Anyone else think this is their plan?

Anyone else think this is their plan?

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No boomer

was crashing the economy and losing a shitload of money part of their plan?

Not a boomer, but thanks for your insight.

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Yes, because its all fiction anyway.

Basically, yeah.

>was crashing the economy and losing a shitload of money part of their plan?

Yes. Once you get to certain level money doesn't matter any more. It's all about power and control.

No it is not a fiction, a lot of company's did losse their money thanks to corona virus.

Okay, who is behind the virus?

The RFID/NFC chips have already been manufactured, last I checked. Mexico and Sweden were doing acceptance testing. China 90% completed social credit score surveillance state. Paid shills shitting up the board shrieking for MORE government control over the people, not LESS.

Yas Forums has seen much better days.

Anglo Pride Worldwide. At least we did something good for the World. I already told these Illuminati clown Kings thy will rule over ruins. What a bunch of fucking dorks.

the virus is made up you fucking simp


Probably the Harlot of Babylon.

yes, and almost nothing can be done. Normies are terrorized and states are providing a solution to what they fear.
This is people control 101

I very much agree.

Keep fighting in spite of the shills brothers!

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But why?

Attached: this is why california agriculture is failing.webm (480x480, 2.81M)

5 by 5, brother.

Doubt it, we are all retarded enough to accept it without needing to crash everything

Of course it is their plan. And it explains absolutely every other fucked up story that has gripped our country, the world, and this board for the past 5 years.

Says the Mexican.

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enslavement of goys

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I can just tell you're a noodle armed effeminate bitch. Do you sit down to pee, bitch boy?

Temporary. The super rich can currently buy all these companies struggling, then a miraculous mandatory vaccine restores faith in the market, stonks rise, they sell = profit.

But they already have that.

Attached: Containment Board.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

Odd that Bezos managed to sell a lot of Amazon stock before the downturn, but it's the ultra wealthy like him who can currently buy struggling companies and stock at low prices, knowing once the vaccine is release and panic subsides that faith will return to the market, their stocks rise and they then sell to the next speculator = mega profit.


theyve been rolling out 5g towers here in new zealand while everyone is on lockdown, so yes. id202 microchipping will come soon, eveything is moving too fast.. though 22 and 2020 hold special numerical significance to the elite

They appear to have stopped installing 5G here in Vegas. Or maybe they only do it while we sleep now...

Wtf is a convid vaccine?

A typo

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If you want to see where the celltowers are go here and filter for 5g

Attached: 62C6E6A1-7683-4EDA-83E1-FDFE5B7D9D0F.jpg (740x565, 115.84K)

There’s your cross bros

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Won't work. Too many people won't comply at all and there's no way to enforce things.
Spics and niggers sure as shit won't comply.

Do you have a USA version?

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based safire bro

Maybe just for those who comply (aka the compliant white community)?

Whites = The new Jew.
RFID = The new gold star?

Attached: star-david-badge.jpg (500x635, 107.41K)

>Anyone else think this is their plan?
No, because 5G installation is going forward anyways and RFID is irrelevant because all smartphones have GPS and front cameras.

I think the head of one of them got caught, poor guy

That doesn't debunk the ideological plan.

If we already have a few of these things (Cells instead of RFID ect.) in different forms, then It doesn't change the potential end result.

Other than the RFID, yes I see it. Places are pollution free which means they’ll be pushing electric cars after this. No more cash. More people working from home.

they don't "create" viruses.
a virus is a secretion from your own cells. a detoxification.
YOUR lifestyle is what "creates" the virus. eating shit, drinking shit, and radiation are the catalysts.

If you own the banks and the currency is literally summoned out of thin air how exactly are you 'losing' anything?
Fuckers can wake up one morning and decide that they're quadrilionaires. Then after breakfast they can decided they only actually have $2. Then just before lunch they're trillionaires.
It's fucking monopoly money goyim.

>feeling bad for feral hogs

Attached: Hogg hunt.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

I don't see why people think this WuFlu shit was a scheme to go cashless. Using actual cash has lost all meaning anyways since the fucking money is nothing more than toilet paper. There's nothing backing the "value" behind it except Uncle Sam's word. I've got no problem not using cash because the money itself has been worthless for decades, and at least using cards has the added benefit of not having to touch the nasty fucking germs of other people.

If money was still on the gold or silver standard, I'd tell Uncle Sam to get fucked if he wanted me to use a credit card for everything. But seeing how it is, it's a moot point. Either way you're just exchanging debt points.

Crashing the economy was definitely part of the plan. Almost all of these virus shills are either liberal or jewish or both. I think the virus is real but they’re using it an an opportunity to install communism. The over reaction is fake. It was fake in China too. They already destroyed the United States in less than three weeks. These police state measures are going to be used to force us to do whatever they want but most importantly under the pretense of a virus the people will accept it. They’ll accept that “we are all in this together” in terms of the world and except the jew world order. Just like that. This is the revolution.

Yes. This way they make 35% of the population dependant on welfare so when they need to force everyone to have what they pass as the vaccine they can simply start the slippery slope by saying:
>vaccine is free to everyone (60% of population which are npc's get it)
>media: not enough people got it voluntarily to ensure herd immunity so to continue to get welfare you must be vaccinated -- see we aren't actually forcing anyone -- (25% more forced to get it or starve)
>media: 85% of the population has got the vaccine now so the remaining 15% reckless minority are putting us all in danger!
>media: people are begging the government to force remaining 15% to get vaccine
>law passed for mandatory vaccines

It's being treated as an alien invasion a la bluebeam.

That looks fun as FUCK.

If he is guidestones compliant, with a 95% annihilation plan and whites = 10% I think your off by a magnitude.

Go cashless
Track payments for "disease tracing" purposes.
Now we take your monetary credit when we like.
Did you say some no no words sonny Jim?
Congrats you get a foine of your value. Rethink dissent goy

>the (((people))) who print money and own all the currencies "lose money"
hottest take today, >>>/reddit/

You can’t go completely cashless.
Because if you do, how will the CIA profit off of the drug and human trade in order to fund government black projects and Proxy wars?

Mark of the Beast has to be taken willingly
Deception is not a part of it.

5G is killing bees. Cellphones are killing the environment and the great filter is because we are smart enough to mess with nature but not apart enough to know better

>Anyone else suspecting something happening around the corona virus? as if using it to justify shit they've been trying to do for years
YES from fucking day 1 (one)
And because I was right then, I'll be right again when I leave town, before the tanks roll into Calgary. Enjoy your self made zeitgeist hell hole

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*pulls rfid chip out with tweezers*

I don't feel comfortable with the idea of being micro-chipped, let alone being forced to take a vaccine.

Your comfort is selfish and literally endangers others, goy

The Mark will come with a chip & an oath. Anyone who doesn't comply will be rounded up.

The Mark of the Beast is 1. And it will come with an Oath
>see pic-related

Attached: illuminati-eternal-oath.jpg (800x800, 119.4K)

I don't care, kike. It's my choice. Everyone can see this whole pandemic is a fraud. You're not fooling anyone.


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