What would it take to convince you that Corona virus is something more dangerous? What sort of evidence could exist to make you think that this is more than just a flu.
To all the "It's just a flu bro" Anons
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user w corona here. Honestly it’s about the same as the flu except I can’t smell anymore
Actual doctor here
From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.
If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.
i will call it a nothingburger as long as the number of deaths is less than 5% of world population
Bruh, there is no convincing these people. If trucks full of dead bodies can't then nothing will until their close ones die.
>What sort of evidence could exist to make you think that this is more than just a flu.
Statistics that weren't clearly biased
I know how dangerous it is I just tell people not to be worried because I want everyone to die
Any sign of a real pandemic, like people getting sick and dying in masses without fudging the numbers as they do right now.
This far its perfectly in line with what youd expect from a flu. Yes, even millions dying is an absolute nothingburger once you consider the scale of modern world population. IN my country alone 100k die every month of various causes, so 7k cancer sick gezers dying in Italy over two months is nothing in every sense.
Simply claiming taht China lies is damn inefficient if there is no sign of a real pandemic anywhere in the west
So Show me the bodies.
>freezer trucks filled with dead bodies
>Just the flu, bro.
When was the last time you saw freezer trucks full of dead bodies from the flu?
America is culling the Silent Generation and sickly Boomers. This is a good thing. Since the turn of the millennia tens of millions of sickly Americans have blown all of their wealth just to survive a few more miserable months when they reach critical condition. This extreme wastefulness has never been sustainable.
you think anyone except amerisharts cares about americans? same goes for chinese and the rest, only thing i give a shit about is my hometown and it has 4 infected, so yeah its a nothingburger, it does not effect my life in the least and will not effect it, not in terms of health or my families economy.
I'm pretty sure like half of what you said is nonsensical medical terminology strung together to make you seem smart.
>t. undergraduate biology degree
When it kills more than 70 million people world wide, which were the mid-estimates of the Spanish Flu.
>If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.
punctuation, nigger
>When was the last time you saw freezer trucks full of dead bodies from the flu?
When working at a Hsopital. Even Morgues have to be emptied out regularly, imagine that!
I could go on a casual drive in a bigger city and easily collect you a truck or two of dead bodies within the hour. Panickers really undersetimate just how much dead meat gets moved ina society ecnompassing billions.
Can’t there be a third position? I hate that everything must be some kind of strange A vs B dichotomy.
Maybe it’s real AND there’s a conspiracy to shut down the economy. The stock market and housing market were both unsustainable, which means both were bubbles waiting to pop. The problem is no one can tell when; it’s really hard to predict and that makes it incredibly risky. However if you’re in the right position you can benefit from a manufactured market correction. It also helps the country in the long term.
So along comes the virus, and we’re told we have to crash this shitty economy for the sake of the people who left it in shambles in the first place. The measures are meaningless and the virus just spreads more slowly, easing us into a market correction, massive unemployment, and tumbling housing prices. When we emerge, house prices are more in tune with earnings and the stock market is stabilized.
>Bro, the fatality rate is like 1/1000th that of a regular flu season!
Then why are there freezer trucks lining the streets in front of hospitals full of dead bodies? I'd expect that our regular morgue facilities should be able to handle this if it's just the flu, bro.
I haven't seen a truck full of dead bodies.
>if I use medical terms normal people haven't learned then I can look smart
I hope this is a pasta
sometimes people mention something sloppy on this website
>freezer truck
>4 matches
vpn samefagging itt
>Then why are there freezer trucks lining the streets in front of hospitals
They probably prepped on ice cream.
I tell you what, I'll believe it's more than "just a flu" when there half as many deaths as the Spanish Flu. Say, 35 million. Fair enough?
All you doomers are massive faggots with no life, it is a fucking flu, I had it. Bad cough for 2 weeks. The repercussions of your bitch ass panic are much worse than the fucking flu itself.
Is this a new pasta?
The morgue is out of space. No, they’re no stacked on top of each other and pulled to the roof. The bodies still have to be identified for funeral services, autopsies, organ donation, and so on.
inb4 how do we know it’s bodies?
Well how do we know the bags aren’t filled with cake?
Nah, its not a conspiracy. Its just a Black Swan event, and the extreely fragile Neoliberal system is panicking from top to bottom over the slight possibility of an actual pandemic.
I think it is more likely shit tier journalism is to blame. not some massive global conspiracy.
>The repercussions of your bitch ass panic are much worse than the fucking flu itself.
I don't think even the most doomer of doomers would disagree there.
PTSD isn’t real because I went to war and I’m fine.
Prison rape isn’t real because I went to prison and was never raped, nor did I rape anyone.
The lottery is fake because I’ve never won.
A straight flush is an impossibility because I’ve never been dealt one.
You can’t save the princess because she’s in another castle.
You mother isn’t a whore because I didn’t leave any money
The virus is a lung killer. That's really the only difference between it & the common flu.
People with weak immune systems are more likely to get affected by it. If you're lucky, you'll be immune to it.
and this anons name? Albert Einstein.
7.2 billion dead.
global population reduced to the size where human life matters again.
>1 in 20 people you know die
Amed pls
flu=influenza virus
covid=corona virus
you don't have to worry though, unless you smoke, have lung problems or other serious diseases
flus are pretty dangerous
agreed but what about the semibiotic incalculations?
>What would it take to convince you that Corona virus is something more dangerous?
Killing more people per capita than the flu would be a good start.
5% to 14% of all flus are a coronavirus.
Have not seen this in over a week. Nice
tfw been smoking weed regularly for 7 years
I've not smoked for two weeks now and don't plan to smoke any fucking time soon, I just hope that after mocking people for smoking cigarettes I don't die from a lung disease myself
Since when did the flu require overflow freezer trucks to handle all the dead?
>What would it take to convince you that Corona virus is something more dangerous?
If 7 billion people just dropped dead
>my hometown and it has 4 infected
Kek, hrvatsk gonna get fucked. We had cities with 2 here that have over 500 now. I hope it kills you lol.
Actual noticeable death would be a start.
Not like the chingchong flu would make shills disappear. If anything, I bet the board had a ramp up of them instead.
The amount of bootlicking and people expressing concern for this low level bullshit is off the charts as well. Fuck right back to Goybook/Plebbit or whatever containment zone you herald from.
And you can swear that you won't get 5th, 6th etc?
So rather than take preventative action you'd rather see 70 million people die before reacting due to lack of proof? wtf is going on in the mutt education system?
except the people here are not filthy fucking gypsies like your """people"""
its been 4 cases for 2 weeks now and nothing is going to happen, watch
>So rather than take preventative action you'd rather see 70 million people die before reacting due to lack of proof?
I want to insert a Holocaust comparison here somewhere
something above the 0.01% death rate?
IT WILL BE FLU #2 by the time it spreads and everyone gets bored of being scared
Trump downplays it so the flock must too. This cult is going to be the end of us all.
Since when is the media so focused on how hospitals get rid of their corpses? Do you honestly think hospitals don't struggle on how to get rid of people dying a lot from time to time? They have problems with dead in their morgues all the time.
>and nothing is going to happen, watch
famous last words
Nice concern trolling
Are you illiterate?
I’m already bored of being scared
its not like measures are not taken, jobs that are not needed are closed, stores work shorter people are staying at home, thats why i claim its a nothing burger and it will stay that way, only retards panic
coronavirus and influenza share many symptoms, but theyre different. Flu is caused by the influenza virus
I had been a regular cigarette and occasional weed smoker for about 8 years. Haven't smoked cigarettes in a year, and weed for about 4. I don't know if weed is worse, compared to tobacco considering the chemicals and carcinogens. But, my stamina and general health did improve after I stopped smoking cigs and I like to think my lungs have healed and I'd pull through if I got infected, considering it's kill range is only 70+ people.
You have a woman as president, since that's the only thing worthwhile from your Yugoslavian's shadow irrelevant country, just the women. Once shit gets serious that vagina you elected will be the next based genocider of you fags.
I have no idea what the fuck you just said.
>Prison rape isn’t real because I went to prison and was never raped, nor did I rape anyone.
I work as a CO at a prison.
Nobody has been raped at any facility. Every guy that bottomed in there wanted it. Would usually sag their pants. It's like an open air grindr app in there, which is why it surprised me that Jussie Smollett tried to not go to jail. It's free boy pussy in there.
Where’s FEMA when you need them?
>since that's the only thing worthwhile from your Yugoslavian's shadow irrelevant country, just the women.
And Serious Sam.