Australia will be okay, right?

Australia will be okay, right?

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I hope


I want to believe
> Considerably less deaths and cases compared to most western countries
> Less densely populated country, harder transmission outside of urbanfag areas

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Aussies are strong. You'll be ight. You'll shitpost right through it

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I'm just hoping it'll be like the GFC where we still get fucked but at least they used lube

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Fingers crossed that you'll make out better than the rest of the world.

Send in the giant spider cunts, crocodile cunts and, most importantly, the vicious emu cunts when you face off against China.

Wait, do you guys really shower facing the showerhead?

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Alright, cunt. Have it your way, cunt. Y'all are fucked and I don't expect that you cunts will somehow survive this shitty mess. Maybe I should be compassionate but compassion's for arseholes, right, cunt?

after you get rid of petrol sniffers

user, how do you wash your face without literally facing the shower head? Do the limbo?

I move backwards towards the showerhead and let the water run down my face.

>when you face off against China

Go back

Australia is fucked economically as is mysteriously the case with every capitalist nation on earth right now. I wonder why.

Get that Cunny over here.

I like to stare down at my Benis and drain when lost in thought in the shower

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Fair enough. At least pack in some of your giant spiders when you have to ship something to China. Spiders eat bugs.

I like staring at the wall and pretending that i understand politics enough to think of solutions to complex geopolitical issues while im in the shower

One Aussie user said I'd like this because I like different soft drinks.
Is this actual beer? I only want to try it if it's soda.

Attached: bundaberg.jpg (450x450, 28.11K)

I can see the pub from here!

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No that's just soda. We call ginger soft drinks "ginger beer". It's a bit weak though, to me. Try Saxby's Ginger Beer if you can find it.

Soft drink mate. Ginger beer is like "Root Ale" or "Root Beer".
Also interesting is that all cider here is also alcohol based.

It ain't beer but it's good shit lad

Add some yeast and make it into beer.
I bought some turbo yeast in case shtf.
Going to turn everything into booze.

Why the fuck would I want to destroy the only country that isn't liquidating it's workers and economy to try and keep capitalism alive?

>No that's just soda
Sounds good to me! If it's spicy or anything I don't really want to try it though. It's 6 bucks for 4 bottles.
Very epic, I love classic Aussie
Hmm sounds like a plan. Being on lockdown is making me grow tired of drinking diet coke.

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>Anonymous (ID: Jq7Xgjtp) 03/30/20(Mon)17:55:50 No.251084475▶
>Australia will be okay, right?

Does Australians generally live in houses and low rises like Americans, or skyscrapers like New Yorkers and Canadians? If the later, you are fucked, double fucked since you are heading into your winter now.

We're pretty fucked when the Bugers and the Bugs go to war.

If we don't knock China out this fucking minute you're going to be a Chinese colony.

Houses. Only Chinks and Pajeets do the highrise thing in Sydney & Melbourne.


I don't find it spicy but it is ginger so it's going to have a little kick to it.

>South China will be okay, right?

my favorite people on Yas Forums are aussies and the ones I hate the most are Kiwis.
Emu > Kiwi

And how?

I was surprised to see so many death in Iran because I thought deserts are hot and dry, but of course they don't live in the desert, they live North of it, where it's cold and damp right now, around 15C with a lot of rain, that's the weather you are heading into right?

Italy was around 15C, though they are warming up.

SARS ended for Hong Kong at the beginning of June, Hong Kong is 25C in April and 28C in May, and the heat doesn't let up.

It's 31st of March


>no pee pee stream
Fix it then come back and try again.
Based Aussie shielas leadings the charge against virus bugs

WE ARE FUCKED. The government is handing out cash to avoid civil unrest.

Good for your digestive system.
I'm drinking Gin & Tea's atm.
Indian Tonic Water with Quinine has taken over as my daily fluids.
I reckon quinine was awesome when we Empire'd the world, probably still is.
And lime.
Another note, I drank nothing but Gin and Tonic for 6 months in SE Asia and didnt get a single mozzie bite. My ex took anti-maleria tablets that cost a fortune, got bit daily, then went nuts from the meds...
I just got pissed and stayed. :)

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Australian winter is like Spanish summer.
Cold nights, but you wont need coat.

well where is it?

It's 31st of March

I have to buy my tendies

This is only the beginning

Flu season is during the winter because the flu virus dries out and die faster in hot weather, 'mild' weather like 15C won't kill it.

Aussies will be fun after this calms down.
The pissed off Aussies. Making the Chinaman walk home.

Canadians: Most Hated.
Australians: Jewel of The Internet.

The elites plan to fly to New Zealand if shit really hits the fan so I'd say you guys are pretty safe.

>British stock
>forefathers came from British prisoners

I think so mate. Godspeed


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yeah except for (((sydney))) and (((melbourne))) because all the chinks live there

also calling it now chinks will buy shitloads more of our properties and businesses after wuflu causes property prices to fall and sends people/businesses bankrupt

The temperature does not really matter when it comes to how long they can exist in air for.
If anything, cold would make it dormant.
I think the cold factor only comes in when people develop colds, sneezes etc and the spread is more prevalent.
There is no "The Sun will kill it" answer to this.
Think of all the reservoirs in peoples homes too...
Thats the fucker about this, if it killed in 24 hours, we would have been sorted.
Ebola's lethality is what makes it able to be contained.

It's as much of a beer as root beer. Bundaberg is alright but other brands do it better.

>where is it

Bro from just 2 weeks we are facing the biggest worldwide recession since 1984. 20-30% unemployment, and we'll be under quarantine for months at this rate.

Once corona passes and workplaces start opening up again, decent working aussies are gonna stay at home and bring this fucker to a halt. No need to beg for handouts when you get layed off.

>cold would make it dormant.
A virus isn't a living thing silly.


>buy shitloads more of our properties and businesses after wuflu causes property prices to fall and sends people/businesses bankrupt

Yeah maybe that's a fucking problem?

did i say it fuckin wasn't?

Anyone got their $750 yet?

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she'll be right mate

I was given a 3 month supply of my Adderall today. They never do that.
im on a pretty high dose too.