The Union are traitors to the white race


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Other urls found in this thread:

Yankees will never answer the following question, so ask it often
>How did reconstruction go?

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I am glad donald trump is telling everybody that the GOP is the party of abraham Lincoln

Confederate = Rothschild British banks attempt to break up the USA

Attached: civil war confederacy rothschilds.jpg (480x616, 69.16K)

>Confederate = Rothschild British banks attempt to break up the USA

Attached: confederate money judah benjermin.jpg (529x313, 45.92K)

t. Brazilian shitskin nigger

Wow the South had one Jew politician where as the modern cuck US has hundreds

>>Confederate = Rothschild British banks attempt to break up the USA

Attached: confederate history jews rothschilds america.jpg (1514x2876, 549.86K)

This has to be the dumbest image on Yas Forums and it's posted every single thread
>British annex a hostile population larger than all of Canada and the British isles that has more soldiers and land than India
>The fucking FRENCH annex the entire South while the French couldn't even hold onto Mexico.
>Golden Circle being anything other than a Southern secret society that wanted to annex the Caribbean.
It's all bullshit but yankees will believe it so they can justify giving niggers the right to vote and marry Whites.

The Union stopped us from saving Anne Frank

Attached: Knights in Grey.jpg (3500x2400, 830.16K)

>Wow the South had one Jew politician
He funded the Treasury as the Secretary with usury notes from British banking backing. Nice cope.

This is from the jewish library so it's dishonest but you can get an idea of how Judah essentially created the Confederates.

Attached: confederate Judah Benjamin.jpg (1645x1734, 529.38K)

>I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied every thing. I do not understand that because I do not want a negro woman for a slave I must necessarily want her for a wife. [Cheers and laughter.] My understanding is that I can just let her alone. I am now in my fiftieth year, and I certainly never have had a black woman for either a slave or a wife. So it seems to me quite possible for us to get along without making either slaves or wives of negroes. I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men.
why doesn't Lincoln get enough credit for being based and redpilled?

Read his last speech and find out

>yankees will believe it so they can justify giving niggers the right to vote and marry Whites.
You bred all the mongrel niggers and didn't married them. The South campaigned for nigger voting rights because the elite knew they could control their slave's votes and swing elections. The North blocked it and comprimised by making 1/5 rule - 5 niggers = 1 white vote.

Attached: confederate army niggers.jpg (719x486, 162.12K)

>>>Confederate = Rothschild British banks attempt to break up the USA

Attached: confederate The_Civil_War_was_a_judeo-masonic_plot.jpg (1230x3752, 742.11K)

>why doesn't Lincoln get enough credit for being based and redpilled?
Because he challenged the Brit-Jew banking powers, and the Gnostic-occultism of Albert Pike and the KKK.


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>The South campaigned for nigger voting rights because the elite knew they could control their slave's votes and swing elections.
>The North blocked it and comprimised by making 1/5 rule - 5 niggers = 1 white vote.
Stupid monkey. The South wanted to make slaves count as full persons so their electoral college cote would match the North in population, as otherwise the North would always win the election and eventually push abolition on the South. They never pushed for the right of slaves to vote. And it's the 3/5 compromise. Learn your history from books and not Yas Forums for once.

>Brazilian shitskin nigger
Opinion discarded subhuman shitskin negroid.

but Brazil loved the Confederates and let a large amount of them colonize your country

Attached: carterconfederados.jpg (263x379, 17.38K)

Caribbean is Southern clay

>The South wanted to make slaves count as full persons so their electoral college cote would match the North in population
That's what I said.

So the (((South))) is responsible for making niggers and breeding niggers and giving them the votes. The North wanted to send them to free Liberia and Serria Leon.

>t. Brazilian shitskin nigger
Only my computer is Brazilian nufags - COPE.

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>the Union are the nigger lovers

Oh I am laffin

Attached: TheLostCauseoftheSouth.jpg (238x1024, 84.69K)

>too lazy to import niggers
You must love Mexicans

Attached: america race whites niggers confederates.png (2630x2410, 387.1K)

REMINDER when you redpill a thread the shills can't admit they were wrong and simply abandon ship - only to make the thread later on.

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They ran away! topkek

No one is going to read your gay shit nigger. Of course you're against slavery cause you're a shitskin nigger.

>the shitskins are against slavery
Color me shocked

Freemason/Jew propaganda.
You fundamentally misunderstand the Illuminati plan for USA and the Babylonian Empire it was destined to become.

You have to be a saved Christian to truly understand, and further a non Zionist Christian that knows the Jew plot to rule the world and manifest their false Messiah the Antichrist.

I'm still here, just went to dinner. Not sure what your point even is with this though. Are you saying the South was not and is not full of niggers? That's where almost all the spics have gone too, at least those that don't live in border states.

>Babylonian Empire

Founding Fathers FREEmasonry = Deist
Confederate/Brit/Jew masonry = Gnostic occultism

Attached: alex jones clown world.png (839x470, 492.39K)

>Not sure what your point even is with this (You) though
The point is your stupid meme argues for importing nigger labor. The same way they do with Mexicans

>So the (((South))) is responsible for making niggers and breeding niggers and giving them the votes.
No that's not what you said you dumb monkey. The South was against giving niggers the right to vote, like I said, but insisted they count as people for the electoral college. Do you understand? They could not vote, but counted on the census as people.
>The North wanted to send them to free Liberia and Serria Leon.
No they didn't or they would have done that 1864-1877. Radical republicans wanted to exterminate White Southerners and give the land to niggers and carpetbaggers.

I still have to eat dinner monkey.

Your English skills need work if that's what you took away from that my lad. You're right about one thing though, Suthrun farmers whining about 'muh fieldhands' does bring a lot of spics into this country.

>The South was against giving niggers the right to vote, like I said, but insisted they count as people for the electoral college. Do you understand?
>count as people
>count as people
That's the same thing - more reasons to breed niggers

>they count as people for the electoral college
Let's have a huge, subservient nigger underclass that doesn't have representation but bolsters ours... gee, I wonder why northern populations would have a problem with that.

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>my lad.
>America flag
>work on your engwish
D&C anti-American threads and their shills with American vpns is 99% of this board now


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It's like talking to a brick wall, a brick wall that's a level beyond retarded and can't understand English or American law.
I'll explain it one more time for you monkey
>Electoral college votes are given based on population
>North wants to make it so only free blacks and Whites count as population so they can import millions of irishmen, germans, and otherwise to win every election
>South wants to make it so every White and enslaved nigger counts so that the North can't steal every election
>Compromise to make slaves count as 3/5 of a person so the South isn't at the mercy of a immigrant filled progressive federalist empire
>At not point were niggers given the right to vote until the North forced it at bayonet point
Simple. If you don't understand it by now you are actually mentally challenged and nothing you say should have any merit.

We did try and leave remember. But your niggers were too important. Had to give those darkies their rights even if we have to kill hundreds of thousands of White people and then occupy their states for years denying them their rights so niggers can feel safe.


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I told you this shit in the last thread, nigger. Miscegenation laws were on record well into the 20th century. Kikes overthrew them, just like kikes controlled the south and sent the Anglosphere to war not once, but 3... no wait... 4? 5? 6 times? Do we count the wars in the Middle East as one or two? Whites need to unite - not argue like fucking children over who was in the right 150 years ago.

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>North wants to make it so only free blacks and Whites count as population so they can import millions of irishmen, germans, and otherwise to win every election
Nobody expected this to happen in 1787 when the compromise was signed. Industrialization wasn't a thing yet and immigration to the USA before about 1830 when we started doing western land grants as pretty minimal compared to the overall population. The south just wanted their niggers to count so their states would be more powerful in the house of representatives, which wasn't "necessary to protect Southern interests" or whatever it is you're on about since Virginia was the most populous state at the time and there was a much smaller difference in overall population between the north and south.

>your niggers were too important
>90+% of niggers in the USA lived in the South until the Great Migration in the early 20th century
>"your niggers"

the only jewish military cemetery in the world (outside of Israel that is) is a confederate one

You fought for niggers to have the right to vote and fuck white women cause you're cuckold faggots.

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And I told you not all White are exactly the same. Germany did not want to be slavized, Ireland did not want to be Anglified, and the South did not and does not want to be a yankee colony with their pet niggers. If you want unity then get the yankees the hell out of the South and stop their propoganda mills from churning out hatred of everything we were, are, and will be. Despite the kikes having control no man is a puppet. The yankees were free agents and they chose to side with the niggers and prevent our independence. And the reason we argue is that even today they justify it. You want unity? Start with making the yankee see the truth.

>The south just wanted their niggers to count so their states would be more powerful in the house of representatives
>which wasn't "necessary to protect Southern interests"
It absolutely was. The South has always been a different nation than the North and everyone knew it. The North has always had an abolitionist bent and without the South having a fair say in government there would have been reconstruction decades earlier.
>"your niggers"
Southern property, yankee citizens.

John Wilkes Booth

Attached: Confederacy John Wilkes Booth.png (1603x373, 131.4K)

>It's like talking to a brick wall

Attached: marylin monroe jews did it.jpg (341x501, 97.5K)

it won't be 100,000 vs 40,000 again, fair warning faggot

Read the post you dumb monkey. It might raise your IQ to double digits.

what does the deeper cause matter when it was what was on the surface that mustered troops and allowed yankee faggots to suck nigger cock?
they believed in sucking nigger cock and it happened.
that was the cause they believed in and still push till this day
enjoy diversity

>the South did not and does not want to be a yankee colony with their pet niggers
Who the fuck do you think kept the niggers as pets in the first place? Was it the north, or even the majority of southern whites? No. It was less than 2% of land-owning "whites" in the Confederacy. The kikes have you southern boys mind fucked just as hard as they have the Christians. It really is a class war, buddy, and our target should be globalist shills, not potential American allies. kys

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You're a brown shitskin. Of course you hate the Confederacy cause they would have kept you as a slave.

Those allies are weak and unnecessary.

Yeah, because the south did so well the first time. Right, memeglaggot?

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>Who the fuck do you think kept the niggers as pets in the first place? Was it the north, or even the majority of southern whites? No. It was less than 2% of land-owning "whites" in the Confederacy.
I swear not a single person on Yas Forums has ever researched the South. Not the settlement, culture, war, redemption, or afterwards. It's nothing but the dumbest yankee faggots who were taught the South is evil in kindergarten and brought it with them whether communist or fascist. Niggers weren't pets, they were PROPERTY. And owned thing that did work. The yankee saw the negro as a useful political tool for the republican party and keeping down Southern Whites. The South saw the negro first as a docile beast of burden to be Christianized and kept under supervision in a system of White supremacy, and then a hostile ally of yankeedom as he was goaded into attacking his betters. The enslavement of the negro was for the betterment of every White man in America, but the infernal yankee saw to it that not only was he freed, but given the exact same rights as Whites. You want to talk about mindfucked by the kikes? You people can't read a book written before the year 1965 and think you know everything about the South and its culture. Stupid arrogant yankees on this board.

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>The yankee saw the negro as a useful political tool
(((Confederates))) fight to give them voting rights

Attached: (474x474, 26.24K)

Post your brown shitskin, nigger mutt.

>what does the deeper cause matter

Attached: (474x498, 36.67K)

>(((Confederates))) fight to give them voting rights
How is fighting to keep niggers enslaved giving them voting rights. I'm actual curious to hear the answer from you monkey. You've been shitposting all thread but I want to know how voting to keep niggers enslaved is giving them the right to vote.

Attached: confederate-flag.jpg (1024x683, 165.33K)

2nd most powerful man in the Confederacy and Jeff Davis's right hand man.

Attached: Judah_P_Benjamin_crop.jpg (1280x1589, 433.78K)

Reconstruction was an obviously failed experiment. You can't teach animals to be humans, and you can't teach humans to go against group instincts. My point in all of this is: why the fuck do you insist on blaming ALL of the north, when it's clear that abolition wasn't it's primary motivation (or a motivation at all) for civil war? Why should northerners blame ALL of the south, when it's clear that it was wealthy plantation owners (a tiny minority) that spurred the independence movement. You either have a horse in this race, or you're just a fucking contrarian. Whites need to unite. You're not helping.

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You lost lmao.

Did southerners christianize their horses and cattle too? They property.

How about this? We will use them as meatshields and cannon fodder.

>How is fighting to keep niggers enslaved giving them voting rights
When they tried to count them as electoral "people" to sway elections, you idiot race traitor redneck.

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All praise Uncle Billy for putting down the Confederate Traitors!

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>Why should northerners blame ALL of the south, when it's clear that it was wealthy plantation owners (a tiny minority) that spurred the independence movement. You either have a horse in this race, or you're just a fucking contrarian. Whites need to unite. You're not helping.
Because he's a Jew.

Attached: george alt right aryan.jpg (500x372, 21.67K)

He looked like he got high on meth and let niggers fuck him in the ass.

>South imports blacks by the boatload
>North wants them gone
Fuck off, Cletus

Whenever jews sense it's almost Holohoax II Electric Boogaloo time, they start pushing D&C threads like this. 30% unemployment pending means jews aren't escaping this time.

You lost too. Your women fuck niggers while you jack off in the corner. I'm from the Northeast. Long live the Confederacy

You are a nigger so you have no stake in this argument, shitskin. They wanted to count them for electoral purposes but they didn't want to actually count their votes.

The slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

The slave trade and cotton industry were utterly run by jews. See this thread for much more:

Attached: (((cotton trade))).jpg (1275x1648, 467.44K)

He got high on pillaging and raping the inbred confederates raw in the ass

Attached: slave traders 1860.jpg (1401x1049, 277.57K)

>if you don't want niggers to be free to fuck white women you're a Jew
Okay faggot cuck.

He loved killing whites and freeing niggers. What a faggot cuckold.

Slaves run the music industry too. Does that mean all music is bad?

John Wilkes Booth
an (((actor))) who's father performed regularly at a Rothschild owned theater and went to the same synagogue in London before he left for the U.S.. Over the years many shills have tried claim (((Booth's father))) attendance at the synagogue wasn't for "religious" (if such a word could be used to describe the filth of Judaism) purposes but rather because he simply enjoyed the company of kikes LMAO

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Here is the vote for secssion. It was always more than 2% and you know it. The idea that the only people who wanted independence from the North were the plantation owners was always part of marxist historiography and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. It's like saying American never wanted independence from Britain only the rich landowners did, after all there were no yeoman signing the declaration.
Why do I insist on blaming all the North? Because the North won't fucking leave that's why. We aren't the same people. And to this today it produces people like you that refuse to believe Southerners when we cite our sources that the war wasn't a rich man's war and the peace called "reconstruction" was a punishment for the South that sought to raise the negro over the Southern White for good. What if you had won? Ever think about what would have happened if the North got what it wanted? An entire half-continent of Haiti. The South fought against the North and their nigger loving ideology and that's the truth of it. As I said before, we have the same reason as the Irishman to hate the English or Ukrainian to hate the Russia, you are on our land, you've tried to destroy our very identity and nationhood, and now you want unity. You and the kikes can both go to the hottest part of hell. You're the same at heart.

Oh God he still doesn't understand. Alright, one more time you stupid, stupid, stupid monkey.
The South did not give niggers the right to vote. The 3/5 compromise was not giving niggers the right to vote. Get it through your single digit IQ brain that the South fought against giving the niggers the right to vote. Are you actually retarded enough to not understand this simple, simple fact.

Says the white loathing kike.

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>((Confederates))) wanted to count them for electoral purposes but they didn't want to actually count their votes.
Did they count women? No..

Attached: smug 0.jpg (614x464, 72.66K)

So you finally understand that the South didn't give niggers the right to vote, just had them count on the census, right?

>((Confederates))) wanted to count them for electoral purposes but they didn't want to actually count their votes.
Did they count women? No...

Attached: smug kitty.jpg (220x220, 7.51K)

hey rabbi

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>So you finally understand that the South didn't give niggers the right to vote, just had them count on the census, right?
Did they count sheep? No...

>but niggers is people!

Attached: smug.jpg (474x281, 26.35K)

What kind of non-sequitur is that. Women's vote didn't come until the 1900s for most of the East coast.

Did the north count free blacks as part of its census?

That was tl;dr-enough that I believe you are sincere. Listen: the American Civil War was EVERY BIT as much a class war as the Revolutionary War. The peasants have always been agents for their "betters". You think a bunch of frontiersmen wanted to throw down with the most technologically sophisticated global empire at the time? It sucks, but the elites run this shit. The south was ruined by the same identity politics that ruined the OWS movement. We're living in the tail-end of it as I type this. Stop worrying about "southern" identity and start worrying about white identity. If anything is going to save us, it's going to be that.

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>we chimped out and started a war that killed 600,000 white people to protect a Jewish enterprise

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