I will be making $5k a month because I was laid off. wtf?

this is what I don't get. how the actual fuck is this what "needs to happen"? why do they want us home so badly, and why not use the funds to up the pay of people putting themselves in "harms " way working "essential" jobs?

1200 - trump bux
2400 - (600 per week stimulus unemployment. not necessary to look for work during this time)
1600 - the normal amount unemployment would pay me in a month

$5200 a month unless I do something stupid, like get a job. hopefully golf courses are opening up and not going to be shut down like everything else

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Most people make that a month normally lol

Also that ass is so tiny

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3 rolls per day. If you have a family of 25, that's 814 rolls a week. Over 6790 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it...

I bet you that bitch is one of those "based republicans girls" who takes bbc

Based and wipepilled

Id still pound it

I don't think you get unemployment on top of unemployment.

Leaf started mutts law

Hey that's Pinecrest High School in southern pines NC, went there back in 05

Did all the girls dip

Are we getting Trump bux every month?

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No just one time payment

Just one month

But if you lost your job you would get 600+ state unemployment

Wait what? I need the sauce nigger.

You only get the trump bux once Cletus. So it's $4000 per month, still pretty good pay

Read the bill lol

600+ whatever the fuck your state pays until July

ONLY IF you are unemployed

Die you obnoxius lips flapping in the wind nigger.

Already on my 4th roll, nigga. Get on my level, pleb.

Being two essential workers two kids 3400+4900 regular pay whoooo

>600 per week stimulus unemployment. not necessary to look for work during this time
uh what?

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How is herd immunity going?

Too much ass.

Nigger detected

>5k a month
Poor ass nigga

>doesn't like small ass

Gets called a nigger


That ass is perfectly slappable. BUILT asses are only fun for a night.





Great had a couple of beers at a packed bar after work looking at normal asses and not cellulite baboon asses, chat some shit went home of to work tomorrow and then a aocial gathering. Imagine covering in fear at home wanking it to fatty mcfats instead of enjoying spring.

Stick your tongue inside of it you pansy.

>that ass is so tiny
And that's a good thing.


Only likes big simian ass
Yes. I stand by what everyone itt already understands: you’re a nigger.

You’ll love this one sambo. Pic related

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Hey, you should be content in that, they could take it away someday and for now you have the chance to have savings

My nigga

Going into bars to look at small asses and chancing china bat virus


Staying home with your gf getting $3400 and not spending any money on gas or entertainment

>being attracted to small man like asses

gay confirmed

So utterly based.

Math isn't your strength right user?

I’m proud you can admit you’re a nigger.

The bad news is you will always be a nigger.

Your ”gf” is a 350 pound mexican landwhale, prove me wrong N I G G E R

Im white

Bull I'm out here working 50 hour weeks so you can make more money than me on welfare...

: )

180 and thic get your own lol

Nobody uses three rolls per day, WTF do you work for Charmin?

Sweet Jesus I read it, I’m fucking laughin! $1800 a month unemployment and $2400 bucks from the government and a $1200 stimulus check, lol I’ll make more than I do employed. Fuck no wonder neets are freaking out, they have to share the gibs. Does your employer have to sign you up for it or something?

Jesus christ what a fatty, watch out so you don’t have to amputate a leg soon. Holy shit americans.

lovin the neet bux im gonna get here in australia. Hey glow niggers im gonna blow it all on cocaine, marijuana, meth and hormone theropy because of my crippling gender dysphoria....

only if you make

this is the situation of everyone around me, all of my fucking friends are on holiday and about to make serious dosh, (we all work in the resturant industry) but my job is still open and I am working 40 hours a week. Soooooo I'm paying for all of you lazy retards to not work? cool ty government.

can you give your trumpbux to someone else?
i already get $3500/month from the government and dont need it
i want to give it to my parents because they are struggling more than i am.

Still working but from home which makes me sleepy, plus my office chair at home sucks, makes my boney but go numb

Just busted a nut to this... hubba hubba. I think it's about due time for a nofap break

>Are these just larping porno thots or actually trump supporting normies?

What's the difference I suppose, I still want to sniff the braaaappps out if her asshole

Unironically I use ONE sheet per shitting session, and that's only for drying. Use water, you barbarians.

Time to get my gibs like all these lazy niggers and spics, finally the white man gets a handout.

>he likes flabby disgusting cellulite covered asses and proudly lets everyone know he’s a chubby chaser


this I hate being a burger mutt

wait, i applied for unemployment a week ago before the stimulus was signed and got an email and just waiting on my card. Is that 600 dollars a week or me too? And the usual unemployment?

>and this is why disease plagues the earth

You know it bud, we livin that neet life now.

So nonessentials get unemployment and 600 a month while truck drivers don't get paid any extra for continuing to risk their lives, do their jobs and keep the economy from completely collapsing?

underrated bantz

>brown eyebrows and hair for trump

Truck drivers already make pretty good cash to be fair.

Nigger I haven't worked in 3 years and I just filed a $0 tax return just to get Trumpbuxx. any NEET can just fill out a return for free, mail it in, and get 1200 dollars. Yes, this IS what needs to happen forever going forward. Gibs NOW

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enjoy your final weeks, swede. I hope Xi gets you

hahahahahaha jesus fuck, so she IS a landwhale. anything above 120 is fatty territory

Whatever faggot, I'd berry my dick