/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2743

► Detected: 780,593 (+57,202) ► Died: 37,552 (+3,487) ► Lists: (Reset: 04:06:17)

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 203 countries and territories infected —
— 2.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,090 different strains have been sequenced —

CBC investigator calls out Canadian government

French nurse calls out French government

28 year old doctor dies in Spain, no previous conditions

WHO official pretends he can't hear Taiwan question

Lawsuits being filled against Bill of Rights violations

Coronavirus (SARS), not influenza (flu), not rhinovirus (cold)

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

14 year old in Portugal dies without previous conditions

17 year old in the US dies after being denied treatment

Nurses refused testing by CDC

According to CCP, the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

Corona wipes $5 trillion off world stocks

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves


21:50: 10 new deaths in Ontario, Canada.
21:45: 2,674 new cases and 277 new deaths in Spain.
21:40: 252 new cases and 69 new deaths in Italy.
21:36: 590 new cases and 3 new deaths in Quebec, Canada.
21:35: First 2 deaths in Saskatchewan, Canada.


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Other urls found in this thread:


COVID-19 patient zero in critical condition
>COVID-19 patient zero in critical condition

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Video of bodies about to be loaded into a truck in Brooklyn:


why the orange changed the place of the briefings?

The cure is stored in cute boys' balls

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The international links have been broken, the great supply chains are off, and the neoliberal consensus is not secure. What do YOU plan on doing about that?
From conversations with other anons, it’s clear that there are 2 factors to consider in our response.
The first are the problems in our local areas that require the most attention;
>Food production
>Elderly care
>Waste management
Basically, anything that is going to become a hardship in your local community. By addressing these problems, putting manpower and resources into them, we strengthen our communities AND our place and voice within them.
The second factor are the groups who will most likely be interested in contributing to this network. >Local religious institutions
>Local businesses
>Other political organisations
The problem is that most of the support for this would be based in leftist thinking. I understand the only practical way forward is a long march through leftist organisations, but it's not something you can do on your own.
So the best place to start would be to organise.
I know that's gonnabait a bunch of accusations, but few of us would deny we have some improvement to do; it’s easier to improve when it's a group you're letting down.
I'm not talking about setting up some Yas Forums meetup or some easily targettable fraternity LARP. All we'd have to do is join the networks listed above, and then find other anons through that and/or build up a base of support from the bottom up via speaking to other members.

We’re currently at step 1. We need to be making a list of Factor 1’s in our communities, collecting the contacts of factor 2’s, and creating a locally-specific plan of action from this information. By the time the market crashes, we should be ready to start step 2; putting this planning into effect.
Anybody else got any other ideas or comments?

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>more threads than New York deaths
Nothingburger confirmed.

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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So people mad at Texas?


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come onnnn collapse alreadyy fuuckkk.

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>252 new cases and 69 new deaths in Italy
Wait is italy doing a 2 day update now?

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Why can't normies stand physical distancing? All you have to do is stay at home and play video games. Why is it so hard for them?

Anyone know what site I can look at to see the daily cases/deaths

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Any Arizona anons here? I think this state will be one of the worst ones hit.



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I bought this like 9 years ago, it still works great

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I'm gonna attempt to fast 40 days in these sacred times. At the very least I should get to 14 days.
Already started yesterday so this will be day 2. May the sacrifice help the lord in these times to help us find the way.

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alright anons.
i was here since thread ~#50 and i was with you all the time.
but by now everyone who doesn't see the larger picture is just being a huge newfag.
check this.
mortality rates are actually DOWN over all europe.
you can see a spike in italy and spain, but it is well within the mortality rates of the average seasonal flu.
we need to stop this madness.


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If you made it into the screenshot, pat yourself on the back

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Now there is also Dengue in my town. Fucking fantastic. Can someone nuke chine already? I'm kinda losing it here.

youre crying out for right good crack in the knackers m8.

I don't like video games. The only thing that helps my major fucking depression is lifting and the gym has been closed for more than 2 weeks already.. Won't be able to go back till at least sometime in May. Can't fit barbells and racks in my house, too small. And my ceiling is too low to do things like OHP anwyay.

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>21:40: 252 new cases and 69 new deaths in Italy



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Come and get it :3

Can someone post the latest corona-chan tit growth gif? I need to coom.

I've been practicing social distancing for the better part of 5 years now.


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Does anyone else feel like we're approaching the event horizon??

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last beer about to go to sleep

is that tom holland in a wig

where is my scoooooooop

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those are great
i got the swing add on and my kid is occupied for hours

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Trump is mad

I made this

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nuke chinks

Remember to take vitamins for the immune system.

its over my child, we must embrace the happening

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Brazil has actual houses?

Spain +913 deaths today

Spain had fucking 913 deaths today wew


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jersey girls are gonna laugh at you

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He's still alive, after such a long time?
He's a fighter that's for sure, keep it up Samuel!

>work just started paying everyone an extra 50% for coming in during the lockdown

Alright I need you fuckers to drag this out as long as possible

Who is this qt?

Is our boy going to make it?

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Something felt very off today. As if something changed, but i don't know what

This is my friend's response to him having a death "flu" or some shit with an upper respiratory infection, and how he'll deal with it like a big man. Was denied testing and thought this would help. Thoughts /cvg/?

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Trump confirms that he can cause a panic

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do some squat thrusts, you roid-addled meat puppet.




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ha. I'm 251078560.
and my dad said i would never amount to shit

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Again less new cases than saturday. Why?

American army manuals.
This if you aren't missing the smell of lygma.

China covered up a deadly virus untill they couldn't anymore. Not only did they not apologize, but they demand the world to show gratitude for their efforts to contain the virus at the last minute. If this isn't bad enough, they are now saying the virus is now our problem.

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I wear a full face mask when I take the subway to work. Today a boomeress and her zoomer son screamed at me because 'masks are for medical personnel only'. The German media really has done a great job with their anti mask shilling, I'll probably end up getting lynched.

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I'm still waiting for my bunker husband to show up again

He might be dead though

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No Hapooning
Newfags played like a fiddle by kike NGOs

>I could cause panic much better than you, I could make you look like a minor league player

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>Gonna go through a global pandemic and not get a single day off work

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That's fine. I want femboys.

>913 dead in Spain
Holy shit

of course

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because this

Yesterday with 0 hours remaining:
(+58,775) (+3,104)

Today with 4 hours remaining:
(+57,202) (+3,487)

I thought it had peaked nothinburger bros?

Preggo at 1 million, offspring strain kids at 10 million


>bad air

Based and plague-pilled

all we can do is pray

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So glad this country is handling this plague pretty well.
I would be in a critical condition because of my weak immune system.

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Kek we should try to make sleeping outside to fight wuflu a thing

What were spain and Italy's numbers?

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what tiny and shrivelled part of your numbskull brain thought it would be a good idea to post THIS? stop posting no one cares mate? FUCK OFF AND JUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!1

should've prepped and got a home gym. Sorry brah. I'll do an extra set of squats for you

A million cases when?

idk but god i wish that was me and that i was with someone who also looked like that

In the thumbnail the west part looks like Coronavirus!

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Its over lads, the malaria drugs work
We had a good run
best we can hope at this point is coups in shithole countries (like mine)

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Save us Cure-chan!

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new normal

and re open borders again? fuck that

>Still hasn't killed as many as flu!!!
>China is back to work!!!
>B..But we reached the peak!!!!!
>Take meds, schizo...

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You need water with sodium chloride and potassium chloride mixed in or you're going to have debilitating headaches. Otherwise, enjoy your mind expansion user.
Source: fast regularly up to three days

what a nice looking boy

He could just open his fucking windows and maybe use a fan but whatever floats his boat. Is it not still cold in leaf land? Probably not the greatest idea if he dies from exposure.
Maybe he should try some Vitamin C, D3, and Zinc

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Probably a few days.

0/10 nigger said it was full....their was 2 in it. once again niggers proving their stupider than us

*cricket noises*

You're women are hot though.


Where did you buy it?

>Sweden stops testing "to protect other patients"
This isn't entirely true, we're testing people already admitted into hospitals, as well as people working within healthcare and elderly care.

Everyone else stays at home that has symptoms, so we're essentially trying to make sure that healthcare continues working, as well as elderly care.

Here's you (you).

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checkeado y basado

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Doctors and Nurses on the front lines
virologists and other health experts
government officials

boomers on twitter
Yas Forums posters

who are the real shizo's?

I like northern european and japanese better myself

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries were quick to act on this. Meanwhile Egypt is in chaos and their government isn't doing shit.

Weeks delay you massive faggot
>Furthermore, there is always a few weeks of delay in death registration and reporting. Hence, the EuroMOMO mortality figures for the most recent weeks must be interpreted with some caution.

Corona-Chan doing god's work

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nice graph. yours?

paint it nerf colours and say its just a toy.

I loved being a neet and staying in doors all day everyday. But as soon as my state government made it mandatory to stay indoors i have never wanted to leave and go outside more. Any other anons feeling this way?

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Este o zacusca cu nimic.

Reported. Faggot.

They are also whores, but I suppose you'd take that as a plus.

because their whole identity is about being wageslaves and social animals

>Thanks a lot

10/10 response

Yas Forums will make one /cvg/ for each person who died of this in western countries

Hard to see there desu...
My thoughts and prayers are with him

You can't just do that bro
(You)'s are not something to thrown around lightly

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>bad air
Is he still stuck in the 16th century with the miasma theory?