South Korea: Less than 100 deaths

>South Korea: Less than 100 deaths

>USA: 100,000 deaths is a big, beautiful, tremendous success.

Donald Trump is the worst president ever in world history.

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Be retard and abide isolation, get fucked by corona and complain that de brezident is faultY

Be retard and abide isolation, brezident orders martial law, whine muh rights by being retarded

Its a win win situation for liberals i see

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South Korea and US are hardly the same in scale, geography, and governance.

Worst Korea has 158 deaths you faggot shill.

Not to mention they probably have a much higher national IQ.

USA has 2900 deaths you faggot shill

>USA: 100,000 deaths
you shouldn't even be allowed to post about china virus until the US death total is over 10,000
man, if only zion don was controlled by russia instead of the terror sponsor state israel

Koreans are a bunch of liars

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I've seen estimates of potentially like 2 million deaths here. 100k in comparison would be fucking fantastic.

united states has 300 million more citizens

Corona-chan is super effective against fatties and diabetics, America never stood a chance

This is all because of "muh freedoms"

This virus is Gods way of punishing the godless sodomites of this country and teaching them character.

I only wish that this virus went for the young adults instead of all the seniors, most seniors tend to be alot more wise and lean conservative.

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Considering that the nicest LARP predictions have been half a million or more, 100 thousand sounds pretty fucking good what’s the problem shill

Don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

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>Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.

The total amount of deaths can be "" reduced"" by not declaring that the patient is dead because of covid19 but for a pneumonia.

I fully support corona

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demoncrats early february:
>you don't need masks
demoncrats now:
>le south korea

Is it real?

yeah what a comfy virus

>100 000 is a conservative estimate

ITS FUCKING UNIRONICALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Eat a bag of Corona infected dicks, faggot.

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ok Bloomberg

53 million vs 328 million. Fuck off.

No wall
Hitlery free
100.000 deaths
No free healthcare
Económic crisis
All mexicans 50 m living in america

>US currently has a death rate of 9 per 1,000,000 , or 0.0009%

I'm sure that's about the same as the flu if not far less no

It has nothing to do with Trump. It's just a mere fact that Americans aren't willing to disrupt their daily lives and hunker down in place until this passes over. Not to mention, the health care system here is built for profit, not for success

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>South Korea Population: ~51 million
>US population: ~350 million

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the proportions dont add up

>hides his own flag
Fuck off faggit

Also take note, Korea was assisted by the US, they totally took testing seriously and with their small amount of tourism yet western assisted infrastructure system, it was easy to churn them out on short notice.

China however has lied continuously to the US, skewing our projections. Italy's numbers look off as well.

Also there are chinks literally going around licking shit so US citizens get infected.

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>look at how great i did compared to fucking ridiculous estimates

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He shouldn't listen to scientists? Who should he listen to then specifically?

>Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.

They're going to confiscate freedoms and then you'll see just how shitty the alternative is. Hitler wasn't an authoritarian to his own people, more along the lines of federalism than libertarianism though but was good to his people.

uhhhhh guys.... what the fuck is this.........

>more than 5000 cases—60% of the nation’s total—linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a secretive, messianic megachurch

You are late

what is special about this virus?
Is it that it's super lethal, or super contagious?

Follow up question, does it make sense that you can't answer that?

Yes, a fucking moron.

Interesting that you managed to not answer my questions.
Why is that specifically?

retarded koreans didnt flock to the beach for spring break and exchange bodily fluids with each other.

you do realize this is Yas Forums and not your native reddit, right?
100,000 sounds like a good start

because you fucking said "scientists"
the tv showing you scientists in unison does not mean "scientists" are unanimous
scientists lol
what the fuck does "scientists" even mean
you fucking idiot

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>Donald Trump is the worst president ever in world history.
No fucking shit. This retard believes windmills cause cancer.

In a few decades social studies textbooks will have entire chapters devoted to examining what a complete and utter goatfuck it was to elect a President who doesn't even know not to stare directly into the sun.

We're seeing history being made here, and it's beyond fucking stupid.

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I never thought I would see the day when South Korea makes the America look like a 3rd world shithole. Maybe it times South Korea military should begin stationing in USA's ports
They are running a country like it should be run instead of all of the ineptitude caused by Donald Trump. An ego so big it takes a millenia for the sun to orbit it

why would you even care lol

>muh exponential growth memes

Trump supporters are uneducated cultist shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests


South Korea 50 million.

America 327 million

You larping fags need help

hes looking like hes on those pills again...

Have you considered that the president of the fucking United States of America knows things that most people do not know?

If you only knew how bad things are.

Question: Someone related to the Trump administration mentioned something along the lines of, "Where are the bodies" or something.
Can someone post the tweet here?

I heard korea is publicly announcing if you have corona to make sure people stay away. And they're doing the phone tracking

Based Plague Don making America dead again.




Not to mention common culture and language.

He said it himself in the press briefing that no deaths were acceptable. But you gotta be realistic. He didnt say 100k is good you mongoloid

It's a hoax bro no one is dying, 100000 people is a hoax, fake news bro, Q said so. All a Demoncrat plot. Everything is demons except Jssus and Trump and the mypillow guy, just pray bro. Jesus is real, the virus is a hoax bro.

Them there smart people and shit

Not to mention just a few years ago they had a bad outbreak of MERS so they already had the infrastructure in place to deal with a black swan respiratory disease.

The media focus on South Korea is so dishonest.

A degree in feminist theory is not an education. Neither is reading half a book by Marx.

> cultist
You own two t-shirst, one featuring Che Guevara, the other Karl Marx

> shitbagz
Nobody is smellier than antifa.

> who unironically vote against their own economic interests
Open borders are surely in the interest of the already marginalized, you complete fuckhead. Eat shit you smelly Marxist.

Trump didn't push for early testing because a reliable test didn't fucking exist. Literally in the top 3 countries to close our borders and begin the mitigation process, which everybody in the media called racist. We've progressed beyond memory holes and are now in the time a fact evaporation.

You mean the country with more ports of entry, international travel and trade has more people infected? Wow. Amazing. Impeach Drumf

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US surpasses 100000 deaths by mid May early Jun.

So high IQ that they only figured out modern civilization 30 years ago.

>social studies textbooks

Of course. They're all written and published by kikes.

I care because you do, you assume too much from the flag fag.

South Korea is STILL ruled by a feminist cult. You can't trust their numbers. Japan was massaging their numbers too, until the Olympics got pushed back