Close a business tipline

This is happening now.

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disgusting what fucking rats people have turned into all because of the invisible bogeyman the government told them aboout

Lol 1-800-SHUT-IT-DOWN

Polka stfu and mind your own business, go back to cleaning eurofag towelettes.

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You guys are missing the opportunity here.

Based about to rat out my own employer fucking deemed essential just so they can keep their 3rd and 4th houses get fucked

very nice, everyone should start reporting businesses owned by chinks, spics, niggers and most importantly kikes

This. There's potential for some keks here, put your thinking caps on boys.


Perfect opportunity to fuck over jew owned businesses. Time to start mass reporting.

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I dont think you understand (((exemptions)))

Only two big brains in the thread

You guys don’t get it. In times of severe danger people willingly accept these things, as survival is paramount. What is the base of Maslows hierarchically it needs? Survival. That will always take priority over more ethereal concepts like freedom

Jewelry stores
Law firms
Insurance companies all need to close

You can not convince me we aren't in the end times...

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The end began before we were ever born. It's a slow death.

>pa health
So it’s only for Pennsylvania? That’s too bad. I’m in SoCal and wanted to shut some places down.

It's been happening. Gun store in my neighborhood was forced to close because of it. The police go along w/ it.

I saw it on facebook. looked it up, it's real. Of course it was being touted as a good thing.

this was the final straw for me. I knew this was coming I knew 1984 was my future. I just didn't think my future was today...

other states have the same program. look up which states are doing it. It even has it's own emergency number 311 to make it nice and simple.

Wehy are americans in this thread so perplexed by this? is this unreasonable to you?

This may sound crazy to you, but it comes off as sneaky and underhanded. Be afraid, turn on your neighbors, you and your fear get to decide if a business should shut down.

It makes sense in some situations, my brother works at a Volkswagen dealership, the shylock owners sent a cheeky email to everyone saying
"Don't worry about us! We are staying at our mansion!" (Not joking, they said mansion)
my brother has to meet a quota of cars sold, you know, during a time where nobody is going out to buy a fucking car.
They've classified themselves as an essential business so there is nothing he can do about it.

This is fucking anti american marxist bullshit

he could quit.

In the job market right now? What's he gonna do? Go on welfare?

Report all the Jewish bakery's and kosher markets that are open

>Jew sees nothing wrong with shutting down free enterprise with sneaky, backhanded Marxist tactics
like pottery

10/10 post

Communism Starter Kit.

narc on your local planned parenthood

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Report the TV Station for inciting Panic.

Then he goes to work. He shouldn't have to worry about getting sick because no one is buying a car, right?
what's the problem?


Years ago when, "see something, say something" was being pushed. I used it as an opportunity and called my local sheriff office pretty much every day for about a month straight and said there was unattended bags and shady people hanging out at a park in town. Well the people were bums and the bags were theirs that they would just leave laying around. Cops knew it, I knew. But still I called.
Long story short, bums, aka: street slugs, aren't allowed to loiter in that park anymore and a person can actually sit on a bench and not have to move some crusty bag full of aluminum cans and needles.

That's mean. I'm single but I wouldn't want to be stuck home with a girl that's baking a loaf of sour dough.

can you guys please not cuss? thank you!


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fucking Pennsylvania
they won't arrest you if you steal a fucking car, but keep your biz open and you're toast

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>hello operator? I’d like to report a business in my area. It’s a shop and it’s open very late, with plenty of customers going in and out at all times of the night.
>yes sir, what’s the name of this business?
>it’s called OP’s mom’s friendly massage parlour

Not a fan.

I would like to but kikes manipulated local government to make liquor stores and pawn shops "essential"

based wafflenigger

Fuck Tom Wolf. Call the hotline and give them the address for the Governor's mansion.

Cool story but it doesn't seem like the same issue.

We are now communists.

But remember, you soiboi rat-fucks--snitches get stitches.

Good. Business owners are parasites and lazy swine who don't work.

Management isn't an occupation. Sorry.


This is how it will go down:
>WTF! Why is the bakery I love still open?
*dials number, reports business*
>WTF! Why is the bakery I love shut down now? This is an essential food service!!! I WILL DIE WITHOUT MY HOURLY CANOLI CHIPS!!!!!!!!


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The place loses money by just being open, it's gonna shut down eventually because they're not going to recoup their cost. The smart decision would be to close down temporarily or at least keep a skeleton crew to save money. You know take a small hit rather than risk it all for nothing.

For example, they just just ordered some some brand new PDI's off onto the lot and push hard to sell them. Like business as usual.

The owners are rumored to be losing money and have made a bunch of bad purchases on the companies expense. The workload has been passed onto the employees while they get to stay home.
If the dealership has to shut down temporarily to save the employees jobs then so be it.

Good. First you whine about greedy "kikes" then you're whining about them getting put in check.

Make up your mind

You think if managers and owners didn't exist workers would just start congregating in lots and start working together for the same goal?

we're back boys

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Report Jewish businesses

Blackmail businesses max out stolen credit cards.

Target all non-white businesses.

And only this
The rest is bullshit
Muh lively hood is on the line i can't into trumpbux for principles. Government can't be trusted.

ok, but you understand that is not the case for most business. Many that are shut down by this will never reopen, because they are being shut down like this.
If your brother works for idiots that do idiot things that means fuck all. No one is forcing the business to do shit which is a good thing.
we're talking about business being forced to close.
Stop being a nonce.

No. But it's an example of turning a bad thing into a good thing.
Have some kike owned shop in town that needs shut down? Call.
How bout some shitty CBD store or dispensary that is bringing around all the wrong people? Call.
Some faggy micro brew place stinking up the neighborhood? Call.
There's opportunity here.

or this is just the time before the birth, and it's very traumatic and dangerous birth.


what the fuck are you talking about?