Someone posted on here the easiest method for suicide was a graphite rod from a lantern, vinegar and something else...

Someone posted on here the easiest method for suicide was a graphite rod from a lantern, vinegar and something else. I know it produces carbon monoxide when all mixed. What is the rest of the method. Please tell me if you know.

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>not owning a gun already

Kys faggot

Shotgun to the head OP. >99% effective, give it a try, report back with results.

Poo n just mix in the loo!

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do you know how fucking bad carbon monoxide poisoning hurts? it isnt an inert gas, it replaces oxygen in your bloodstream and burns horribly at the end stage.

It is so tiring, can't someone just be fucking real on here and just give the solution if you know.

>walking off something high
>bending a finger 90 degrees
>sitting in a car while it runs in a closed space
you are retarded

The easiest method is jumping off a building.

Doesnt that produce mustard gas?

Just fall off a high place. Head first

Just rope. Such convoluted methods will probably backfire, and if they do it will fuck you up

The color CO makes when it burns is beautiful. Would be interested in this for non-self-harm reasons. Makes sense though since graphite is elemental carbon and clay. Gonna go google this now.

Mustard gas is also made out of chlorine and sulfur. Neither of the mentioned ingredients contain those so I highly doubt it

71% success rate for carbon monoxide.

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A receptacle to mix them in i.e. a jar

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You don't get to leave. Die of old age faggot.

>the easiest method for suicide was a graphite rod from a lantern,
Nope, take 6g of chloroquine, the whole box in one sitting. Good bye !

Why is helium not on here?

You could poison the one that enters the room after you. Might be someone worth something.

nitrogen gas in a plastic bag on your head
>euphoric an hero

Why are retards killing themselves?
The best is yet come honestly.

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OP is probably trying to kill someone and make it look like suicide.
That's the only reason I can think of for using such a convoluted method.
Who you trying to kill, OP? If yourself then there are plenty of better ways.
You're not actually anonymous here, niggerboy.

A 45 caliber shot to the heart

What’s the time column for?

Takes forever relatively speaking. Shotgun to the head is faster than you can process the data.

Thats the point, he doesn’t know how.

Apparantely you'll be alive for 1.7 minutes

Stop being a pussy and livestream your self-immolation, user. You know you want to do this. It's a very good idea and will make you an hero to millions.

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Average time from action taken until death. Leafs...

So blowing yourself up is the least agonizing method if done right. Makes sense.

Yeah but without a brain. Heart is still ticking but you won't find out unless Satan shows you the replay.

That’s what I thought at first, but 2 minutes and half for a bullet in the mouth? 20 minutes for a train running you over? People suck at killing themselves.

I know a 100% pain free way to KYS, but first, tell me who you voted for in 2016 and your party affiliation.

I wonder if thats how long the heart will continue to beat?

If u shoot yourself with a shotgun and set yourself on fire does the death time add up or is it like 57 min minus 1.7 min?

How, exactly, does one measure agony?

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>trying to send OP straight to hell

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Don't do it man. Be the solution.

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Not the best but very effective, has the disadvantage of you get to experience brain death from asphyxiation. Popular with women who aren't crying out for help.

>shotgun to head
>1 and a half minute

Its order specific.

Bestgore and liveleak comparision videos.

I understand that the research surrounding this resulted in the invention of the butt plug.

Only 2 replies and a bunch of BS. I had the perfect solution but got no response. Don't use any of these methods being listed.

Buy a plane ticket to Hawaii, walk to Kilauea and jump into a lava tube skylight.

If you fell into molten lava, there would be little you could do to survive. The heat would flash boil you instantly.

Alternatively, you could walk down to the coast where the lava is flowing into the ocean and throwing out plumes of vaporized minerals. You would die pretty quickly if you breathed this in.

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OP, repost this somewhere else as a chemistry question with no suicidal attention whoring. Lots of legitimate uses of CO, might get an answer. Best I can tell is that you need to heat the graphite in a reduced oxygen atmosphere OR pass CO2 gas(which can be made with baking soda and vinegar) over 600+c graphite. Easy enough to resistively heat graphite rod to glowing using a car battery or other low voltage high current power supply. Now to controllably flow the CO2 over it and collect the CO...

Bending a finger 90 degrees?

Ok do it - tell us who he voted for etc.

What is it?
I will try that, thanks.

No affiliation, I hate teams.

This isn’t politics related go kill yourself somewhere else


Bluff called by repeating d1gits. Where is the live stream?

>buy a plane ticket
all flights down

My friend was hit by a train. His body was cut in half. He lived 20 minutes, died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.


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If he had been carrying concealed I bet that would have been much shorter

He doesn't know how to own a gun? It's not hard. Then again, I'm not sure if you can buy them in every state now, lmao.

Dude if you are going to kill.yourself at least find soros and/or a red shield and take them with you.

If you blow your brain out, you won't be conscious. Aim for the brainstem.

100 guys shoots themselves in the head. One guy fucks up and takes an hour and a half to die in the hospital, one guys fucks up even more and "lives" on.

The solution is not what you are seeking.
You're only swan diving into hell.

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Don't fucking kill yourself. It gets better. Yes, it's a lot of fucking work, but at least you come out better for it, instead of dead.

dont do it user, God loves you - he want's to save you. Please let him.




Pulling a trigger if you hadn't figured it out.

Opening your hand works too.

You apparently lose consciousness right away with a proper exit bag. That's how people die accidentally when they walk into a nitrogen pit. They just pass out and then die fully within 15-20 minutes.

If you start doing chemistry to try and kill yourself, you might find a life fulfilling hobby instead. At the worst, you could project your pain into animal abuse using chemistry. Set some live-capture mouse traps and CO the mice. If you have a conscious that'll be bruised, get a snake or lizard or something that will eat them afterwards.

>People suck at killing themselves
My surgerynurse friend has described to me that the shotgun to the head is actually not instantly lethal most of the time. Shes often treated men that have shot off their faces and they suddenly want to live and some do but often it's just a lengthy complicated horrorfilm death.


Brainlet. Kys.

and each part of brain will be a partial (you) wondering where the rest is?

Carbon monoxide isn't a fun way to die.

And news for you idiots that think a hose to the tailpipe is going to work well....most vehicles have catalytic converters converting carbon monoxide into less harmful carbon dioxide.
It won't be so quick.