What is Yas Forumss opinion on turkey?
Is turkey and turks Yas Forums accepted
What is Yas Forumss opinion on turkey?
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Turkey should be split up by surrounding nations.
Greek/Anatolian blood
Arab Culture
Central asian language.
From the Northern parts of Constantinople to the base of the dick south of Constantinople, plus every coastal area on the Mediterranean sea is rightful Greek clay. Rest should just be set ablaze.
I think he means to say that Turkey and Turks on Yas Forums are not accepted.
why would anyone accept turkey?
they should be invaded and have their country split up.
on a level of 1 - 10 (1 being white and 10 being black) how brown is your skin?
Why? Thats mean
Based Bantu is based.
I lived there for 3 years starting when I was age 9. My father was stationed on the AFB in Incirlik. My step mother is turkish. Mind you these are my impressions as a child. It's really dirty, there's trash and dead animals everywhere, people are very smelly. The food was either wildly unappetizing, or really delicious. Seeing a family of 5 on a moped wasn't uncommon, kids would constantly run up to you to try to sell you gum or some shit (probably because we were white in hindsight, but at the time I thought that they did it to everyone) I had to look underneath my dad's minivan to check for bombs whenever we went out to my stepmother's village, because apparently kurds bombed a car with american plates around there before. I the minirets and shit shouting prayer was really annoying everyone stops what they were doing and just generally become obstacles, but I could relate to it because growing up on military bases the national anthem every would play and us retards would do the same shit.
My stepmother is based, way younger than my dad, hates the jews, hates the armineans, has a big ass portrait of attaturk in her home (A LOT of turks had this, I was curious as fuck as to who he was because I saw so many pictures of him, but my dad wasn't politically or historically equipped with the knowledge to explain it right "he's like their George Washington") She has a ton of crafts and shit that she loves to do, makes all of her food from scratch, won't stand for a job that isn't done well, isn't muslim. Has a bad ass turkish kangal that my dad bought for her that doesn't leave her alone. (this sort of dog requires a lot of care, she is able to meet it's needs)
overall I respect some aspects of turkish culture, turkish food is my favorite food, and seeing all the old castles and historical ruins on the land was really awesome. but I would never want to live there and don't want any turks living around me.
>turkish kangal
best dog ever.
Literally one of the most despised countries in the world.
Turkey sounds like a useless nation. I have no idea what goes on there.
I just know prostitution is legal
Based Nigerian.
The founder of their country wasn’t even a turk
nuke em
Lol no they are virtually hated over here. The reason why we haven't been shitting on turks for the past few weeks is because we have our hands full with the mongrels of the east
shut the fuck up mutt go choke on a 13 inch bbc
Turkish women have a reputation for being the sluttiest in the middle east.
I think they are like Indians, but more aggressive & never had a famous math genius
Why is turkey better than greece? Way better military
Only if they work at taleworlds.
They don't even dare to step on little empty rocks 10 miles from their coast. Millions of Turks can literally see Greek islands from their bedrooms and there's NOTHING they can do about it.
Hows your army doing?
simple formula, if they're muslims then fuck them up, otherwise, we're cool
8 times the population maybe is a factor
Turkey Russia Iran and China are the worst
>s turkey and turks Yas Forums accepted
roaches are best roaches in the world. no country better at roach as number one sheep fuckers. all hail king mehhhh.
Russian and Iran are chill, you are just American.
Ugly wh*toid.
White girls lust for middle eastern men
I lived in Izmir many years ago (dad was stationed there). I loved it. People were nice, food was good, so much history in that part of the world. I'd like to go back, but I fear the political situation has changed things for the worse and now I'm not so sure it's a good idea for an American to be there.
>seeing all the old castles and historical ruins
And none of them are made from the Turks except of the muslim church/columns thingys of course
Newfag turk lurk more and u have to go back
eternal enemy of Europe, they came so close but their mongolian roots still sing softly in their souls.
Kys racist
Mainland Turks can be cool but 99,9999999% of the diaspora living here in Germany, France, Netherlands etc are the lowest form of scum.
Whats wrong with them?
>and seeing all the old castles and historical ruins on the land was really awesome
those are probably Greek
based jungle dweller
they are still here.... also when are you leaving?
>and seeing all the old castles and historical ruins on the land was really awesome
especially when you find out who built them and the blood in the soil you're standing on.
it's not turkish blood.
Permanent resident and i filed for family reunion so ill bring 4 more turks to europe :)
>has a big ass
Mostly the kebab shop workers. They're drawn from the bottom of Turkish society though. Most of the Turks I've known have been good people.
There is a reason why we call you roaches
What is actually wrong with you? Go fucking home. Your country is massive but you're still trying to invade Europe. Fucker.
Oh boy....
>almost all young turks are aggro delinquents who call upon their entire kinship of 5 million cousins to beat you up when you get into an argument
>they don't integrate into western culture and only hang out with other muslims cunts
>they all pretend to be big time gangsters and get involved in criminal activity or even form clans that terrorise sections of big cities
good the more you bring the more the norseman start waking up. you will see Constantinople become white again in your lifetime roach,
>being this new
We are just superior
Success breeds jelousy
No shit retards, I was taught that while looking at them.
Ah so you are a sand nigger
Its Istanbul and we turks slaughtered you eurocucks and took it
Deal with it
absolutely agree, and erdogans retard regime can be the first to be set ablaze, along with thse retarded non secular muslim roaches
They made bannerlord finally.
Producing only children isn’t that amazing dude. How about use your brain and make Turkey great again and go back and start a business?
>omg you
>says this on a place called politacally correct
Why yes I am a racist
Calling people racist when they spit facts just makes you look like you can only attempt to resolve your conflicts with buzzwords.
We turks litterally made civilization
So kys dumb fuck
On a Nuke'Em Scale, I give Turkey a 99% chance of getting glassed in the next 10 years.
Majority of Turks do vmbo which is the lowest thing u can study. You wish u are superior u hairy brown.
You didn't make shit, other than that faggot circle thing
Lmao that works on nordcucks irl not Yas Forums
You need to buy Bannerlord Yas Forums
The greeks did... Holy shit you have no idea of where your own people come from....You just went to Europe to get money. Off the backs of those who made their own country great. You are just a leech feeding off of Christian altruism. It one of the weakest form of leeching. At least Jews have some form of craft about their treachery. You pick on the weakest form and act proud. How old are you? were you born a Greek and lived for 3 thousand years? You have nothing to be proud if roach, nothing you own was made by you, your language is borrowed. You have nothing to brag about faggot.
no, not really.
Hahahaha btfo dumb fuck
Turkey made modern civilization
I haven't been able to dick around with bannerlord yet, but I'm looking forward to when I can. Being a poorfag wagie that just got his overtime cut and having had the engine on my 4x4 blow Saturday, we're looking at lean days my friend.
>7 nm process
Most of these are used in turkey though. Now post the inventions of every white civilization
turks as people can be fine but the roaching mongrel as their president? no. hes jewish bitch
Dumb fuck
Turks in europa are the lowest of turkish society. That’s where all this hatred comes from
The first generation was. Now it's already the 3rd and 4th generation and they're pretty socially and culturally integrated. It's the syrians and bulgarians that are the worst
based kang
99% of Turks aren't white and that includes you.
Nice to hear
I'd say the roaches are definitely in the top 5 of Yas Forums hate objects.