How can one man be so pure

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Trump visibly freaking out that he used the Corona press conference to preach Christianity to the entire country just now was hilarious

How is it allowed to allow the my pillow guy to preach the word of the lord to us that do not believe? This country is going to hell and may it so. DEATH TO AMERICA!

I was in Port St Joe when Hurricane Michael completely destroyed our town. He showed up and gave us all free MyPillows. The man is a fucking saint. I will beat the shit out of anyone who speaks ill of him.

Fuck off illegal sandnigger

Rumor is, Mike adds a single mustache hair to every batch of MyPillow filling.

based, would freebase crack with

I've been watching on the WH's YT channel. Is there a pic or vid of Trump during?

I mean.. he was up there yesterday talking about "Easter being a beautiful day for this to go away". I doubt he was freaked out at all.

I know it pissed off all the SJWs.

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based big bender
t. Niggerhasseean

Do we get a free mask now with each pillow?

bump for based former crack addict Mike!

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This makes sense considering they are best pillows I have used, and I’ve used them all- cotton-down-memory foam- gel toppers. Nothing else compares to the quality of my perfect pillow. Best quality ever!

>I know it pissed off all the SJWs

Holy fuck you couldnt have made it more obvious you are a corporate shill neck yourself


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Because the pillow man is a christian probably. HOW DARE YOU PRAY FOR AMERICA EVIL PILOW MAN!

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they hate being reminded theyre going to hell. its almost a hate crime to remind them theyre an evil cancer on this world.

blue checks seething

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>muh separation of church and state

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>we need thousands and thousands of beds
>pillows are non-essential

His story is very inspiring

lmao CNN can't film people calling upon Christ


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what kind of "patriot" doesn't believe in separation of church and state? trump supporters belong at the end of a rope for treason its long overdue

It says he got sober in 2009 though. Company was founded in 2004. Assumably he was doing crack while running the business? Did I not read it right or am I retarded

They love that shit until it comes to immigration law, then they start quoting the Torah.

>Implying God isn’t the most racist being in existence

build the fuckin camps

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lmao he's a private citizen representing a business that's assisting a federal cause.. right to free speech and right to go off script... the federal government didn't tell him to say anything religious

get over yourself you fucking bitch

Separation of church and state doesn’t mean separation of God and state you fucking kike

The First Amendment doesn't mean that individuals can't vocalize their religious viewpoints, you dumb shit. Pillow man can thank whatever manifestation of God he wishes, as long as Congress isn't mandating some religious test.

my papaw hates that yank with a passion


>Imagine being a white southerner and still voting democrat in 2020 like it’s the 30’s or something

>he's a private citizen
so? can you just kill someone on live tv or whip your dick out if you want? muh private citizen is not a defense when you're in public
that's literally exactly what it means

>the federal government didn't tell him to say anything religious
Even if they did, it wouldn't be a violation of the First Amendment.

"This virus happened cause in 2016 we kicked god out of schools"

-the mypillow guy, March 30th, 2020

How do you feel about noahide laws?

Up yours Satan

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I really want this guy’s career. How do I build a multi million dollar business? Was it all the crack and heroin and booze? How did he do it Yas Forumsros? And why are his pillows so soft?

killing someone isn't freedom of speech, Jesus, stop grasping for straws you Godless heathen


No it’s not, fag. God is literally in the constitution. Separation of church and state just means no preferential treatment is given to any particular denomination.

>Ex crack head
>Finds Jesus
>Makes pillows
>Pays employees well, no outsourcing to China
>Sets up massive rehab system in midwest
>Personal organizes and runs charities
>Donates tons of his money
>Tells his story, doesn't lie, promotes sobriety
>Pillow factory has to close for coronavirus
>Makes masks
>Mentions God, and leftest seeth
This man found redemption and has done more to help drug addicts and homeless than any of these blue check marks, and they hate him.

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post link faggot

Cocaine makes you confident as fuck. Then he got a miracle from God. Nothing can stop you then.


Have you ever HAD one of those pillows???
Holy shit its a good pillow!

>imagine conflating disdain for the my pillow man with supporting democrats
Might need to go take a walk and give the internet a break user

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This. I’m not particularly religious but I see this man a a force for goodness and morality in a decaying society and want him to continue what he is doing.

Lots of "dual addicts" (drugs & alcohol) will avoid one while still hanging on to the other.
Mike's commercials bug the fuck out of me, BUT he's a good man.

Because he's an example of someone being pulled up by their own belief in God and finding major success and sharing it with others, rather than people seeking assistance from the government to steal from others

Separation of church and state was to protect the church, not the state.

On one hand fucking pillows, on the other hand he’s the living avatar of fluffy pillows so I don’t know what I expected.
It’s like your child bringing home a macaroni project. You want to applaud him for trying hard and selflessly giving, but the fuck are you going to do with it?

Who woulda thunk that Trump would lower his standards and associate with a conman that sells overpriced shitty pillows? Better Business Bureau gives MyShittyPillow an F

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He says during his interview that he had the idea for the pillow, then got sober and founded the company.
Wikipedia implying he invented it when he founded the company.
A common tactic of the left, tell the partial truth so you come to a logical, but false conclusion. not him but I found this

Yes, the power of rehabilitation and grace. there's hope for everyone.

Post proof of that

I have two and they’re the best pillow I’ve ever had. The Giza dream sheets are also wonderful, and he is an ethical bussinessman.

I can not wait till this board is shill free again. Though I am beginning to doubt that day will ever come.

It was to protect the public from the country becoming a fake theocracy with a king. True believers find god through their own volition.

>so? can you just kill someone on live tv or whip your dick out if you want? muh private citizen is not a defense when you're in public

Are you ok? He's making masks to help with a pandemic. When was the last time you had a normal thought about someone with a connection to Trump?

Rest your head on it and get a good nights sleep?

Oh no no no no

He was awful tired after all that crack COCAINE

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Piilowfag is a jewish liberal shill. His board of directors are fucking libs.

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From what I recall reading he came up with the idea while high as a kite and realizing all the pillows sucked so he had to make his own, first thing he did was come up with the name mypillow which apparently his kids found him in the morning writing it over and over in a notebook, it took him some time to really turn the idea into a business though since he had to experiment with finding out how to make a good pillow so I wouldn't be surprised if the business didn't start til 2009

Fuck off. I have one and I also have a silk pillow case for it. I sleep SO well. Enjoy your shitty linens pillowcuck.

Need to buy one of his pillows! Are they good anons?

30 shekels have been deposited in your anus


They’re amazing

BBB is a bull shit private organization that operates on a "work with us for a good rating" i.e. pay us.
They wanted him to stop saying "buy one get one free" or pay our "lawyers to review pricing guides to determine that it is a fair price."
He likely told them to fuck diddly off.

BBB is just where people go to complain and get free shit. I looked up nexon game company on there which I believe has an F but found a waste management service that had a D cause all the reports of people thinking it was aforementioned game company, and reports still went through. It’s a bs organization and the only people reporting are people who have beef.

gay and fake

They’re honestly really good

He does seem like a really likable guy.
Fuck the SJWs getting mad about his christianity plug.
I'm not christian, but a lot of americans are. If their faith helps them in times of trouble then that's great. Every little bit counts.

>that's literally exactly what it means

You are a fucking dumbass piece of shit, separation of church and state means the government should not control the churches. Fucking brain dead faggot

This guy was such a bad crack addict that 3 of his crack dealers got together and had an intervention on him. Not even exaggerating

>t. butthurt pillowcuck learned the truth.

literally built for BBB

based Mike. I'm going to replace all of my pillows with his My Pillow®

Where in the constitution does it say “separation of church and state” or anything suggesting that?

Get yourself a nice pillowcase too so you can really enjoy it

The Saint of Pillows has spoken!

Same. I’m not a practicing Christian, but I believe Christian morality and politeness has made this country great, especially in the past.

You went to public school, didn’t you?

>Doubt he was freaked out
"I did not know he was going to do that but he was a friend of mine" Trump
Trump said as the guy walked away from the podium

pillows are one of my favourite things in life.
is this the live conference?

A pillow merchant just called America to return to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and preached the Gospel from the White House.

You should read the First Amendment. Actually read anything you fucking moron.