount, to reduce it that much from over 2 million would be a great job. I don't like Trump and think he's a cheeto retard, but he's not at fault here.

This. I'm sure Trump running around screaming "WE'RE FUCKED! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" would be preferable to these faggots criticizing him?

Why are all the leftist unhappy with the results of the Affordable Care Act?

In the full speech, Trump said they're expecting 100-200k with full measures taken.

he should have seen it coming
he could have prevented all of this

Trump stumbled at first, but this is just smart framing and he’s absolutely right. The non-controversial influenza would get around 60k boomers, so 100k for this would surely be a good outcome. Unless you dislike boomers and want the number to be higher, of course.

Orange man bad

>"We have improved where, instead of millions dying, we could be looking at just 100,000"

I mean, I don't know what to tell these people. I guess all I can say is, that it's not really possible to save everybody? Humanity can manipulate nature, or maybe slow nature down, but nature cannot be stopped. If America really does end on 100,000 deaths, I cannot imagine how bad other countries could have it.

You can be optimistic while actually doing something to protect your country and without outright lying. The reality is that we wouldn't even be talking about 100,000 dead as a "very good job" if the US had taken the right steps to begin with. See: Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Czech Republic. Even fucking Romania was taking it more seriously a few weeks ago.

Leftists are literally people whose job it is to hate Trump and that is all. If Trump gives them nothing to hate, they make something up. If Trump is all positivity towards the future, they have to bring up the past. If Trump is talking about how things are improving against a virus, they have to bring up abortion clinics. My favorite reporter so far was the one who asked him "how many people dead would you tolerate?" and Trump gave him this look of disgust and said "how many deaths would I accept? the fuck kind of question is that? None. I want no deaths. I would not accept any deaths. What is wrong with you?"

I thought repealing ACA was one of Drumpf's promises :thinkingemoji:

How ironic if all 100k were his supporters. Ownin' the libs

So you refuse to acknowledge his travel ban in January?
>Fauci also applauded Trump’s late-January decision to enact a ban on Chinese citizens and other foreign nationals who had set foot in China from traveling to the United States.
>“If we had not done that, we would have had many, many more cases, right here, that we would have to be dealing with,” Fauci said.

Seems to be the opposite.

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Wasnt the original death toll around 2 million? 100k is a way better number than 2 million.

Lets team up zhang


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Hes a Chink, not a leaf.

It didn't go far enough. They especially hated the individual mandate bullshit

3 weeks ago
Imagine being a trumptard

>So you refuse to acknowledge his travel ban in January?
Not at all, but he dusted his hands after that like it was mission accomplished. You're supposed to be proactive, not reactive.

Like said
>Big cities tend to be blue
>Packed with people, living on top of each other
>"But my all night restaurants and coffee shops!"
Meanwhile, the red areas tend to actually own land and know how to stay some distance away from each other.
>Pic unrelated, I just wanted to post it

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yeah about a couple hundred million more, pathetic leaf

>George Bush association propaganda.
OP doesn't know or care what a good pandemic death rate is.

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there are literally tens of free 3d Chinese Coronavirus models out there for blender.. Step up, Senpai

Still under 1%. Good enough for government work.

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>the left always projects

WTG, dumbshits. You helped get a mentally retarded guy elected president right before one of the deadliest events in our history.

It went from 65,000,000 to 100,000. I would call that a pretty damn good job

someone is drunk on maple syrup

honestly, I'd that kind of shit all the time if i had that power. I legit can't be trusted with real authority

i invade pussy. you invade cock.

you wouldn't make it past detroit

You can keep peope both informed and optimistic. People panic when there is lack of information or conflicting information and Trump contradicting his own advisors on stage in the same briefing is peak incompetence.
This whoke situation is such a softball for a president. Just listen to experts, plea to unity, visit some hospitals, get reelected.

Let them have Detroit.

We need this for voters in the USA. Democracy is a joke, especially in Canada

Tell that to the citizens of Venezuela who are selling their children to eat. Stupid marxists

reminder: if Clinton was president this never would have happened because the news wouldn't have covered it.

Academics say that marxism is a successful economic system too so fuck them

You know full well if he had enacted the shit he has now back in late jan early February the media would have lost their shit and called him a dictator etc. The media was downplaying the virus as well.

And yet he will get reelected.

So would I, user...

No he's not. That's just dumb. Grow up.

Lol Trumps IQ is higher then 98% of America.

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>he should have seen it coming
And when he did know and shut down travel from China the Dems called him all kinds of names. Racist bigot, you name it. It's weird how they've deleted those tweets but pepperidge farm remembers.