Maryland State General /msg/

Larry Hogan has issued a stay inside order for everyone after 8pm today.
Large swathes or cops refuse to enforce his unconstitutional orders, therefore he is turning to his brown clowns to ensure his unconstitutional orders are followed. However, there aren’t enough of these faggot boot lickers to enforce his tyranny.
This thread will be used as a general update to the Maryland situation, Baltimore, Annapolis, Frederick City, and other important points. Stay safe out there Anons.
If anyone is a sovereign citizen or knows anything about what’s going on, don’t hide that information. We need everything we can get in this awful times

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First for fuck The Peoples Republic of Montgomery County

RIP Montgomery. What’s going on there?

Are the cops oath breakers or are they actually following their constitutional duty?

It was more of a general statement rather than towards anything specific to the flu outbreak. That said, Montgomery county is full of chinks and has the worst flu rates in the state.

Dude that blows. My bet was going to be either Annapolis or Ellicott City (not sure which county that’s in). The Eastern shore and Western Maryland are hardcore right wing and tried to leave the state after the Maryland gun ban. Hopefully they are fine. Actually, I wonder if Baltimore will start arresting all the Junkies or it’ll just be business as usual and the laws don’t get enforced there (not that they do anyway)

>My bet was going to be either Annapolis or Ellicott City
Neither of those are Montgomery County. Annapolis is in Anne Arundel and Ellicott City is in Howard County, which is pretty quickly becoming Montgomery County 2.0 and they also have a lot of cases.
>The Eastern shore and Western Maryland are hardcore right wing and tried to leave the state after the Maryland gun ban.
There was alot of noise about it but I seriously doubt anything is gonna come of it.
>Actually, I wonder if Baltimore will start arresting all the Junkies or it’ll just be business as usual and the laws don’t get enforced there
Definitely the latter.

>I doubt anything will come of it
We can only hope. Western Maryland’s Sheriff refuses to enforce the gun laws (then again the only people who enforce it anyway are brown clowns).
>Definitely the latter
Actually we could write to Hogan to try to divert his attention (he’s not very bright. He actually thinks Republicans and Democrats like him)

>tfw moved out of of PG County 2 years ago for the best state in the union
I feel bad for you Marylandfags. Fuhrer Hogan is a disgrace.

>Large swathes or cops refuse to enforce his unconstitutional orders,
Source on that?

Larry Hogan is our Viktor Orban.

Hail Larry.

The actual order for you dimwits.

It's just an amendment to prior orders.

Nothing really changed with his stay at home order. You can still go outside and exercise/talk a walk/ etc.

>you are violading my rights as amerigan by not ledding me spread coronavirus. firsd they mage us stay inside then they take guns. you will pay for this with blood tyrants 1776. the tree of liberdy must be refreshed with blood of old people and asthmatics. this is the brice of freedom

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well dont use this link, it has a normiebook id

Only 1 case in my county so far. Maybe we can blockade the Bay Bridge to keep the urbanites out of my comfy rural Eastern Shore town.

Sod off ya dingo fucking seppo

He really is. He campaigned about making bridge tolls cheaper or whatever, however he cut spring and winter break for public schools so that they would be less likely to go skiing in PA and more likely to waste their time in OC. It was just a jump to increase the states budget and line his pockets without being obvious. He’s really just a democrat who ran as a Republican
He thinks he is saving Maryland when he’s just strangling it to death. Same with when he refused to do tax reform, same when he welcomed illegals. He has done nothing to benefit this state and claims to be this great leader. He’s actually just another O’Malley

Saw tons of people cramming to the grocery stores this afternoon. Idiotic. Traffic picked the fuck up even on 70 and 95 where it has been really fucking nice as of late.

Family and friends who are law enforcement. You’ve got entire squads who won’t enforce it. Sadly there aren’t statistics but I can tell you it’s happening

Has anyone got word how the unemployment extension works in Maryland could not get ahold of anyone today and my benifits just ended

Not like anything will change tho. This state is pozzed to fuck and back. I’d love to see a red Maryland before I die tho.

95 has been the auto bahn the last two weeks

Good to know. I’m assuming brown clowns are state troopers?

Spread the word patriots.

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So he's going to attempt to declare martial law I imagine if the police won't enforce this order? Seems farfetched.

Even if they didnt have the stay at home order where would you go? all the fun places are closed.

It's fucking glorious user. My usual 2 hour commute in the morning has been cut down by 40-50 minutes. This is a golden-era and I hope telecommuting continues after this shit is over.

Hogan aside, this is just a stupid idea. End of the day this is a Chinese bioweapon. I’d rather wait it out in doors and live to help strike back at the chinks.

Cringe bro, I hope your town gets overrun with refugees from Salisbury

Why after 8? Does the virus only come out at night?

Kikes have ruined the county with their immigration plots. When I was a kid, we were the wealthiest county in the nation, now we have fallen to like 10th. Today, Loudoun in VA is #1 and Fairfax is #2. Fairfax is going down fast due to the mass immigration, and then Loudoun will be next.

lmao enjoy getting shot by the state. your dump of a country is long lost - this chink virus just highlighted it.

Fuck MoCo but I love hot jewish chicks

MD and VA being the sleeper states for DC, get a lot of dirty lobbyist money flow and it generally corrupts all political bodies in these areas. Nothing will change until its all broken down and rebuilt.

This order came out today you idiot
You can’t unless it’s for your own “well being” as decided by an oath breaker, the same guys who tell us the 2nd amendment doesn’t cover AK47s and have legislative powers (this is a thing)

>curfews are unconstitutional

So pol is sovereign citizens now

You wouldn't understand. Your just a European.

>Why after 8? Does the virus only come out at night?

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>If anyone is a sovereign citizen

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where do you think new zealand is lol

Dude go for a drive at night, it’s unbelievable how no one is there

NZ implemented the same measures last week and now our number of confirmed cases has been dropping for 3 days in a row. Meanwhile in America...
> Trump says keeping US Covid-19 deaths to 100,000 would be a ‘very good job
Mutts are so preoccupied with whether or not they have they freedums to, they don’t stop to ask whether they should

Shit, there's too many of those here as it is

>If anyone is a sovereign citizen or knows anything about what’s going on, don’t hide that information. We need everything we can get in this awful times
Article 4 free inhabitant user here- ask away

Not as of yet user. You should apply federally if that’s possible
Hopefully one day it will. Sadly everyone from Baltimore is moving to AA and if I remember Frederick is blue. Once you control those areas you control the state


That’s right. Local cops should be fine but watch out for state troopers. Not all are bad but they’re not known for being constitutionalists either

The stay-at-home order

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>mutts notice this obvious joke but not the guy who thought I was Australian

Meh. Only reason me or the missus would go out are for groceries or doctor visits or the pharmacy anyway. Got a doc apt in Virginia in May, but medical shit is considered permitted too. Should be fine overall.

With this oath breaker I wouldn’t be shocked. Commiefornia and NY are at it, so I wouldn’t be shocked if he followed. Order ammo if possible and establish networks and get a buyout plan going
That’s not the point. I’m being illegally placed under a better version house arrest, which is a violation of due process

Dude that sucks. I hope everything will return back to its former glory and you’ll get your once prosperous county back
>Why after 8.
Because that’s when it takes effect. It’s not a curfew it’s a straight up ban

>That’s not the point. I’m being illegally placed under a better version house arrest, which is a violation of due process

But you are actually allowed to leave. Read the order, you can go outside and do shit, just not in a big group.

Agreed. They’ve spread their left wing bullcrap all amongst these areas. There was a time not to long ago when VA and MD were based. Now PA is more southern than VA

>SuRrEnDeR tO tHe StAtE user! CoRrUpT pOlItIcIaNs WiLl PrOtEcT yOu!
Imagine being so autistic you thought this was to protect you from the Wu Flu and the numbers aren’t faked in that waste of space island

>We don't order anybody in America. They can only be kindly asked and then choose to comply if they feel like it.

Tell us about this user (I’m not getting to much on google)

Screw whoever pulls you over. They don’t have reasonable clause. Fight with them and if they try to arrest you then you show the appointment

Sorry I didn’t realise you were retarded

See I can’t go outside to do whatever I want. It’s decided by the person arresting you, oath breakers

Damn right. That’s the constitution on individual liberties in a nutshell.
Only tyrants and boot lickers sat otherwise

>outdoor exercise activities, including walking
that literally covers everything